Telemetry in Coyote

The coyote tool collects usage data in order to help improve your experience. The data is anonymous. It is collected by Microsoft and shared with the community.

You can opt-out of telemetry by setting the following environment variable to 1 or true:


First time usage of coyote is detected by the presence of the following file:

[Windows] %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Coyote\device_id.txt
[Linux] $(HOME)/.microsoft/coyote/device_id.txt

This file contains a generated GUID representing the local device which helps telemetry get some vague idea of the number of folks that are using the coyote tool.

The following metrics are collected: - the number of times coyote test is invoked and the time taken to complete each test. - the number of times coyote replay is invoked and the time taken to complete the replay. - the number of bugs reported by coyote test. - whether or not coyote is running in the debugger, which is an indication the user is trying to debug an interesting bug found by coyote. - the version of the .NET framework.

The telemetry also collects which operating system is being used (windows, linux, macOS).

This data is collected using Azure Application Insights and is stored in an Azure account belonging to Microsoft and accessible only by the Microsoft Coyote team members.

See also information about data retention and privacy.