Source code for autogen_ext.models.anthropic._anthropic_client

import asyncio
import base64
import inspect
import json
import logging
import re
import warnings

# from asyncio import Task
from typing import (

import tiktoken
from anthropic import AsyncAnthropic, AsyncStream
from anthropic.types import (
    RawMessageStreamEvent,  # type: ignore
from anthropic.types.image_block_param import Source
from autogen_core import (
from autogen_core.logging import LLMCallEvent, LLMStreamEndEvent, LLMStreamStartEvent
from autogen_core.models import (
    ModelCapabilities,  # type: ignore
from import Tool, ToolSchema
from pydantic import BaseModel, SecretStr
from typing_extensions import Self, Unpack

from . import _model_info
from .config import AnthropicClientConfiguration, AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel

logger = logging.getLogger(EVENT_LOGGER_NAME)
trace_logger = logging.getLogger(TRACE_LOGGER_NAME)

# Common parameters for message creation
anthropic_message_params = {
disallowed_create_args = {"stream", "messages"}
required_create_args: Set[str] = {"model"}

anthropic_init_kwargs = set(inspect.getfullargspec(AsyncAnthropic.__init__).kwonlyargs)

def _anthropic_client_from_config(config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> AsyncAnthropic:
    # Filter config to only include valid parameters
    client_config = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if k in anthropic_init_kwargs}
    return AsyncAnthropic(**client_config)

def _create_args_from_config(config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    create_args = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if k in anthropic_message_params or k == "model"}
    create_args_keys = set(create_args.keys())

    if not required_create_args.issubset(create_args_keys):
        raise ValueError(f"Required create args are missing: {required_create_args - create_args_keys}")

    if disallowed_create_args.intersection(create_args_keys):
        raise ValueError(f"Disallowed create args are present: {disallowed_create_args.intersection(create_args_keys)}")

    return create_args

def type_to_role(message: LLMMessage) -> str:
    if isinstance(message, SystemMessage):
        return "system"
    elif isinstance(message, UserMessage):
        return "user"
    elif isinstance(message, AssistantMessage):
        return "assistant"
        return "tool"

def get_mime_type_from_image(image: Image) -> Literal["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/webp"]:
    """Get a valid Anthropic media type from an Image object."""
    # Get base64 data first
    base64_data = image.to_base64()

    # Decode the base64 string
    image_data = base64.b64decode(base64_data)

    # Check the first few bytes for known signatures
    if image_data.startswith(b"\xff\xd8\xff"):
        return "image/jpeg"
    elif image_data.startswith(b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"):
        return "image/png"
    elif image_data.startswith(b"GIF87a") or image_data.startswith(b"GIF89a"):
        return "image/gif"
    elif image_data.startswith(b"RIFF") and image_data[8:12] == b"WEBP":
        return "image/webp"
        # Default to JPEG as a fallback
        return "image/jpeg"

def user_message_to_anthropic(message: UserMessage) -> MessageParam:

    if isinstance(message.content, str):
        return {
            "role": "user",
            "content": message.content,
        blocks: List[Union[TextBlockParam, ImageBlockParam]] = []

        for part in message.content:
            if isinstance(part, str):
                blocks.append(TextBlockParam(type="text", text=part))
            elif isinstance(part, Image):
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown content type: {part}")

        return {
            "role": "user",
            "content": blocks,

def system_message_to_anthropic(message: SystemMessage) -> str:
    return message.content

def assistant_message_to_anthropic(message: AssistantMessage) -> MessageParam:

    if isinstance(message.content, list):
        # Tool calls
        tool_use_blocks: List[ToolUseBlock] = []

        for func_call in message.content:
            # Parse the arguments and convert to dict if it's a JSON string
            args = func_call.arguments
            if isinstance(args, str):
                    args_dict = json.loads(args)
                except json.JSONDecodeError:
                    args_dict = {"text": args}
                args_dict = args


        # Include thought if available
        content_blocks: List[ContentBlock] = []
        if hasattr(message, "thought") and message.thought is not None:
            content_blocks.append(TextBlock(type="text", text=message.thought))


        return {
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": content_blocks,
        # Simple text content
        return {
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": message.content,

def tool_message_to_anthropic(message: FunctionExecutionResultMessage) -> List[MessageParam]:
    # Create a single user message containing all tool results
    content_blocks: List[ToolResultBlockParam] = []

    for result in message.content:

    return [
            "role": "user",  # Changed from "tool" to "user"
            "content": content_blocks,

def to_anthropic_type(message: LLMMessage) -> Union[str, List[MessageParam], MessageParam]:
    if isinstance(message, SystemMessage):
        return system_message_to_anthropic(message)
    elif isinstance(message, UserMessage):
        return user_message_to_anthropic(message)
    elif isinstance(message, AssistantMessage):
        return assistant_message_to_anthropic(message)
        return tool_message_to_anthropic(message)

def convert_tools(tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema]) -> List[ToolParam]:
    result: List[ToolParam] = []

    for tool in tools:
        if isinstance(tool, Tool):
            tool_schema = tool.schema
            assert isinstance(tool, dict)
            tool_schema = tool

        # Convert parameters to match Anthropic's schema format
        tool_params: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        if "parameters" in tool_schema:
            params = tool_schema["parameters"]

            # Transfer properties
            if "properties" in params:
                tool_params["properties"] = params["properties"]

            # Transfer required fields
            if "required" in params:
                tool_params["required"] = params["required"]

            # Handle schema type
            if "type" in params:
                tool_params["type"] = params["type"]
                tool_params["type"] = "object"

                description=tool_schema.get("description", ""),

        # Check if the tool has a valid name

    return result

def normalize_name(name: str) -> str:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Unpack[AnthropicClientConfiguration]):
        if "model" not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError("model is required for AnthropicChatCompletionClient")

        self._raw_config: Dict[str, Any] = dict(kwargs).copy()
        copied_args = dict(kwargs).copy()

        model_info: Optional[ModelInfo] = None
        if "model_info" in kwargs:
            model_info = kwargs["model_info"]
            del copied_args["model_info"]

        client = _anthropic_client_from_config(copied_args)
        create_args = _create_args_from_config(copied_args)


    def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        state["_client"] = None
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        self._client = _anthropic_client_from_config(state["_raw_config"])

    def _to_config(self) -> AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel:
        copied_config = self._raw_config.copy()
        return AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel(**copied_config)

    def _from_config(cls, config: AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel) -> Self:
        copied_config = config.model_copy().model_dump(exclude_none=True)
        return cls(**copied_config)
    Normalize names by replacing invalid characters with underscore.
    return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]", "_", name)[:64]

def assert_valid_name(name: str) -> str:
    Ensure that configured names are valid, raises ValueError if not.
    if not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$", name):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid name: {name}. Only letters, numbers, '_' and '-' are allowed.")
    if len(name) > 64:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid name: {name}. Name must be less than 64 characters.")
    return name

def normalize_stop_reason(stop_reason: str | None) -> FinishReasons:
    if stop_reason is None:
        return "unknown"

    # Convert to lowercase for comparison
    stop_reason = stop_reason.lower()

    # Map Anthropic stop reasons to standard reasons
    KNOWN_STOP_MAPPINGS: Dict[str, FinishReasons] = {
        "end_turn": "stop",
        "max_tokens": "length",
        "stop_sequence": "stop",
        "tool_use": "function_calls",

    return KNOWN_STOP_MAPPINGS.get(stop_reason, "unknown")

def _add_usage(usage1: RequestUsage, usage2: RequestUsage) -> RequestUsage:
    return RequestUsage(
        prompt_tokens=usage1.prompt_tokens + usage2.prompt_tokens,
        completion_tokens=usage1.completion_tokens + usage2.completion_tokens,

[docs] class BaseAnthropicChatCompletionClient(ChatCompletionClient): def __init__( self, client: AsyncAnthropic, *, create_args: Dict[str, Any], model_info: Optional[ModelInfo] = None, ): self._client = client if model_info is None: try: self._model_info = _model_info.get_info(create_args["model"]) except KeyError as err: raise ValueError("model_info is required when model name is not recognized") from err else: self._model_info = model_info # Validate model_info validate_model_info(self._model_info) self._create_args = create_args self._total_usage = RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0) self._actual_usage = RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0)
[docs] async def create( self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = [], json_output: Optional[bool | type[BaseModel]] = None, extra_create_args: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, ) -> CreateResult: # Copy create args and update with extra args create_args = self._create_args.copy() create_args.update(extra_create_args) # Check for vision capability if images are present if self.model_info["vision"] is False: for message in messages: if isinstance(message, UserMessage): if isinstance(message.content, list) and any(isinstance(x, Image) for x in message.content): raise ValueError("Model does not support vision and image was provided") # Handle JSON output format if json_output is not None: if self.model_info["json_output"] is False and json_output is True: raise ValueError("Model does not support JSON output") if json_output is True: create_args["response_format"] = {"type": "json_object"} elif isinstance(json_output, type): raise ValueError("Structured output is currently not supported for Anthropic models") # Process system message separately system_message = None anthropic_messages: List[MessageParam] = [] for message in messages: if isinstance(message, SystemMessage): if system_message is not None: raise ValueError("Multiple system messages are not supported") system_message = to_anthropic_type(message) else: anthropic_message = to_anthropic_type(message) if isinstance(anthropic_message, list): anthropic_messages.extend(anthropic_message) elif isinstance(anthropic_message, str): msg = MessageParam( role="user" if isinstance(message, UserMessage) else "assistant", content=anthropic_message ) anthropic_messages.append(msg) else: anthropic_messages.append(anthropic_message) # Check for function calling support if self.model_info["function_calling"] is False and len(tools) > 0: raise ValueError("Model does not support function calling") # Set up the request request_args: Dict[str, Any] = { "model": create_args["model"], "messages": anthropic_messages, "max_tokens": create_args.get("max_tokens", 4096), "temperature": create_args.get("temperature", 1.0), } # Add system message if present if system_message is not None: request_args["system"] = system_message has_tool_results = any(isinstance(msg, FunctionExecutionResultMessage) for msg in messages) # Store and add tools if present if len(tools) > 0: converted_tools = convert_tools(tools) self._last_used_tools = converted_tools request_args["tools"] = converted_tools elif has_tool_results: # anthropic requires tools to be present even if there is any tool use request_args["tools"] = self._last_used_tools # Optional parameters for param in ["top_p", "top_k", "stop_sequences", "metadata"]: if param in create_args: request_args[param] = create_args[param] # Execute the request future: asyncio.Task[Message] = asyncio.ensure_future(self._client.messages.create(**request_args)) # type: ignore if cancellation_token is not None: cancellation_token.link_future(future) # type: ignore result: Message = cast(Message, await future) # type: ignore # Extract usage statistics usage = RequestUsage( prompt_tokens=result.usage.input_tokens, completion_tokens=result.usage.output_tokens, ) LLMCallEvent( messages=cast(List[Dict[str, Any]], anthropic_messages), response=result.model_dump(), prompt_tokens=usage.prompt_tokens, completion_tokens=usage.completion_tokens, ) ) # Process the response content: Union[str, List[FunctionCall]] thought = None # Check if the response includes tool uses tool_uses = [block for block in result.content if getattr(block, "type", None) == "tool_use"] if tool_uses: # Handle tool use response content = [] # Check for text content that should be treated as thought text_blocks: List[TextBlock] = [block for block in result.content if isinstance(block, TextBlock)] if text_blocks: thought = "".join([block.text for block in text_blocks]) # Process tool use blocks for tool_use in tool_uses: if isinstance(tool_use, ToolUseBlock): tool_input = tool_use.input if isinstance(tool_input, dict): tool_input = json.dumps(tool_input) else: tool_input = str(tool_input) if tool_input is not None else "" content.append( FunctionCall(, name=normalize_name(, arguments=tool_input, ) ) else: # Handle text response content = "".join([block.text if isinstance(block, TextBlock) else "" for block in result.content]) # Create the final result response = CreateResult( finish_reason=normalize_stop_reason(result.stop_reason), content=content, usage=usage, cached=False, thought=thought, ) # Update usage statistics self._total_usage = _add_usage(self._total_usage, usage) self._actual_usage = _add_usage(self._actual_usage, usage) return response
[docs] async def create_stream( self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = [], json_output: Optional[bool | type[BaseModel]] = None, extra_create_args: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken] = None, max_consecutive_empty_chunk_tolerance: int = 0, ) -> AsyncGenerator[Union[str, CreateResult], None]: """ Creates an AsyncGenerator that yields a stream of completions based on the provided messages and tools. """ # Copy create args and update with extra args create_args = self._create_args.copy() create_args.update(extra_create_args) # Check for vision capability if images are present if self.model_info["vision"] is False: for message in messages: if isinstance(message, UserMessage): if isinstance(message.content, list) and any(isinstance(x, Image) for x in message.content): raise ValueError("Model does not support vision and image was provided") # Handle JSON output format if json_output is not None: if self.model_info["json_output"] is False and json_output is True: raise ValueError("Model does not support JSON output") if json_output is True: create_args["response_format"] = {"type": "json_object"} if isinstance(json_output, type): raise ValueError("Structured output is currently not supported for Anthropic models") # Process system message separately system_message = None anthropic_messages: List[MessageParam] = [] for message in messages: if isinstance(message, SystemMessage): if system_message is not None: raise ValueError("Multiple system messages are not supported") system_message = to_anthropic_type(message) else: anthropic_message = to_anthropic_type(message) if isinstance(anthropic_message, list): anthropic_messages.extend(anthropic_message) elif isinstance(anthropic_message, str): msg = MessageParam( role="user" if isinstance(message, UserMessage) else "assistant", content=anthropic_message ) anthropic_messages.append(msg) else: anthropic_messages.append(anthropic_message) # Check for function calling support if self.model_info["function_calling"] is False and len(tools) > 0: raise ValueError("Model does not support function calling") # Set up the request request_args: Dict[str, Any] = { "model": create_args["model"], "messages": anthropic_messages, "max_tokens": create_args.get("max_tokens", 4096), "temperature": create_args.get("temperature", 1.0), "stream": True, } # Add system message if present if system_message is not None: request_args["system"] = system_message # Check if any message is a tool result has_tool_results = any(isinstance(msg, FunctionExecutionResultMessage) for msg in messages) # Add tools if present if len(tools) > 0: converted_tools = convert_tools(tools) self._last_used_tools = converted_tools request_args["tools"] = converted_tools elif has_tool_results: request_args["tools"] = self._last_used_tools # Optional parameters for param in ["top_p", "top_k", "stop_sequences", "metadata"]: if param in create_args: request_args[param] = create_args[param] # Stream the response stream_future: asyncio.Task[AsyncStream[RawMessageStreamEvent]] = asyncio.ensure_future( cast(Coroutine[Any, Any, AsyncStream[RawMessageStreamEvent]], self._client.messages.create(**request_args)) ) if cancellation_token is not None: cancellation_token.link_future(stream_future) # type: ignore stream: AsyncStream[RawMessageStreamEvent] = cast(AsyncStream[RawMessageStreamEvent], await stream_future) # type: ignore text_content: List[str] = [] tool_calls: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} # Track tool calls by ID current_tool_id: Optional[str] = None input_tokens: int = 0 output_tokens: int = 0 stop_reason: Optional[str] = None first_chunk = True # Process the stream async for chunk in stream: if first_chunk: first_chunk = False # Emit the start event. LLMStreamStartEvent( messages=cast(List[Dict[str, Any]], anthropic_messages), ) ) # Handle different event types if chunk.type == "content_block_start": if chunk.content_block.type == "tool_use": # Start of a tool use block current_tool_id = tool_calls[current_tool_id] = { "id":, "name":, "input": "", # Will be populated from deltas } elif chunk.type == "content_block_delta": if hasattr(, "type") and == "text_delta": # Handle text content delta_text = text_content.append(delta_text) if delta_text: yield delta_text # Handle tool input deltas - they come as InputJSONDelta elif hasattr(, "type") and == "input_json_delta": if current_tool_id is not None and hasattr(, "partial_json"): # Accumulate partial JSON for the current tool tool_calls[current_tool_id]["input"] += elif chunk.type == "content_block_stop": # End of a content block (could be text or tool) current_tool_id = None elif chunk.type == "message_delta": if hasattr(, "stop_reason") and stop_reason = # Get usage info if available if hasattr(chunk, "usage") and hasattr(chunk.usage, "output_tokens"): output_tokens = chunk.usage.output_tokens elif chunk.type == "message_start": if hasattr(chunk, "message") and hasattr(chunk.message, "usage"): if hasattr(chunk.message.usage, "input_tokens"): input_tokens = chunk.message.usage.input_tokens if hasattr(chunk.message.usage, "output_tokens"): output_tokens = chunk.message.usage.output_tokens # Prepare the final response usage = RequestUsage( prompt_tokens=input_tokens, completion_tokens=output_tokens, ) # Determine content based on what was received content: Union[str, List[FunctionCall]] thought = None if tool_calls: # We received tool calls if text_content: # Text before tool calls is treated as thought thought = "".join(text_content) # Convert tool calls to FunctionCall objects content = [] for _, tool_data in tool_calls.items(): # Parse the JSON input if needed input_str = tool_data["input"] try: # If it's valid JSON, parse it; otherwise use as-is if input_str.strip().startswith("{") and input_str.strip().endswith("}"): parsed_input = json.loads(input_str) input_str = json.dumps(parsed_input) # Re-serialize to ensure valid JSON except json.JSONDecodeError: # Keep as string if not valid JSON pass content.append( FunctionCall( id=tool_data["id"], name=normalize_name(tool_data["name"]), arguments=input_str, ) ) else: # Just text content content = "".join(text_content) # Create the final result result = CreateResult( finish_reason=normalize_stop_reason(stop_reason), content=content, usage=usage, cached=False, thought=thought, ) # Emit the end event. LLMStreamEndEvent( response=result.model_dump(), prompt_tokens=usage.prompt_tokens, completion_tokens=usage.completion_tokens, ) ) # Update usage statistics self._total_usage = _add_usage(self._total_usage, usage) self._actual_usage = _add_usage(self._actual_usage, usage) yield result
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: await self._client.close()
[docs] def count_tokens(self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = []) -> int: """ Estimate the number of tokens used by messages and tools. Note: This is an estimation based on common tokenization patterns and may not perfectly match Anthropic's exact token counting for Claude models. """ # Use cl100k_base encoding as an approximation for Claude's tokenizer try: encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base") except Exception: encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2") # Fallback num_tokens = 0 # System message tokens (if any) system_content = None for message in messages: if isinstance(message, SystemMessage): system_content = message.content break if system_content: num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(system_content)) + 15 # Approximate system message overhead # Message tokens for message in messages: if isinstance(message, SystemMessage): continue # Already counted # Base token cost per message num_tokens += 10 # Approximate message role & formatting overhead # Content tokens if isinstance(message, UserMessage) or isinstance(message, AssistantMessage): if isinstance(message.content, str): num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(message.content)) elif isinstance(message.content, list): # Handle different content types for part in message.content: if isinstance(part, str): num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(part)) elif isinstance(part, Image): # Estimate vision tokens (simplified) num_tokens += 512 # Rough estimation for image tokens elif isinstance(part, FunctionCall): num_tokens += len(encoding.encode( num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(part.arguments)) num_tokens += 10 # Function call overhead elif isinstance(message, FunctionExecutionResultMessage): for result in message.content: num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(result.content)) num_tokens += 10 # Function result overhead # Tool tokens for tool in tools: if isinstance(tool, Tool): tool_schema = tool.schema else: tool_schema = tool # Name and description num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(tool_schema["name"])) if "description" in tool_schema: num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(tool_schema["description"])) # Parameters if "parameters" in tool_schema: params = tool_schema["parameters"] if "properties" in params: for prop_name, prop_schema in params["properties"].items(): num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(prop_name)) if "type" in prop_schema: num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(prop_schema["type"])) if "description" in prop_schema: num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(prop_schema["description"])) # Special handling for enums if "enum" in prop_schema: for value in prop_schema["enum"]: if isinstance(value, str): num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(value)) else: num_tokens += 2 # Non-string enum values # Tool overhead num_tokens += 20 return num_tokens
[docs] def remaining_tokens(self, messages: Sequence[LLMMessage], *, tools: Sequence[Tool | ToolSchema] = []) -> int: """Calculate the remaining tokens based on the model's token limit.""" token_limit = _model_info.get_token_limit(self._create_args["model"]) return token_limit - self.count_tokens(messages, tools=tools)
[docs] def actual_usage(self) -> RequestUsage: return self._actual_usage
[docs] def total_usage(self) -> RequestUsage: return self._total_usage
@property def capabilities(self) -> ModelCapabilities: # type: ignore warnings.warn("capabilities is deprecated, use model_info instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._model_info @property def model_info(self) -> ModelInfo: return self._model_info
[docs] class AnthropicChatCompletionClient( BaseAnthropicChatCompletionClient, Component[AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel] ): """ Chat completion client for Anthropic's Claude models. Args: model (str): The Claude model to use (e.g., "claude-3-sonnet-20240229", "claude-3-opus-20240229") api_key (str, optional): Anthropic API key. Required if not in environment variables. base_url (str, optional): Override the default API endpoint. max_tokens (int, optional): Maximum tokens in the response. Default is 4096. temperature (float, optional): Controls randomness. Lower is more deterministic. Default is 1.0. top_p (float, optional): Controls diversity via nucleus sampling. Default is 1.0. top_k (int, optional): Controls diversity via top-k sampling. Default is -1 (disabled). model_info (ModelInfo, optional): The capabilities of the model. Required if using a custom model. To use this client, you must install the Anthropic extension: .. code-block:: bash pip install "autogen-ext[anthropic]" Example: .. code-block:: python import asyncio from autogen_ext.models.anthropic import AnthropicChatCompletionClient from autogen_core.models import UserMessage async def main(): anthropic_client = AnthropicChatCompletionClient( model="claude-3-sonnet-20240229", api_key="your-api-key", # Optional if ANTHROPIC_API_KEY is set in environment ) result = await anthropic_client.create([UserMessage(content="What is the capital of France?", source="user")]) # type: ignore print(result) if __name__ == "__main__": To load the client from a configuration: .. code-block:: python from autogen_core.models import ChatCompletionClient config = { "provider": "AnthropicChatCompletionClient", "config": {"model": "claude-3-sonnet-20240229"}, } client = ChatCompletionClient.load_component(config) """ component_type = "model" component_config_schema = AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel component_provider_override = "autogen_ext.models.anthropic.AnthropicChatCompletionClient" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Unpack[AnthropicClientConfiguration]): if "model" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("model is required for AnthropicChatCompletionClient") self._raw_config: Dict[str, Any] = dict(kwargs).copy() copied_args = dict(kwargs).copy() model_info: Optional[ModelInfo] = None if "model_info" in kwargs: model_info = kwargs["model_info"] del copied_args["model_info"] client = _anthropic_client_from_config(copied_args) create_args = _create_args_from_config(copied_args) super().__init__( client=client, create_args=create_args, model_info=model_info, ) def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_client"] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.__dict__.update(state) self._client = _anthropic_client_from_config(state["_raw_config"])
[docs] def _to_config(self) -> AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel: copied_config = self._raw_config.copy() return AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel(**copied_config)
[docs] @classmethod def _from_config(cls, config: AnthropicClientConfigurationConfigModel) -> Self: copied_config = config.model_copy().model_dump(exclude_none=True) # Handle api_key as SecretStr if "api_key" in copied_config and isinstance(config.api_key, SecretStr): copied_config["api_key"] = config.api_key.get_secret_value() return cls(**copied_config)