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Create a compatible client for the Amazon Bedrock Converse API.

Example usage: Install the boto3 package by running pip install --upgrade boto3.

import autogen

config_list = [ { "api_type": "bedrock", "model": "meta.llama3-1-8b-instruct-v1:0", "aws_region": "us-west-2", "aws_access_key": "", "aws_secret_key": "", "price" : [0.003, 0.015] } ]

assistant = autogen.AssistantAgent("assistant", llm_config={"config_list": config_list})


class BedrockClient()

Client for Amazon's Bedrock Converse API.


def __init__(**kwargs: Any)

Initialises BedrockClient for Amazon's Bedrock Converse API


def message_retrieval(response)

Retrieve the messages from the response.


def parse_custom_params(params: Dict[str, Any])

Parses custom parameters for logic in this client class


def parse_params(
params: Dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]

Loads the valid parameters required to invoke Bedrock Converse Returns a tuple of (base_params, additional_params)


def create(params)

Run Amazon Bedrock inference and return AutoGen response


def cost(response: ChatCompletion) -> float

Calculate the cost of the response.


def get_usage(response) -> Dict

Get the usage of tokens and their cost information.


def extract_system_messages(messages: List[dict]) -> List

Extract the system messages from the list of messages.


  • messages list[dict] - List of messages.


  • List[SystemMessage] - List of System messages.


def oai_messages_to_bedrock_messages(
messages: List[Dict[str, Any]], has_tools: bool,
supports_system_prompts: bool) -> List[Dict]

Convert messages from OAI format to Bedrock format. We correct for any specific role orders and types, etc. AWS Bedrock requires messages to alternate between user and assistant roles. This function ensures that the messages are in the correct order and format for Bedrock by inserting "Please continue" messages as needed. This is the same method as the one in the Autogen Anthropic client


def parse_image(image_url: str) -> Tuple[bytes, str]

Try to get the raw data from an image url.

Ref: returns a tuple of (Image Data, Content Type)


def format_tool_calls(content)

Converts Converse API response tool calls to AutoGen format


def convert_stop_reason_to_finish_reason(
stop_reason: str
) -> Literal["stop", "length", "tool_calls", "content_filter"]

Converts Bedrock finish reasons to our finish reasons, according to OpenAI:

  • stop: if the model hit a natural stop point or a provided stop sequence,
  • length: if the maximum number of tokens specified in the request was reached,
  • content_filter: if content was omitted due to a flag from our content filters,
  • tool_calls: if the model called a tool


def calculate_cost(input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int,
model_id: str) -> float

Calculate the cost of the completion using the Bedrock pricing.