
async Console(stream: AsyncGenerator[TextMessage | MultiModalMessage | StopMessage | HandoffMessage | ToolCallMessage | ToolCallResultMessage | T, None], *, no_inline_images: bool = False) T[source]#

Consumes the message stream from run_stream() or on_messages_stream() and renders the messages to the console. Returns the last processed TaskResult or Response.

  • stream (AsyncGenerator[AgentMessage | TaskResult, None] | AsyncGenerator[AgentMessage | Response, None]) – Message stream to render. This can be from run_stream() or on_messages_stream().

  • no_inline_images (bool, optional) – If terminal is iTerm2 will render images inline. Use this to disable this behavior. Defaults to False.


last_processed – A TaskResult if the stream is from run_stream() or a Response if the stream is from on_messages_stream().