Source code for autogen_agentchat.ui._console

import asyncio
import os
import sys
import time
from inspect import iscoroutinefunction
from typing import AsyncGenerator, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union, cast

from autogen_core import CancellationToken, Image
from autogen_core.models import RequestUsage

from autogen_agentchat.agents import UserProxyAgent
from autogen_agentchat.base import Response, TaskResult
from autogen_agentchat.messages import (

def _is_running_in_iterm() -> bool:
    return os.getenv("TERM_PROGRAM") == ""

def _is_output_a_tty() -> bool:
    return sys.stdout.isatty()

SyncInputFunc = Callable[[str], str]
AsyncInputFunc = Callable[[str, Optional[CancellationToken]], Awaitable[str]]
InputFuncType = Union[SyncInputFunc, AsyncInputFunc]

T = TypeVar("T", bound=TaskResult | Response)

[docs] class UserInputManager: def __init__(self, callback: InputFuncType): self.input_events: Dict[str, asyncio.Event] = {} self.callback = callback
[docs] def get_wrapped_callback(self) -> AsyncInputFunc: async def user_input_func_wrapper(prompt: str, cancellation_token: Optional[CancellationToken]) -> str: # Lookup the event for the prompt, if it exists wait for it. # If it doesn't exist, create it and store it. # Get request ID: request_id = UserProxyAgent.InputRequestContext.request_id() if request_id in self.input_events: event = self.input_events[request_id] else: event = asyncio.Event() self.input_events[request_id] = event await event.wait() del self.input_events[request_id] if iscoroutinefunction(self.callback): # Cast to AsyncInputFunc for proper typing async_func = cast(AsyncInputFunc, self.callback) return await async_func(prompt, cancellation_token) else: # Cast to SyncInputFunc for proper typing sync_func = cast(SyncInputFunc, self.callback) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return await loop.run_in_executor(None, sync_func, prompt) return user_input_func_wrapper
[docs] def notify_event_received(self, request_id: str) -> None: if request_id in self.input_events: self.input_events[request_id].set() else: event = asyncio.Event() self.input_events[request_id] = event
def aprint(output: str, end: str = "\n", flush: bool = False) -> Awaitable[None]: return asyncio.to_thread(print, output, end=end, flush=flush)
[docs] async def Console( stream: AsyncGenerator[AgentEvent | ChatMessage | T, None], *, no_inline_images: bool = False, output_stats: bool = False, user_input_manager: UserInputManager | None = None, ) -> T: """ Consumes the message stream from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskRunner.run_stream` or :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.ChatAgent.on_messages_stream` and renders the messages to the console. Returns the last processed TaskResult or Response. .. note:: `output_stats` is experimental and the stats may not be accurate. It will be improved in future releases. Args: stream (AsyncGenerator[AgentEvent | ChatMessage | TaskResult, None] | AsyncGenerator[AgentEvent | ChatMessage | Response, None]): Message stream to render. This can be from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskRunner.run_stream` or :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.ChatAgent.on_messages_stream`. no_inline_images (bool, optional): If terminal is iTerm2 will render images inline. Use this to disable this behavior. Defaults to False. output_stats (bool, optional): (Experimental) If True, will output a summary of the messages and inline token usage info. Defaults to False. Returns: last_processed: A :class:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskResult` if the stream is from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.TaskRunner.run_stream` or a :class:`~autogen_agentchat.base.Response` if the stream is from :meth:`~autogen_agentchat.base.ChatAgent.on_messages_stream`. """ render_image_iterm = _is_running_in_iterm() and _is_output_a_tty() and not no_inline_images start_time = time.time() total_usage = RequestUsage(prompt_tokens=0, completion_tokens=0) last_processed: Optional[T] = None streaming_chunks: List[str] = [] async for message in stream: if isinstance(message, TaskResult): duration = time.time() - start_time if output_stats: output = ( f"{'-' * 10} Summary {'-' * 10}\n" f"Number of messages: {len(message.messages)}\n" f"Finish reason: {message.stop_reason}\n" f"Total prompt tokens: {total_usage.prompt_tokens}\n" f"Total completion tokens: {total_usage.completion_tokens}\n" f"Duration: {duration:.2f} seconds\n" ) await aprint(output, end="", flush=True) # mypy ignore last_processed = message # type: ignore elif isinstance(message, Response): duration = time.time() - start_time # Print final response. output = f"{'-' * 10} {message.chat_message.source} {'-' * 10}\n{_message_to_str(message.chat_message, render_image_iterm=render_image_iterm)}\n" if message.chat_message.models_usage: if output_stats: output += f"[Prompt tokens: {message.chat_message.models_usage.prompt_tokens}, Completion tokens: {message.chat_message.models_usage.completion_tokens}]\n" total_usage.completion_tokens += message.chat_message.models_usage.completion_tokens total_usage.prompt_tokens += message.chat_message.models_usage.prompt_tokens await aprint(output, end="", flush=True) # Print summary. if output_stats: if message.inner_messages is not None: num_inner_messages = len(message.inner_messages) else: num_inner_messages = 0 output = ( f"{'-' * 10} Summary {'-' * 10}\n" f"Number of inner messages: {num_inner_messages}\n" f"Total prompt tokens: {total_usage.prompt_tokens}\n" f"Total completion tokens: {total_usage.completion_tokens}\n" f"Duration: {duration:.2f} seconds\n" ) await aprint(output, end="", flush=True) # mypy ignore last_processed = message # type: ignore # We don't want to print UserInputRequestedEvent messages, we just use them to signal the user input event. elif isinstance(message, UserInputRequestedEvent): if user_input_manager is not None: user_input_manager.notify_event_received(message.request_id) else: # Cast required for mypy to be happy message = cast(AgentEvent | ChatMessage, message) # type: ignore if not streaming_chunks: # Print message sender. await aprint(f"{'-' * 10} {message.source} {'-' * 10}", end="\n", flush=True) if isinstance(message, ModelClientStreamingChunkEvent): await aprint(message.content, end="") streaming_chunks.append(message.content) else: if streaming_chunks: streaming_chunks.clear() # Chunked messages are already printed, so we just print a newline. await aprint("", end="\n", flush=True) else: # Print message content. await aprint(_message_to_str(message, render_image_iterm=render_image_iterm), end="\n", flush=True) if message.models_usage: if output_stats: await aprint( f"[Prompt tokens: {message.models_usage.prompt_tokens}, Completion tokens: {message.models_usage.completion_tokens}]", end="\n", flush=True, ) total_usage.completion_tokens += message.models_usage.completion_tokens total_usage.prompt_tokens += message.models_usage.prompt_tokens if last_processed is None: raise ValueError("No TaskResult or Response was processed.") return last_processed
# iTerm2 image rendering protocol: def _image_to_iterm(image: Image) -> str: image_data = image.to_base64() return f"\033]1337;File=inline=1:{image_data}\a\n" def _message_to_str(message: AgentEvent | ChatMessage, *, render_image_iterm: bool = False) -> str: if isinstance(message, MultiModalMessage): result: List[str] = [] for c in message.content: if isinstance(c, str): result.append(c) else: if render_image_iterm: result.append(_image_to_iterm(c)) else: result.append("<image>") return "\n".join(result) else: return f"{message.content}"