Source code for autogen_ext.models.openai._openai_client

import asyncio
import inspect
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import warnings
from asyncio import Task
from typing import (

import tiktoken
from autogen_core import (
from autogen_core.logging import LLMCallEvent
from autogen_core.models import (
    ModelCapabilities,  # type: ignore
from import Tool, ToolSchema
from openai import NOT_GIVEN, AsyncAzureOpenAI, AsyncOpenAI
from import (
from import Choice
from import Choice as ChunkChoice
from openai.types.shared_params import FunctionDefinition, FunctionParameters
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import Self, Unpack

from .._utils.normalize_stop_reason import normalize_stop_reason
from .._utils.parse_r1_content import parse_r1_content
from . import _model_info
from .config import (

logger = logging.getLogger(EVENT_LOGGER_NAME)
trace_logger = logging.getLogger(TRACE_LOGGER_NAME)

openai_init_kwargs = set(inspect.getfullargspec(AsyncOpenAI.__init__).kwonlyargs)
aopenai_init_kwargs = set(inspect.getfullargspec(AsyncAzureOpenAI.__init__).kwonlyargs)

create_kwargs = set(completion_create_params.CompletionCreateParamsBase.__annotations__.keys()) | set(
    ("timeout", "stream")
# Only single choice allowed
disallowed_create_args = set(["stream", "messages", "function_call", "functions", "n"])
required_create_args: Set[str] = set(["model"])

def _azure_openai_client_from_config(config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> AsyncAzureOpenAI:
    # Take a copy
    copied_config = dict(config).copy()
    # Shave down the config to just the AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient kwargs
    azure_config = {k: v for k, v in copied_config.items() if k in aopenai_init_kwargs}
    return AsyncAzureOpenAI(**azure_config)

def _openai_client_from_config(config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> AsyncOpenAI:
    # Shave down the config to just the OpenAI kwargs
    openai_config = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if k in openai_init_kwargs}
    return AsyncOpenAI(**openai_config)

def _create_args_from_config(config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    create_args = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if k in create_kwargs}
    create_args_keys = set(create_args.keys())
    if not required_create_args.issubset(create_args_keys):
        raise ValueError(f"Required create args are missing: {required_create_args - create_args_keys}")
    if disallowed_create_args.intersection(create_args_keys):
        raise ValueError(f"Disallowed create args are present: {disallowed_create_args.intersection(create_args_keys)}")
    return create_args

# TODO check types
# oai_system_message_schema = type2schema(ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam)
# oai_user_message_schema = type2schema(ChatCompletionUserMessageParam)
# oai_assistant_message_schema = type2schema(ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam)
# oai_tool_message_schema = type2schema(ChatCompletionToolMessageParam)

def type_to_role(message: LLMMessage) -> ChatCompletionRole:
    if isinstance(message, SystemMessage):
        return "system"
    elif isinstance(message, UserMessage):
        return "user"
    elif isinstance(message, AssistantMessage):
        return "assistant"
        return "tool"

def user_message_to_oai(message: UserMessage, prepend_name: bool = False) -> ChatCompletionUserMessageParam:
    if isinstance(message.content, str):
        return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(
            content=(f"{message.source} said:\n" if prepend_name else "") + message.content,
        parts: List[ChatCompletionContentPartParam] = []
        for part in message.content:
            if isinstance(part, str):
                if prepend_name:
                    # Append the name to the first text part
                    oai_part = ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam(
                        text=f"{message.source} said:\n" + part,
                    prepend_name = False
                    oai_part = ChatCompletionContentPartTextParam(
            elif isinstance(part, Image):
                # TODO: support url based images
                # TODO: support specifying details
                parts.append(cast(ChatCompletionContentPartImageParam, part.to_openai_format()))
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown content type: {part}")
        return ChatCompletionUserMessageParam(

def system_message_to_oai(message: SystemMessage) -> ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam:
    return ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam(

def func_call_to_oai(message: FunctionCall) -> ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam:
    return ChatCompletionMessageToolCallParam(,
            "arguments": message.arguments,

def tool_message_to_oai(
    message: FunctionExecutionResultMessage,
) -> Sequence[ChatCompletionToolMessageParam]:
    return [
        ChatCompletionToolMessageParam(content=x.content, role="tool", tool_call_id=x.call_id) for x in message.content

def assistant_message_to_oai(
    message: AssistantMessage,
) -> ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam:
    if isinstance(message.content, list):
        if message.thought is not None:
            return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(
                tool_calls=[func_call_to_oai(x) for x in message.content],
            return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(
                tool_calls=[func_call_to_oai(x) for x in message.content],
        return ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam(

def to_oai_type(message: LLMMessage, prepend_name: bool = False) -> Sequence[ChatCompletionMessageParam]:
    if isinstance(message, SystemMessage):
        return [system_message_to_oai(message)]
    elif isinstance(message, UserMessage):
        return [user_message_to_oai(message, prepend_name)]
    elif isinstance(message, AssistantMessage):
        return [assistant_message_to_oai(message)]
        return tool_message_to_oai(message)

def calculate_vision_tokens(image: Image, detail: str = "auto") -> int:
    MAX_LONG_EDGE = 2048
    MAX_SHORT_EDGE = 768
    TILE_SIZE = 512

    if detail == "low":
        return BASE_TOKEN_COUNT

    width, height = image.image.size

    # Scale down to fit within a MAX_LONG_EDGE x MAX_LONG_EDGE square if necessary

    if width > MAX_LONG_EDGE or height > MAX_LONG_EDGE:
        aspect_ratio = width / height
        if aspect_ratio > 1:
            # Width is greater than height
            width = MAX_LONG_EDGE
            height = int(MAX_LONG_EDGE / aspect_ratio)
            # Height is greater than or equal to width
            height = MAX_LONG_EDGE
            width = int(MAX_LONG_EDGE * aspect_ratio)

    # Resize such that the shortest side is MAX_SHORT_EDGE if both dimensions exceed MAX_SHORT_EDGE
    aspect_ratio = width / height
    if width > MAX_SHORT_EDGE and height > MAX_SHORT_EDGE:
        if aspect_ratio > 1:
            # Width is greater than height
            height = MAX_SHORT_EDGE
            width = int(MAX_SHORT_EDGE * aspect_ratio)
            # Height is greater than or equal to width
            width = MAX_SHORT_EDGE
            height = int(MAX_SHORT_EDGE / aspect_ratio)

    # Calculate the number of tiles based on TILE_SIZE

    tiles_width = math.ceil(width / TILE_SIZE)
    tiles_height = math.ceil(height / TILE_SIZE)
    total_tiles = tiles_width * tiles_height
    # Calculate the total tokens based on the number of tiles and the base token count

    total_tokens = BASE_TOKEN_COUNT + TOKENS_PER_TILE * total_tiles

    return total_tokens

def _add_usage(usage1: RequestUsage, usage2: RequestUsage) -> RequestUsage:
    return RequestUsage(
        prompt_tokens=usage1.prompt_tokens + usage2.prompt_tokens,
        completion_tokens=usage1.completion_tokens + usage2.completion_tokens,

def convert_tools(
    tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema],
) -> List[ChatCompletionToolParam]:
    result: List[ChatCompletionToolParam] = []
    for tool in tools:
        if isinstance(tool, Tool):
            tool_schema = tool.schema
            assert isinstance(tool, dict)
            tool_schema = tool

                    description=(tool_schema["description"] if "description" in tool_schema else ""),
                        cast(FunctionParameters, tool_schema["parameters"]) if "parameters" in tool_schema else {}
                    strict=(tool_schema["strict"] if "strict" in tool_schema else False),
    # Check if all tools have valid names.
    for tool_param in result:
    return result

def normalize_name(name: str) -> str:
    LLMs sometimes ask functions while ignoring their own format requirements, this function should be used to replace invalid characters with "_".

    Prefer _assert_valid_name for validating user configuration or input
    return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", "_", name)[:64]

def assert_valid_name(name: str) -> str:
    Ensure that configured names are valid, raises ValueError if not.

    For munging LLM responses use _normalize_name to ensure LLM specified names don't break the API.
    if not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$", name):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid name: {name}. Only letters, numbers, '_' and '-' are allowed.")
    if len(name) > 64:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid name: {name}. Name must be less than 64 characters.")
    return name

[docs] class BaseOpenAIChatCompletionClient(ChatCompletionClient): def __init__( self, client: Union[AsyncOpenAI, AsyncAzureOpenAI], *, create_args: Dict[str, Any], model_capabilities: Optional[ModelCapabilities] = None, # type: ignore model_info: Optional[ModelInfo] = None, add_name_prefixes: bool = False, ): self._client = client self._add_name_prefixes = add_name_prefixes if model_capabilities is None and model_info is None: try: self._model_info = _model_info.get_info(create_args["model"]) except KeyError as err: raise ValueError("model_info is required when model name is not a valid OpenAI model") from err elif model_capabilities is not None and model_info is not None: raise ValueError("model_capabilities and model_info are mutually exclusive") elif model_capabilities is not None and model_info is None: warnings.warn("model_capabilities is deprecated, use model_info instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) info = cast(ModelInfo, model_capabilities) info["family"] = ModelFamily.UNKNOWN self._model_info = info elif model_capabilities is None and model_info is not None: self._model_info = model_info # Validate model_info, check if all required fields are present validate_model_info(self._model_info) self._resolved_model: Optional[str] = None if "model" in create_args: self._resolved_model = _model_info.resolve_model(create_args["model"]) if ( not self._model_info["json_output"] and "response_format" in create_args and ( isinstance(create_args["response_format"], dict) and create_args["response_format"]["type"] == "json_object" ) ): raise ValueError("Model does not support JSON output.") self._create_args = create_args self._total_usage = RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0) self._actual_usage = RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0)
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_config(cls, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> ChatCompletionClient: return OpenAIChatCompletionClient(**config)
[docs] async def create( self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = [], json_output: Optional[bool] = None, extra_create_args: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, ) -> CreateResult: # Make sure all extra_create_args are valid extra_create_args_keys = set(extra_create_args.keys()) if not create_kwargs.issuperset(extra_create_args_keys): raise ValueError(f"Extra create args are invalid: {extra_create_args_keys - create_kwargs}") # Copy the create args and overwrite anything in extra_create_args create_args = self._create_args.copy() create_args.update(extra_create_args) # Declare use_beta_client use_beta_client: bool = False response_format_value: Optional[Type[BaseModel]] = None if "response_format" in create_args: value = create_args["response_format"] # If value is a Pydantic model class, use the beta client if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, BaseModel): response_format_value = value use_beta_client = True else: # response_format_value is not a Pydantic model class use_beta_client = False response_format_value = None # Remove 'response_format' from create_args to prevent passing it twice create_args_no_response_format = {k: v for k, v in create_args.items() if k != "response_format"} # TODO: allow custom handling. # For now we raise an error if images are present and vision is not supported if self.model_info["vision"] is False: for message in messages: if isinstance(message, UserMessage): if isinstance(message.content, list) and any(isinstance(x, Image) for x in message.content): raise ValueError("Model does not support vision and image was provided") if json_output is not None: if self.model_info["json_output"] is False and json_output is True: raise ValueError("Model does not support JSON output.") if json_output is True: create_args["response_format"] = {"type": "json_object"} else: create_args["response_format"] = {"type": "text"} if self.model_info["json_output"] is False and json_output is True: raise ValueError("Model does not support JSON output.") oai_messages_nested = [to_oai_type(m, prepend_name=self._add_name_prefixes) for m in messages] oai_messages = [item for sublist in oai_messages_nested for item in sublist] if self.model_info["function_calling"] is False and len(tools) > 0: raise ValueError("Model does not support function calling") future: Union[Task[ParsedChatCompletion[BaseModel]], Task[ChatCompletion]] if len(tools) > 0: converted_tools = convert_tools(tools) if use_beta_client: # Pass response_format_value if it's not None if response_format_value is not None: future = asyncio.ensure_future( messages=oai_messages, tools=converted_tools, response_format=response_format_value, **create_args_no_response_format, ) ) else: future = asyncio.ensure_future( messages=oai_messages, tools=converted_tools, **create_args_no_response_format, ) ) else: future = asyncio.ensure_future( messages=oai_messages, stream=False, tools=converted_tools, **create_args, ) ) else: if use_beta_client: if response_format_value is not None: future = asyncio.ensure_future( messages=oai_messages, response_format=response_format_value, **create_args_no_response_format, ) ) else: future = asyncio.ensure_future( messages=oai_messages, **create_args_no_response_format, ) ) else: future = asyncio.ensure_future( messages=oai_messages, stream=False, **create_args, ) ) if cancellation_token is not None: cancellation_token.link_future(future) result: Union[ParsedChatCompletion[BaseModel], ChatCompletion] = await future if use_beta_client: result = cast(ParsedChatCompletion[Any], result) usage = RequestUsage( # TODO backup token counting prompt_tokens=result.usage.prompt_tokens if result.usage is not None else 0, completion_tokens=(result.usage.completion_tokens if result.usage is not None else 0), ) # If we are running in the context of a handler we can get the agent_id try: agent_id = MessageHandlerContext.agent_id() except RuntimeError: agent_id = None LLMCallEvent( messages=cast(Dict[str, Any], oai_messages), response=result.model_dump(), prompt_tokens=usage.prompt_tokens, completion_tokens=usage.completion_tokens, agent_id=agent_id, ) ) if self._resolved_model is not None: if self._resolved_model != result.model: warnings.warn( f"Resolved model mismatch: {self._resolved_model} != {result.model}. " "Model mapping in autogen_ext.models.openai may be incorrect. " f"Set the model to {result.model} to enhance token/cost estimation and suppress this warning.", stacklevel=2, ) # Limited to a single choice currently. choice: Union[ParsedChoice[Any], ParsedChoice[BaseModel], Choice] = result.choices[0] # Detect whether it is a function call or not. # We don't rely on choice.finish_reason as it is not always accurate, depending on the API used. content: Union[str, List[FunctionCall]] thought: str | None = None if choice.message.function_call is not None: raise ValueError("function_call is deprecated and is not supported by this model client.") elif choice.message.tool_calls is not None and len(choice.message.tool_calls) > 0: if choice.finish_reason != "tool_calls": warnings.warn( f"Finish reason mismatch: {choice.finish_reason} != tool_calls " "when tool_calls are present. Finish reason may not be accurate. " "This may be due to the API used that is not returning the correct finish reason.", stacklevel=2, ) if choice.message.content is not None and choice.message.content != "": # Put the content in the thought field. thought = choice.message.content # NOTE: If OAI response type changes, this will need to be updated content = [] for tool_call in choice.message.tool_calls: if not isinstance(tool_call.function.arguments, str): warnings.warn( f"Tool call function arguments field is not a string: {tool_call.function.arguments}." "This is unexpected and may due to the API used not returning the correct type. " "Attempting to convert it to string.", stacklevel=2, ) if isinstance(tool_call.function.arguments, dict): tool_call.function.arguments = json.dumps(tool_call.function.arguments) content.append( FunctionCall(, arguments=tool_call.function.arguments, name=normalize_name(, ) ) finish_reason = "tool_calls" else: finish_reason = choice.finish_reason content = choice.message.content or "" logprobs: Optional[List[ChatCompletionTokenLogprob]] = None if choice.logprobs and choice.logprobs.content: logprobs = [ ChatCompletionTokenLogprob( token=x.token, logprob=x.logprob, top_logprobs=[TopLogprob(logprob=y.logprob, bytes=y.bytes) for y in x.top_logprobs], bytes=x.bytes, ) for x in choice.logprobs.content ] if isinstance(content, str) and self._model_info["family"] == ModelFamily.R1: thought, content = parse_r1_content(content) response = CreateResult( finish_reason=normalize_stop_reason(finish_reason), content=content, usage=usage, cached=False, logprobs=logprobs, thought=thought, ) self._total_usage = _add_usage(self._total_usage, usage) self._actual_usage = _add_usage(self._actual_usage, usage) # TODO - why is this cast needed? return response
[docs] async def create_stream( self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = [], json_output: Optional[bool] = None, extra_create_args: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, max_consecutive_empty_chunk_tolerance: int = 0, ) -> AsyncGenerator[Union[str, CreateResult], None]: """ Creates an AsyncGenerator that will yield a stream of chat completions based on the provided messages and tools. Args: messages (Sequence[LLMMessage]): A sequence of messages to be processed. tools (Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema], optional): A sequence of tools to be used in the completion. Defaults to `[]`. json_output (Optional[bool], optional): If True, the output will be in JSON format. Defaults to None. extra_create_args (Mapping[str, Any], optional): Additional arguments for the creation process. Default to `{}`. cancellation_token (Optional[CancellationToken], optional): A token to cancel the operation. Defaults to None. max_consecutive_empty_chunk_tolerance (int): [Deprecated] The maximum number of consecutive empty chunks to tolerate before raising a ValueError. This seems to only be needed to set when using `AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient`. Defaults to 0. This parameter is deprecated, empty chunks will be skipped. Yields: AsyncGenerator[Union[str, CreateResult], None]: A generator yielding the completion results as they are produced. In streaming, the default behaviour is not return token usage counts. See: [OpenAI API reference for possible args]( However `extra_create_args={"stream_options": {"include_usage": True}}` will (if supported by the accessed API) return a final chunk with usage set to a RequestUsage object having prompt and completion token counts, all preceding chunks will have usage as None. See: [stream_options]( Other examples of OPENAI supported arguments that can be included in `extra_create_args`: - `temperature` (float): Controls the randomness of the output. Higher values (e.g., 0.8) make the output more random, while lower values (e.g., 0.2) make it more focused and deterministic. - `max_tokens` (int): The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. - `top_p` (float): An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. - `frequency_penalty` (float): A value between -2.0 and 2.0 that penalizes new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the likelihood of repeated phrases. - `presence_penalty` (float): A value between -2.0 and 2.0 that penalizes new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, encouraging the model to talk about new topics. """ # Make sure all extra_create_args are valid extra_create_args_keys = set(extra_create_args.keys()) if not create_kwargs.issuperset(extra_create_args_keys): raise ValueError(f"Extra create args are invalid: {extra_create_args_keys - create_kwargs}") # Copy the create args and overwrite anything in extra_create_args create_args = self._create_args.copy() create_args.update(extra_create_args) # Declare use_beta_client use_beta_client: bool = False response_format_value: Optional[Type[BaseModel]] = None if "response_format" in create_args: value = create_args["response_format"] # If value is a Pydantic model class, use the beta client if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, BaseModel): response_format_value = value use_beta_client = True else: # response_format_value is not a Pydantic model class use_beta_client = False response_format_value = None # Remove 'response_format' from create_args to prevent passing it twice create_args_no_response_format = {k: v for k, v in create_args.items() if k != "response_format"} # TODO: allow custom handling. # For now we raise an error if images are present and vision is not supported if self.model_info["vision"] is False: for message in messages: if isinstance(message, UserMessage): if isinstance(message.content, list) and any(isinstance(x, Image) for x in message.content): raise ValueError("Model does not support vision and image was provided") if json_output is not None: if self.model_info["json_output"] is False and json_output is True: raise ValueError("Model does not support JSON output") if json_output is True: create_args["response_format"] = {"type": "json_object"} else: create_args["response_format"] = {"type": "text"} oai_messages_nested = [to_oai_type(m, prepend_name=self._add_name_prefixes) for m in messages] oai_messages = [item for sublist in oai_messages_nested for item in sublist] if self.model_info["function_calling"] is False and len(tools) > 0: raise ValueError("Model does not support function calling") if max_consecutive_empty_chunk_tolerance != 0: warnings.warn( "The 'max_consecutive_empty_chunk_tolerance' parameter is deprecated and will be removed in the future releases. All of empty chunks will be skipped with a warning.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) tool_params = convert_tools(tools) # Get the async generator of chunks. if use_beta_client: chunks = self._create_stream_chunks_beta_client( tool_params=tool_params, oai_messages=oai_messages, response_format=response_format_value, create_args_no_response_format=create_args_no_response_format, cancellation_token=cancellation_token, ) else: chunks = self._create_stream_chunks( tool_params=tool_params, oai_messages=oai_messages, create_args=create_args, cancellation_token=cancellation_token, ) # Prepare data to process streaming chunks. choice: Union[ParsedChoice[Any], ParsedChoice[BaseModel], ChunkChoice] = cast(ChunkChoice, None) chunk = None stop_reason = None maybe_model = None content_deltas: List[str] = [] full_tool_calls: Dict[int, FunctionCall] = {} completion_tokens = 0 logprobs: Optional[List[ChatCompletionTokenLogprob]] = None empty_chunk_warning_has_been_issued: bool = False empty_chunk_warning_threshold: int = 10 empty_chunk_count = 0 # Process the stream of chunks. async for chunk in chunks: # Empty chunks has been observed when the endpoint is under heavy load. # if len(chunk.choices) == 0: empty_chunk_count += 1 if not empty_chunk_warning_has_been_issued and empty_chunk_count >= empty_chunk_warning_threshold: empty_chunk_warning_has_been_issued = True warnings.warn( f"Received more than {empty_chunk_warning_threshold} consecutive empty chunks. Empty chunks are being ignored.", stacklevel=2, ) continue else: empty_chunk_count = 0 # to process usage chunk in streaming situations # add stream_options={"include_usage": True} in the initialization of OpenAIChatCompletionClient(...) # However the different api's # OPENAI api usage chunk produces no choices so need to check if there is a choice # liteLLM api usage chunk does produce choices choice = ( chunk.choices[0] if len(chunk.choices) > 0 else choice if chunk.usage is not None and stop_reason is not None else cast(ChunkChoice, None) ) # for liteLLM chunk usage, do the following hack keeping the pervious chunk.stop_reason (if set). # set the stop_reason for the usage chunk to the prior stop_reason stop_reason = choice.finish_reason if chunk.usage is None and stop_reason is None else stop_reason maybe_model = chunk.model # First try get content if content_deltas.append( if len( > 0: yield # NOTE: for OpenAI, tool_calls and content are mutually exclusive it seems, so we can skip the rest of the loop. # However, this may not be the case for other APIs -- we should expect this may need to be updated. continue # Otherwise, get tool calls if is not None: for tool_call_chunk in idx = tool_call_chunk.index if idx not in full_tool_calls: # We ignore the type hint here because we want to fill in type when the delta provides it full_tool_calls[idx] = FunctionCall(id="", arguments="", name="") if is not None: full_tool_calls[idx].id += if tool_call_chunk.function is not None: if is not None: full_tool_calls[idx].name += if tool_call_chunk.function.arguments is not None: full_tool_calls[idx].arguments += tool_call_chunk.function.arguments if choice.logprobs and choice.logprobs.content: logprobs = [ ChatCompletionTokenLogprob( token=x.token, logprob=x.logprob, top_logprobs=[TopLogprob(logprob=y.logprob, bytes=y.bytes) for y in x.top_logprobs], bytes=x.bytes, ) for x in choice.logprobs.content ] # Finalize the CreateResult. # TODO: can we remove this? if stop_reason == "function_call": raise ValueError("Function calls are not supported in this context") # We need to get the model from the last chunk, if available. model = maybe_model or create_args["model"] model = model.replace("gpt-35", "gpt-3.5") # hack for Azure API # Because the usage chunk is not guaranteed to be the last chunk, we need to check if it is available. if chunk and chunk.usage: prompt_tokens = chunk.usage.prompt_tokens completion_tokens = chunk.usage.completion_tokens else: prompt_tokens = 0 completion_tokens = 0 usage = RequestUsage( prompt_tokens=prompt_tokens, completion_tokens=completion_tokens, ) # Detect whether it is a function call or just text. content: Union[str, List[FunctionCall]] thought: str | None = None if full_tool_calls: # This is a tool call. content = list(full_tool_calls.values()) if len(content_deltas) > 1: # Put additional text content in the thought field. thought = "".join(content_deltas) elif len(content_deltas) > 0: # This is a text-only content. content = "".join(content_deltas) else: warnings.warn("No text content or tool calls are available. Model returned empty result.", stacklevel=2) content = "" # Parse R1 content if needed. if isinstance(content, str) and self._model_info["family"] == ModelFamily.R1: thought, content = parse_r1_content(content) # Create the result. result = CreateResult( finish_reason=normalize_stop_reason(stop_reason), content=content, usage=usage, cached=False, logprobs=logprobs, thought=thought, ) # Update the total usage. self._total_usage = _add_usage(self._total_usage, usage) self._actual_usage = _add_usage(self._actual_usage, usage) # Yield the CreateResult. yield result
async def _create_stream_chunks( self, tool_params: List[ChatCompletionToolParam], oai_messages: List[ChatCompletionMessageParam], create_args: Dict[str, Any], cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken], ) -> AsyncGenerator[ChatCompletionChunk, None]: stream_future = asyncio.ensure_future( messages=oai_messages, stream=True, tools=tool_params if len(tool_params) > 0 else NOT_GIVEN, **create_args, ) ) if cancellation_token is not None: cancellation_token.link_future(stream_future) stream = await stream_future while True: try: chunk_future = asyncio.ensure_future(anext(stream)) if cancellation_token is not None: cancellation_token.link_future(chunk_future) chunk = await chunk_future yield chunk except StopAsyncIteration: break async def _create_stream_chunks_beta_client( self, tool_params: List[ChatCompletionToolParam], oai_messages: List[ChatCompletionMessageParam], create_args_no_response_format: Dict[str, Any], response_format: Optional[Type[BaseModel]], cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken], ) -> AsyncGenerator[ChatCompletionChunk, None]: async with messages=oai_messages, tools=tool_params if len(tool_params) > 0 else NOT_GIVEN, response_format=response_format if response_format is not None else NOT_GIVEN, **create_args_no_response_format, ) as stream: while True: try: event_future = asyncio.ensure_future(anext(stream)) if cancellation_token is not None: cancellation_token.link_future(event_future) event = await event_future if event.type == "chunk": chunk = event.chunk yield chunk # We don't handle other event types from the beta client stream. # As the other event types are auxiliary to the chunk event. # See: # Once the beta client is stable, we can move all the logic to the beta client. # Then we can consider handling other event types which may simplify the code overall. except StopAsyncIteration: break
[docs] def actual_usage(self) -> RequestUsage: return self._actual_usage
[docs] def total_usage(self) -> RequestUsage: return self._total_usage
[docs] def count_tokens(self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = []) -> int: model = self._create_args["model"] try: encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model) except KeyError: trace_logger.warning(f"Model {model} not found. Using cl100k_base encoding.") encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base") tokens_per_message = 3 tokens_per_name = 1 num_tokens = 0 # Message tokens. for message in messages: num_tokens += tokens_per_message oai_message = to_oai_type(message, prepend_name=self._add_name_prefixes) for oai_message_part in oai_message: for key, value in oai_message_part.items(): if value is None: continue if isinstance(message, UserMessage) and isinstance(value, list): typed_message_value = cast(List[ChatCompletionContentPartParam], value) assert len(typed_message_value) == len( message.content ), "Mismatch in message content and typed message value" # We need image properties that are only in the original message for part, content_part in zip(typed_message_value, message.content, strict=False): if isinstance(content_part, Image): # TODO: add detail parameter num_tokens += calculate_vision_tokens(content_part) elif isinstance(part, str): num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(part)) else: try: serialized_part = json.dumps(part) num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(serialized_part)) except TypeError: trace_logger.warning(f"Could not convert {part} to string, skipping.") else: if not isinstance(value, str): try: value = json.dumps(value) except TypeError: trace_logger.warning(f"Could not convert {value} to string, skipping.") continue num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(value)) if key == "name": num_tokens += tokens_per_name num_tokens += 3 # every reply is primed with <|start|>assistant<|message|> # Tool tokens. oai_tools = convert_tools(tools) for tool in oai_tools: function = tool["function"] tool_tokens = len(encoding.encode(function["name"])) if "description" in function: tool_tokens += len(encoding.encode(function["description"])) tool_tokens -= 2 if "parameters" in function: parameters = function["parameters"] if "properties" in parameters: assert isinstance(parameters["properties"], dict) for propertiesKey in parameters["properties"]: # pyright: ignore assert isinstance(propertiesKey, str) tool_tokens += len(encoding.encode(propertiesKey)) v = parameters["properties"][propertiesKey] # pyright: ignore for field in v: # pyright: ignore if field == "type": tool_tokens += 2 tool_tokens += len(encoding.encode(v["type"])) # pyright: ignore elif field == "description": tool_tokens += 2 tool_tokens += len(encoding.encode(v["description"])) # pyright: ignore elif field == "enum": tool_tokens -= 3 for o in v["enum"]: # pyright: ignore tool_tokens += 3 tool_tokens += len(encoding.encode(o)) # pyright: ignore else: trace_logger.warning(f"Not supported field {field}") tool_tokens += 11 if len(parameters["properties"]) == 0: # pyright: ignore tool_tokens -= 2 num_tokens += tool_tokens num_tokens += 12 return num_tokens
[docs] def remaining_tokens(self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = []) -> int: token_limit = _model_info.get_token_limit(self._create_args["model"]) return token_limit - self.count_tokens(messages, tools=tools)
@property def capabilities(self) -> ModelCapabilities: # type: ignore warnings.warn("capabilities is deprecated, use model_info instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._model_info @property def model_info(self) -> ModelInfo: return self._model_info
[docs] class OpenAIChatCompletionClient(BaseOpenAIChatCompletionClient, Component[OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel]): """Chat completion client for OpenAI hosted models. To use this client, you must install the `openai` extra: .. code-block:: bash pip install "autogen-ext[openai]" You can also use this client for OpenAI-compatible ChatCompletion endpoints. **Using this client for non-OpenAI models is not tested or guaranteed.** For non-OpenAI models, please first take a look at our `community extensions <>`_ for additional model clients. Args: model (str): Which OpenAI model to use. api_key (optional, str): The API key to use. **Required if 'OPENAI_API_KEY' is not found in the environment variables.** organization (optional, str): The organization ID to use. base_url (optional, str): The base URL to use. **Required if the model is not hosted on OpenAI.** timeout: (optional, float): The timeout for the request in seconds. max_retries (optional, int): The maximum number of retries to attempt. model_info (optional, ModelInfo): The capabilities of the model. **Required if the model name is not a valid OpenAI model.** frequency_penalty (optional, float): logit_bias: (optional, dict[str, int]): max_tokens (optional, int): n (optional, int): presence_penalty (optional, float): response_format (optional, literal["json_object", "text"] | pydantic.BaseModel): seed (optional, int): stop (optional, str | List[str]): temperature (optional, float): top_p (optional, float): user (optional, str): default_headers (optional, dict[str, str]): Custom headers; useful for authentication or other custom requirements. add_name_prefixes (optional, bool): Whether to prepend the `source` value to each :class:`~autogen_core.models.UserMessage` content. E.g., "this is content" becomes "Reviewer said: this is content." This can be useful for models that do not support the `name` field in message. Defaults to False. stream_options (optional, dict): Additional options for streaming. Currently only `include_usage` is supported. Examples: The following code snippet shows how to use the client with an OpenAI model: .. code-block:: python from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClient from autogen_core.models import UserMessage openai_client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient( model="gpt-4o-2024-08-06", # api_key="sk-...", # Optional if you have an OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable set. ) result = await openai_client.create([UserMessage(content="What is the capital of France?", source="user")]) # type: ignore print(result) To use the client with a non-OpenAI model, you need to provide the base URL of the model and the model info. For example, to use Ollama, you can use the following code snippet: .. code-block:: python from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClient from autogen_core.models import ModelFamily custom_model_client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient( model="deepseek-r1:1.5b", base_url="http://localhost:11434/v1", api_key="placeholder", model_info={ "vision": False, "function_calling": False, "json_output": False, "family": ModelFamily.R1, }, ) To use structured output as well as function calling, you can use the following code snippet: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from typing import Literal from autogen_core.models import ( AssistantMessage, FunctionExecutionResult, FunctionExecutionResultMessage, SystemMessage, UserMessage, ) from import FunctionTool from autogen_ext.models.openai import OpenAIChatCompletionClient from pydantic import BaseModel # Define the structured output format. class AgentResponse(BaseModel): thoughts: str response: Literal["happy", "sad", "neutral"] # Define the function to be called as a tool. def sentiment_analysis(text: str) -> str: \"\"\"Given a text, return the sentiment.\"\"\" return "happy" if "happy" in text else "sad" if "sad" in text else "neutral" # Create a FunctionTool instance with `strict=True`, # which is required for structured output mode. tool = FunctionTool(sentiment_analysis, description="Sentiment Analysis", strict=True) # Create an OpenAIChatCompletionClient instance. model_client = OpenAIChatCompletionClient( model="gpt-4o-mini", response_format=AgentResponse, # type: ignore ) async def main() -> None: # Generate a response using the tool. response1 = await model_client.create( messages=[ SystemMessage(content="Analyze input text sentiment using the tool provided."), UserMessage(content="I am happy.", source="user"), ], tools=[tool], ) print(response1.content) # Should be a list of tool calls. # [FunctionCall(name="sentiment_analysis", arguments={"text": "I am happy."}, ...)] assert isinstance(response1.content, list) response2 = await model_client.create( messages=[ SystemMessage(content="Analyze input text sentiment using the tool provided."), UserMessage(content="I am happy.", source="user"), AssistantMessage(content=response1.content, source="assistant"), FunctionExecutionResultMessage( content=[FunctionExecutionResult(content="happy", call_id=response1.content[0].id, is_error=False, name="sentiment_analysis")] ), ], ) print(response2.content) # Should be a structured output. # {"thoughts": "The user is happy.", "response": "happy"} To load the client from a configuration, you can use the `load_component` method: .. code-block:: python from autogen_core.models import ChatCompletionClient config = { "provider": "OpenAIChatCompletionClient", "config": {"model": "gpt-4o", "api_key": "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_API_KEY"}, } client = ChatCompletionClient.load_component(config) To view the full list of available configuration options, see the :py:class:`OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel` class. """ component_type = "model" component_config_schema = OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel component_provider_override = "autogen_ext.models.openai.OpenAIChatCompletionClient" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Unpack[OpenAIClientConfiguration]): if "model" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("model is required for OpenAIChatCompletionClient") model_capabilities: Optional[ModelCapabilities] = None # type: ignore self._raw_config: Dict[str, Any] = dict(kwargs).copy() copied_args = dict(kwargs).copy() if "model_capabilities" in kwargs: model_capabilities = kwargs["model_capabilities"] del copied_args["model_capabilities"] model_info: Optional[ModelInfo] = None if "model_info" in kwargs: model_info = kwargs["model_info"] del copied_args["model_info"] add_name_prefixes: bool = False if "add_name_prefixes" in kwargs: add_name_prefixes = kwargs["add_name_prefixes"] # Special handling for Gemini model. assert "model" in copied_args and isinstance(copied_args["model"], str) if copied_args["model"].startswith("gemini-"): if "base_url" not in copied_args: copied_args["base_url"] = _model_info.GEMINI_OPENAI_BASE_URL if "api_key" not in copied_args and "GEMINI_API_KEY" in os.environ: copied_args["api_key"] = os.environ["GEMINI_API_KEY"] client = _openai_client_from_config(copied_args) create_args = _create_args_from_config(copied_args) super().__init__( client=client, create_args=create_args, model_capabilities=model_capabilities, model_info=model_info, add_name_prefixes=add_name_prefixes, ) def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_client"] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.__dict__.update(state) self._client = _openai_client_from_config(state["_raw_config"])
[docs] def _to_config(self) -> OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel: copied_config = self._raw_config.copy() return OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel(**copied_config)
[docs] @classmethod def _from_config(cls, config: OpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel) -> Self: copied_config = config.model_copy().model_dump(exclude_none=True) return cls(**copied_config)
[docs] class AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient( BaseOpenAIChatCompletionClient, Component[AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel] ): """Chat completion client for Azure OpenAI hosted models. Args: model (str): Which OpenAI model to use. azure_endpoint (str): The endpoint for the Azure model. **Required for Azure models.** azure_deployment (str): Deployment name for the Azure model. **Required for Azure models.** api_version (str): The API version to use. **Required for Azure models.** azure_ad_token (str): The Azure AD token to use. Provide this or `azure_ad_token_provider` for token-based authentication. azure_ad_token_provider (optional, Callable[[], Awaitable[str]] | AzureTokenProvider): The Azure AD token provider to use. Provide this or `azure_ad_token` for token-based authentication. api_key (optional, str): The API key to use, use this if you are using key based authentication. It is optional if you are using Azure AD token based authentication or `AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable. timeout: (optional, float): The timeout for the request in seconds. max_retries (optional, int): The maximum number of retries to attempt. model_info (optional, ModelInfo): The capabilities of the model. **Required if the model name is not a valid OpenAI model.** frequency_penalty (optional, float): logit_bias: (optional, dict[str, int]): max_tokens (optional, int): n (optional, int): presence_penalty (optional, float): response_format (optional, literal["json_object", "text"]): seed (optional, int): stop (optional, str | List[str]): temperature (optional, float): top_p (optional, float): user (optional, str): default_headers (optional, dict[str, str]): Custom headers; useful for authentication or other custom requirements. To use this client, you must install the `azure` and `openai` extensions: .. code-block:: bash pip install "autogen-ext[openai,azure]" To use the client, you need to provide your deployment id, Azure Cognitive Services endpoint, api version, and model capabilities. For authentication, you can either provide an API key or an Azure Active Directory (AAD) token credential. The following code snippet shows how to use AAD authentication. The identity used must be assigned the `Cognitive Services OpenAI User <>`_ role. .. code-block:: python from autogen_ext.models.openai import AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential, get_bearer_token_provider # Create the token provider token_provider = get_bearer_token_provider(DefaultAzureCredential(), "") az_model_client = AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient( azure_deployment="{your-azure-deployment}", model="{deployed-model, such as 'gpt-4o'}", api_version="2024-06-01", azure_endpoint="https://{your-custom-endpoint}", azure_ad_token_provider=token_provider, # Optional if you choose key-based authentication. # api_key="sk-...", # For key-based authentication. `AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable can also be used instead. ) To load the client that uses identity based aith from a configuration, you can use the `load_component` method: .. code-block:: python from autogen_core.models import ChatCompletionClient config = { "provider": "AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient", "config": { "model": "gpt-4o-2024-05-13", "azure_endpoint": "https://{your-custom-endpoint}", "azure_deployment": "{your-azure-deployment}", "api_version": "2024-06-01", "azure_ad_token_provider": { "provider": "", "config": { "provider_kind": "DefaultAzureCredential", "scopes": [""], }, }, }, } client = ChatCompletionClient.load_component(config) To view the full list of available configuration options, see the :py:class:`AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel` class. .. note:: Right now only `DefaultAzureCredential` is supported with no additional args passed to it. See `here <>`_ for how to use the Azure client directly or for more info. """ component_type = "model" component_config_schema = AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel component_provider_override = "autogen_ext.models.openai.AzureOpenAIChatCompletionClient" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Unpack[AzureOpenAIClientConfiguration]): model_capabilities: Optional[ModelCapabilities] = None # type: ignore copied_args = dict(kwargs).copy() if "model_capabilities" in kwargs: model_capabilities = kwargs["model_capabilities"] del copied_args["model_capabilities"] model_info: Optional[ModelInfo] = None if "model_info" in kwargs: model_info = kwargs["model_info"] del copied_args["model_info"] add_name_prefixes: bool = False if "add_name_prefixes" in kwargs: add_name_prefixes = kwargs["add_name_prefixes"] client = _azure_openai_client_from_config(copied_args) create_args = _create_args_from_config(copied_args) self._raw_config: Dict[str, Any] = copied_args super().__init__( client=client, create_args=create_args, model_capabilities=model_capabilities, model_info=model_info, add_name_prefixes=add_name_prefixes, ) def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_client"] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.__dict__.update(state) self._client = _azure_openai_client_from_config(state["_raw_config"])
[docs] def _to_config(self) -> AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel: from import AzureTokenProvider copied_config = self._raw_config.copy() if "azure_ad_token_provider" in copied_config: if not isinstance(copied_config["azure_ad_token_provider"], AzureTokenProvider): raise ValueError("azure_ad_token_provider must be a AzureTokenProvider to be component serialized") copied_config["azure_ad_token_provider"] = ( copied_config["azure_ad_token_provider"].dump_component().model_dump(exclude_none=True) ) return AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel(**copied_config)
[docs] @classmethod def _from_config(cls, config: AzureOpenAIClientConfigurationConfigModel) -> Self: from import AzureTokenProvider copied_config = config.model_copy().model_dump(exclude_none=True) if "azure_ad_token_provider" in copied_config: copied_config["azure_ad_token_provider"] = AzureTokenProvider.load_component( copied_config["azure_ad_token_provider"] ) return cls(**copied_config)