Source code for autogen_core.logging

import json
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, cast

from ._agent_id import AgentId
from ._message_handler_context import MessageHandlerContext
from ._topic import TopicId

[docs] class LLMCallEvent: def __init__( self, *, messages: List[Dict[str, Any]], response: Dict[str, Any], prompt_tokens: int, completion_tokens: int, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """To be used by model clients to log the call to the LLM. Args: messages (List[Dict[str, Any]]): The messages used in the call. Must be json serializable. response (Dict[str, Any]): The response of the call. Must be json serializable. prompt_tokens (int): Number of tokens used in the prompt. completion_tokens (int): Number of tokens used in the completion. Example: .. code-block:: python import logging from autogen_core import EVENT_LOGGER_NAME from autogen_core.logging import LLMCallEvent response = {"content": "Hello, world!"} messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello, world!"}] logger = logging.getLogger(EVENT_LOGGER_NAME), completion_tokens=20, response=response, messages=messages)) """ self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["type"] = "LLMCall" self.kwargs["messages"] = messages self.kwargs["response"] = response self.kwargs["prompt_tokens"] = prompt_tokens self.kwargs["completion_tokens"] = completion_tokens try: agent_id = MessageHandlerContext.agent_id() except RuntimeError: agent_id = None self.kwargs["agent_id"] = None if agent_id is None else str(agent_id) @property def prompt_tokens(self) -> int: return cast(int, self.kwargs["prompt_tokens"]) @property def completion_tokens(self) -> int: return cast(int, self.kwargs["completion_tokens"]) # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)
[docs] class LLMStreamStartEvent: """To be used by model clients to log the start of a stream. Args: messages (List[Dict[str, Any]]): The messages used in the call. Must be json serializable. Example: .. code-block:: python import logging from autogen_core import EVENT_LOGGER_NAME from autogen_core.logging import LLMStreamStartEvent messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Hello, world!"}] logger = logging.getLogger(EVENT_LOGGER_NAME) """ def __init__( self, *, messages: List[Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["type"] = "LLMStreamStart" self.kwargs["messages"] = messages try: agent_id = MessageHandlerContext.agent_id() except RuntimeError: agent_id = None self.kwargs["agent_id"] = None if agent_id is None else str(agent_id) # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)
[docs] class LLMStreamEndEvent: def __init__( self, *, response: Dict[str, Any], prompt_tokens: int, completion_tokens: int, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """To be used by model to log the call to the LLM. Args: response (Dict[str, Any]): The response of the call. Must be json serializable. prompt_tokens (int): Number of tokens used in the prompt. completion_tokens (int): Number of tokens used in the completion. Example: .. code-block:: python import logging from autogen_core import EVENT_LOGGER_NAME from autogen_core.logging import LLMStreamEndEvent response = {"content": "Hello, world!"} logger = logging.getLogger(EVENT_LOGGER_NAME), completion_tokens=20, response=response)) """ self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["type"] = "LLMStreamEnd" self.kwargs["response"] = response self.kwargs["prompt_tokens"] = prompt_tokens self.kwargs["completion_tokens"] = completion_tokens try: agent_id = MessageHandlerContext.agent_id() except RuntimeError: agent_id = None self.kwargs["agent_id"] = None if agent_id is None else str(agent_id) @property def prompt_tokens(self) -> int: return cast(int, self.kwargs["prompt_tokens"]) @property def completion_tokens(self) -> int: return cast(int, self.kwargs["completion_tokens"]) # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)
[docs] class ToolCallEvent: def __init__( self, *, tool_name: str, arguments: Dict[str, Any], result: str, ) -> None: """Used by subclasses of :class:`` to log executions of tools. Args: tool_name (str): The name of the tool. arguments (Dict[str, Any]): The arguments of the tool. Must be json serializable. result (str): The result of the tool. Must be a string. Example: .. code-block:: python from autogen_core import EVENT_LOGGER_NAME from autogen_core.logging import ToolCallEvent logger = logging.getLogger(EVENT_LOGGER_NAME)"Tool1", call_id="123", arguments={"arg1": "value1"})) """ self.kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.kwargs["type"] = "ToolCall" self.kwargs["tool_name"] = tool_name self.kwargs["arguments"] = arguments self.kwargs["result"] = result try: agent_id = MessageHandlerContext.agent_id() except RuntimeError: agent_id = None self.kwargs["agent_id"] = None if agent_id is None else str(agent_id) # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)
[docs] class MessageKind(Enum): DIRECT = 1 PUBLISH = 2 RESPOND = 3
[docs] class DeliveryStage(Enum): SEND = 1 DELIVER = 2
[docs] class MessageEvent: def __init__( self, *, payload: str, sender: AgentId | None, receiver: AgentId | TopicId | None, kind: MessageKind, delivery_stage: DeliveryStage, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["payload"] = payload self.kwargs["sender"] = None if sender is None else str(sender) self.kwargs["receiver"] = None if receiver is None else str(receiver) self.kwargs["kind"] = str(kind) self.kwargs["delivery_stage"] = str(delivery_stage) self.kwargs["type"] = "Message" # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)
[docs] class MessageDroppedEvent: def __init__( self, *, payload: str, sender: AgentId | None, receiver: AgentId | TopicId | None, kind: MessageKind, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["payload"] = payload self.kwargs["sender"] = None if sender is None else str(sender) self.kwargs["receiver"] = None if receiver is None else str(receiver) self.kwargs["kind"] = str(kind) self.kwargs["type"] = "MessageDropped" # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)
[docs] class MessageHandlerExceptionEvent: def __init__( self, *, payload: str, handling_agent: AgentId, exception: BaseException, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["payload"] = payload self.kwargs["handling_agent"] = str(handling_agent) self.kwargs["exception"] = str(exception) self.kwargs["type"] = "MessageHandlerException" # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)
[docs] class AgentConstructionExceptionEvent: def __init__( self, *, agent_id: AgentId, exception: BaseException, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.kwargs = kwargs self.kwargs["agent_id"] = str(agent_id) self.kwargs["exception"] = str(exception) self.kwargs["type"] = "AgentConstructionException" # This must output the event in a json serializable format def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.kwargs)