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class DockerJupyterServer(JupyterConnectable)


def __init__(*,
custom_image_name: Optional[str] = None,
container_name: Optional[str] = None,
auto_remove: bool = True,
stop_container: bool = True,
docker_env: Dict[str, str] = {},
token: Union[str, GenerateToken] = GenerateToken(),
**docker_kwargs: Any)

Start a Jupyter kernel gateway server in a Docker container.


  • custom_image_name Optional[str], optional - Custom image to use. If this is None, then the bundled image will be built and used. The default image is based on and extended to include jupyter_kernel_gateway
  • container_name Optional[str], optional - Name of the container to start. A name will be generated if None.
  • auto_remove bool, optional - If true the Docker container will be deleted when it is stopped.
  • stop_container bool, optional - If true the container will be stopped, either by program exit or using the context manager
  • docker_env Dict[str, str], optional - Extra environment variables to pass to the running Docker container.
  • token Union[str, GenerateToken], optional - Token to use for authentication. If GenerateToken is used, a random token will be generated. Empty string will be unauthenticated.
  • docker_kwargs Any - Additional keyword arguments to pass to the docker container.