Build from source

If you plan to contribute a Pull Request to Coyote then you need to be able to build the source code and run the tests.

Clone the github repo



Building the Coyote project

Clone the Coyote repo, then open Coyote.sln and build.

You can also use the following PowerShell command line from a Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt:

powershell -f Scripts/build.ps1

Building the NuGet packages

In the Coyote project run this PowerShell command line from a Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt:

powershell -f Scripts/build.ps1 -nuget

Installing the Coyote command line tool package

You can install the coyote tool from this locally built package using:

dotnet tool install --global --add-source ./bin/nuget Microsoft.Coyote.CLI

To update your version of the tool you will have to first uninstall the previous version using:

dotnet tool uninstall --global Microsoft.Coyote.CLI

Now you are ready to start using Coyote.

Running the tests

To run all available tests, execute the following PowerShell command line from a Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt:

powershell -f Scripts/run-tests.ps1

You can also run a specific category of tests by adding the -test option to specify the category name, for example:

powershell -f Scripts/run-tests.ps1 -test core