Matched text pattern field
Occurrence count
Build the transformation
The vega dataflow instance
The vega-dataflow node that is the parent of this node
The chart-parts dataset
A lower- or upper-case transformation to apply prior to pattern matching. One of lower, upper or mixed (the default).
Required. The data field containing the text data.
A string containing a well-formatted regular expression, defining a pattern to match in the text. All unique pattern matches will be separately counted. The default value is [\w']+, which will match sequences containing word characters and apostrophes, but no other characters.
A string containing a well-formatted regular expression, defining a pattern of text to ignore. For example, the value "(foo|bar|baz)" will treat the words "foo", "bar" and "baz" as stopwords that should be ignored. The default value is the empty string (""), indicating no stop words.
The output fields for the text pattern and occurrence count. The default is ["text", "count"].