Source code for autogen_ext.experimental.task_centric_memory.utils.page_logger

import inspect
import json
import os
import shutil
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, TypedDict

from autogen_agentchat.base import TaskResult
from autogen_agentchat.messages import AgentEvent, ChatMessage
from autogen_core import Image
from autogen_core.models import (

from ._functions import MessageContent, hash_directory

def _html_opening(file_title: str, finished: bool = False) -> str:
    Returns the opening text of a simple HTML file.
    refresh_tag = '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2">' if not finished else ""
    st = f"""
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            body {{font-size: 20px}}
            body {{white-space: pre-wrap}}
    return st

def _html_closing() -> str:
    Return the closing text of a simple HTML file.
    return """</body></html>"""

# Following the nested-config pattern, this TypedDict minimizes code changes by encapsulating
# the settings that change frequently, as when loading many settings from a single YAML file.
class PageLoggerConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
    level: str
    path: str

[docs] class PageLogger: """ Logs text and images to a set of HTML pages, one per function/method, linked to each other in a call tree. Args: config: An optional dict that can be used to override the following values: - level: The logging level, one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or NONE. - path: The path to the directory where the log files will be written. """ def __init__(self, config: PageLoggerConfig | None = None) -> None: self.levels = { "DEBUG": 10, "INFO": 20, "WARNING": 30, "ERROR": 40, "CRITICAL": 50, "NONE": 100, } # Apply default settings and any config overrides. level_str = "NONE" # Default to no logging at all. self.log_dir = "./pagelogs/default" if config is not None: level_str = config.get("level", level_str) self.log_dir = config.get("path", self.log_dir) self.level = self.levels[level_str] self.log_dir = os.path.expanduser(self.log_dir) # If the logging level is set to NONE or higher, don't log anything. if self.level >= self.levels["NONE"]: return self.page_stack = PageStack() self.pages: List[Page] = [] self.last_page_id = 0 = "0 Call Tree" self._create_run_dir() self.flush() self.finalized = False def __del__(self) -> None: self.finalize()
[docs] def finalize(self) -> None: # Writes a hash of the log directory to a file for change detection. if self.level >= self.levels["NONE"]: return # Don't finalize the log if it has already been finalized. if self.finalized: return # Do nothing if the app is being forced to exit early. if self.page_stack.size() > 0: return self.flush(finished=True) # Write the hash and other details to a file. hash_str, num_files, num_subdirs = hash_directory(self.log_dir) hash_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, "hash.txt") with open(hash_path, "w") as f: f.write(hash_str) f.write("\n") f.write("{} files\n".format(num_files)) f.write("{} subdirectories\n".format(num_subdirs)) self.finalized = True
@staticmethod def _decorate_text(text: str, color: str, weight: str = "bold", demarcate: bool = False) -> str: """ Returns a string of text with HTML styling for weight and color. """ if demarcate: text = f"<<<<< {text} >>>>>" return f'<span style="color: {color}; font-weight: {weight};">{text}</span>' @staticmethod def _link_to_image(image_path: str, description: str) -> str: """ Returns an HTML string defining a thumbnail link to an image. """ # To avoid a bug in heml rendering aht displays underscores to the left of thumbnails, # define the following string on a single line. link = f"""<a href="{image_path}"><img src="{image_path}" alt="{description}" style="width: 300px; height: auto;"></a>""" return link def _get_next_page_id(self) -> int: """Returns the next page id and increments the counter.""" self.last_page_id += 1 return self.last_page_id def _create_run_dir(self) -> None: """Creates a fresh log directory.""" if os.path.exists(self.log_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.log_dir) os.makedirs(self.log_dir) def _add_page(self, summary: str, show_in_call_tree: bool = True, finished: bool = True) -> "Page": """ Adds a new page to the log. """ page = Page( page_logger=self, index=self._get_next_page_id(), summary=summary, indent_level=len(self.page_stack.stack), show_in_call_tree=show_in_call_tree, finished=finished, ) self.pages.append(page) self.flush() if len(self.page_stack.stack) > 0: # Insert a link to the new page into the calling page."\n" + page.full_link) return page def _log_text(self, text: str) -> None: """ Adds text to the current page. """ page = if page is not None: page.add_lines(text, flush=True)
[docs] def debug(self, line: str) -> None: """ Adds DEBUG text to the current page if debugging level <= DEBUG. """ if self.level <= self.levels["DEBUG"]: self._log_text(line)
[docs] def info(self, line: str) -> None: """ Adds INFO text to the current page if debugging level <= INFO. """ if self.level <= self.levels["INFO"]: self._log_text(line)
[docs] def warning(self, line: str) -> None: """ Adds WARNING text to the current page if debugging level <= WARNING. """ if self.level <= self.levels["WARNING"]: self._log_text(line)
[docs] def error(self, line: str) -> None: """ Adds ERROR text to the current page if debugging level <= ERROR. """ if self.level <= self.levels["ERROR"]: self._log_text(line)
[docs] def critical(self, line: str) -> None: """ Adds CRITICAL text to the current page if debugging level <= CRITICAL. """ if self.level <= self.levels["CRITICAL"]: self._log_text(line)
def _message_source(self, message: LLMMessage) -> str: """ Returns a decorated string indicating the source of a message. """ source = "UNKNOWN" color = "black" if isinstance(message, SystemMessage): source = "SYSTEM" color = "purple" elif isinstance(message, UserMessage): source = "USER" color = "blue" elif isinstance(message, AssistantMessage): source = "ASSISTANT" color = "green" elif isinstance(message, FunctionExecutionResultMessage): source = "FUNCTION" color = "red" return self._decorate_text(source, color, demarcate=True) def _format_message_content(self, message_content: MessageContent) -> str: """ Formats the message content for logging. """ # Start by converting the message content to a list of strings. content_list: List[str] = [] content = message_content if isinstance(content, str): content_list.append(content) elif isinstance(content, list): for item in content: if isinstance(item, str): content_list.append(item.rstrip()) elif isinstance(item, Image): # Save the image to disk. image_filename = str(self._get_next_page_id()) + " image.jpg" image_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, image_filename) # Add a link to the image. content_list.append(self._link_to_image(image_filename, "message_image")) elif isinstance(item, Dict): # Add a dictionary to the log. json_str = json.dumps(item, indent=4) content_list.append(json_str) else: content_list.append(str(item).rstrip()) else: content_list.append("<UNKNOWN MESSAGE CONTENT>") # Convert the list of strings to a single string containing newline separators. output = "" for item in content_list: output += f"\n{item}\n" return output
[docs] def log_message_content(self, message_content: MessageContent, summary: str) -> None: """ Adds a page containing the message's content, including any images. """ if self.level > self.levels["INFO"]: return None page = self._add_page(summary=summary, show_in_call_tree=False) self.page_stack.write_stack_to_page(page) page.add_lines(self._format_message_content(message_content=message_content)) page.flush()
[docs] def log_dict_list(self, content: List[Mapping[str, Any]], summary: str) -> None: """ Adds a page containing a list of dicts. """ if self.level > self.levels["INFO"]: return None page = self._add_page(summary=summary, show_in_call_tree=False) self.page_stack.write_stack_to_page(page) for item in content: json_str = json.dumps(item, indent=4) page.add_lines(json_str) page.flush()
def _log_model_messages( self, summary: str, input_messages: List[LLMMessage], response_str: str, usage: RequestUsage | None ) -> Optional["Page"]: """ Adds a page containing the messages to a model (including any input images) and its response. """ page = self._add_page(summary=summary, show_in_call_tree=False) self.page_stack.write_stack_to_page(page) if usage is not None: page.add_lines("{} prompt tokens".format(usage.prompt_tokens)) page.add_lines("{} completion tokens".format(usage.completion_tokens)) for m in input_messages: page.add_lines("\n" + self._message_source(m)) page.add_lines(self._format_message_content(message_content=m.content)) page.add_lines("\n" + self._decorate_text("ASSISTANT RESPONSE", "green", demarcate=True)) page.add_lines("\n" + response_str + "\n") page.flush() return page
[docs] def log_model_call( self, summary: str, input_messages: List[LLMMessage], response: CreateResult ) -> Optional["Page"]: """ Logs messages sent to a model and the TaskResult response to a new page. """ if self.level > self.levels["INFO"]: return None response_str = response.content if not isinstance(response_str, str): response_str = "??" page = self._log_model_messages(summary, input_messages, response_str, response.usage) return page
[docs] def log_model_task( self, summary: str, input_messages: List[LLMMessage], task_result: TaskResult ) -> Optional["Page"]: """ Logs messages sent to a model and the TaskResult response to a new page. """ if self.level > self.levels["INFO"]: return None messages: Sequence[AgentEvent | ChatMessage] = task_result.messages message = messages[-1] response_str = message.content if not isinstance(response_str, str): response_str = "??" if hasattr(message, "models_usage"): usage: RequestUsage | None = message.models_usage else: usage = RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0) page = self._log_model_messages(summary, input_messages, response_str, usage) return page
[docs] def flush(self, finished: bool = False) -> None: """ Writes the current state of the log to disk. """ if self.level > self.levels["INFO"]: return # Create a call tree of the log. call_tree_path = os.path.join(self.log_dir, + ".html") with open(call_tree_path, "w") as f: f.write(_html_opening("0 Call Tree", finished=finished)) f.write(f"<h3>{}</h3>") f.write("\n") for page in self.pages: if page.show_in_call_tree: f.write(page.line_text + "\n") f.write("\n") f.write(_html_closing())
[docs] def enter_function(self) -> Optional["Page"]: """ Adds a new page corresponding to the current function call. """ if self.level > self.levels["INFO"]: return None page = None frame_type = inspect.currentframe() if frame_type is not None: frame = frame_type.f_back # Get the calling frame if frame is not None: # Check if it's a method by looking for 'self' or 'cls' in f_locals if "self" in frame.f_locals: class_name = type(frame.f_locals["self"]).__name__ elif "cls" in frame.f_locals: class_name = frame.f_locals["cls"].__name__ else: class_name = None # Not part of a class if class_name is None: # Not part of a class caller_name = frame.f_code.co_name else: caller_name = class_name + "." + frame.f_code.co_name # Create a new page for this function. page = self._add_page(summary=caller_name, show_in_call_tree=True, finished=False) self.page_stack.push(page) self.page_stack.write_stack_to_page(page) page.add_lines("\nENTER {}".format(caller_name), flush=True) return page
[docs] def leave_function(self) -> None: """ Finishes the page corresponding to the current function call. """ if self.level > self.levels["INFO"]: return None page = if page is not None: page.finished = True page.add_lines("\nLEAVE {}".format(page.summary), flush=True) self.page_stack.pop()
class Page: """ Represents a single HTML page in the logger output. Args: page_logger: The PageLogger object that created this page. index: The index of the page. summary: A brief summary of the page's contents for display. indent_level: The level of indentation in the call tree. show_in_call_tree: Whether to display the page in the call tree. finished: Whether the page is complete. """ def __init__( self, page_logger: PageLogger, index: int, summary: str, indent_level: int, show_in_call_tree: bool = True, finished: bool = True, ): """ Initializes and writes to a new HTML page. """ self.page_logger = page_logger self.index_str = str(index) self.summary = summary self.indent_level = indent_level self.show_in_call_tree = show_in_call_tree self.finished = finished self.file_title = self.index_str + " " + self.summary self.indentation_text = "|&emsp;" * self.indent_level self.full_link = f'<a href="{self.index_str}.html">{self.file_title}</a>' self.line_text = self.indentation_text + self.full_link self.lines: List[str] = [] self.flush() def add_lines(self, lines: str, flush: bool = False) -> None: """ Adds one or more lines to the page. """ lines_to_add: List[str] = [] if "\n" in lines: lines_to_add = lines.split("\n") else: lines_to_add.append(lines) self.lines.extend(lines_to_add) if flush: self.flush() def flush(self) -> None: """ Writes the HTML page to disk. """ page_path = os.path.join(self.page_logger.log_dir, self.index_str + ".html") with open(page_path, "w") as f: f.write(_html_opening(self.file_title, finished=self.finished)) f.write(f"<h3>{self.file_title}</h3>\n") for line in self.lines: try: f.write(f"{line}\n") except UnicodeEncodeError: f.write("UnicodeEncodeError in this line.\n") f.write(_html_closing()) f.flush() class PageStack: """ A call stack containing a list of currently active function pages in the order they called each other. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.stack: List[Page] = [] def push(self, page: Page) -> None: """Adds a page to the top of the stack.""" self.stack.append(page) def pop(self) -> Page: """Removes and returns the top page from the stack""" return self.stack.pop() def size(self) -> int: """Returns the number of pages in the stack.""" return len(self.stack) def top(self) -> Page | None: """Returns the top page from the stack without removing it""" if self.size() == 0: return None return self.stack[-1] def write_stack_to_page(self, page: Page) -> None: # Logs a properly indented string displaying the current call stack. page.add_lines("\nCALL STACK") for stack_page in self.stack: page.add_lines(stack_page.line_text) page.add_lines("") page.add_lines("") page.flush()