Using Coyote

After you have installed Coyote, to run the coyote tool use the following command:

coyote -?

This will list the full command line options. If you are using the .NET Core version of the tool then you can simply run dotnet coyote.dll instead.

Rewrite your binaries for testing

The coyote command line tool can be used to automatically rewrite any C# assembly (DLL) to take over the task-based concurrency written using the task-asynchronous programming model in C#. For details on what kinds of rewriting is supported by Coyote, as well as recommendations on which DLLs to rewrite, see rewriting binaries.

To invoke the rewriter use the following command:

coyote rewrite ${PATH}

${PATH} is the path to the assembly (*.dll, *.exe) to rewrite or to a JSON rewriting configuration file that lists all assemblies to rewrite.

Type coyote rewrite -? to see the full command line options. You can also read this introductory tutorial to see how Coyote can be used to rewrite the binary of a simple application for for testing.

Test your binaries

The coyote command line tool can be used to automatically test a Coyote program to find and deterministically reproduce bugs in your code while also enforcing your safety and liveness specifications.

To invoke the tester use the following command:

coyote test ${YOUR_PROGRAM}

${YOUR_PROGRAM} is the path to your application or library that contains a method annotated with the [Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting.Test] attribute. This method is the entry point to the test.

Type coyote test -? to see the full command line options.

Controlled and reproducible testing

In its essence, the Coyote tester:

  1. serializes the execution of an asynchronous program,
  2. takes control of the underlying task scheduler and any declared sources of non-determinism in the program,
  3. explores scheduling decisions and non-deterministic choices to trigger bugs.

Because of the above capabilities, the coyote tester is capable of quickly discovering bugs that would be very hard to discover using traditional testing techniques.

During testing, the coyote tester executes a program from start to finish for a given number of testing iterations. During each iteration, the tester is exploring a potentially different serialized execution path. If a bug is discovered, the tester will terminate and dump a reproducible trace (including a human readable version of it).

See below to learn how to reproduce traces and debug them using a supported version of Visual Studio.

Test entry point

A Coyote test method can be declared as follows:

public static void Execute()

The above method acts as the entry point to each testing iteration.

The coyote test tool supports calling the following test method signatures:

public static void Execute();

public static async Task Execute();

public static void Execute(IActorRuntime runtime);

public static async Task Execute(IActorRuntime runtime);

Note that similar to unit-testing, static state should be appropriately reset before each test iteration because the iterations run in shared memory. However, parallel instances of the tester run in separate processes, which provides isolation.

Testing options

To see the list of available command line options use the flag -?. You can optionally give the number of testing iterations to perform using --iterations N (where N is an integer > 1). If this option is not provided, the tester will perform 1 iteration by default.

You can also provide a timeout, by providing the flag --timeout N (where N > 0), specifying how many seconds before the timeout. If no iterations are specified (thus the default number of iterations is used), then the tester will perform testing iterations until the timeout is reached.

Another important flag is --max-steps N. This limits each test iteration to be N steps, after which the iteration is killed and a new one is started. Here, steps are counted as the number of times a synchronization point is reached in the program. The tester provides output at the end of a test run on the iteration lengths that it saw. Use this output for calibrating the best value of N for your case. This flag is usually only needed when your test has the potential of generating non-terminating executions (like an infinite series of ping pong events, for example). In such cases, if you do not provide max-steps then the tester can appear to can get stuck running one iteration forever. This is related to liveness checking.

Portfolio testing

The Coyote tester supports running a portfolio of different exploration strategies during testing. To enable this provide the --strategy portfolio flag. This option allocates different exploration strategies to each spawned test process which increases the chance that one of the test processes will find a particularly difficult bug.

Reproducing and debugging traces

The coyote replayer can be used to deterministically reproduce and debug buggy executions (found by coyote test). To run the replayer use the following command:

coyote replay ${YOUR_PROGRAM} ${TRACE}.trace

Where ${TRACE}}.trace is the JSON trace file dumped by coyote test.

You can attach the Visual Studio debugger on this trace by using --break. When using this flag, Coyote will automatically instrument a breakpoint when the bug is found. You can also insert your own breakpoints in the source code as usual.

--break uses System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch which does not seem to work on MacOS or Linux, see troubleshooting below for an alternate way of debugging replay schedules.

See the replay options section of the help output from invoking coyote -?.

Supported scenarios

Out of the box, Coyote supports finding and reproducing bugs in programs written using:

Coyote will let you know with an informative error if it detects a type that it does not support, or if the test invokes an external concurrent API that you have not mocked or rewritten its assembly. For these scenarios, Coyote provides the --no-repro command line option, which allows you to ignore these errors by disabling the ability to reproduce bug traces (i.e., no .trace file will be produced when a bug is found). Alternatively, if you are using the Coyote test runner from inside another unit testing framework, you can run Coyote in this mode by enabling the Configuration.WithNoBugTraceRepro() option.

In the --no-repro mode, you can continue using Coyote to expose tricky concurrency (and other nondeterministic) bugs. As Coyote adds supports for more .NET APIs, you will be able to reproduce bugs in increasingly more scenarios. We are adding support for more APIs over time, but if something you need is missing please open an issue on GitHub or contribute a PR!

Unit testing

To use Coyote tester in a unit test environment (e.g. with MSTest or xUnit) see Unit Testing.

Visualizing execution traces

Whenever a bug is found, Coyote by default produces a DGML diagram containing a graphical trace of all captured method invocations per controlled concurrent entity (e.g., task, thread, actor) that happened in the last test iteration leading up to a bug. This capability can be disabled by using the skip-trace-analysis command line option or the Configuration.WithTraceAnalysisEnabled(false) option.

For the actor programming model of Coyote, the tool can additionally produce richer DGML diagrams that visualize actors, as well as all state transitions and events sent between actors. This can be enabled using the --actor-graph command line option. These graphs are different from the graph generated by --coverage activity because the coverage graph collapses all machine instances into one group, so you can more easily see the whole coverage of that machine type.

See animating state machine demo for a visual explanation of what coyote test does when it is looking for bugs. In the animation you will see why the test failed, two of the server nodes have taken on the Leader role, which is not allowed.

See also the DGML diagram which you can open in Visual Studio. Here the Server state machines are colored in green, and the Leader states in red to highlight the bug found.

Next steps

Now that you have installed and learned how to use the coyote tool, you can jump right into action by checking out this tutorial to learn how to write your first concurrency unit test, which is also available as a video on YouTube. You can also read about the core concepts behind Coyote. There are many more tutorials and samples available for you to explore Coyote further!


Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.

If you are using a .NET Core target platform then on Windows you will get executable program with .exe file extension, like coyote\Samples\bin\net8.0\BoundedBuffer.exe These are not rewritable assemblies. You must instead rewrite and test the associated library, in this case BoundedBuffer.dll.

–break does not seem to work on MacOS or Linux

--break depends on System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch and it seems that this is not supported on MacOS or Linux. So another way to debug a replay is to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Run Configuration

  2. Execute the coyote binary, which you can find in ~/.dotnet/tools/coyote if you installed the dotnet tool called Microsoft.Coyote.CLI.

  3. Add the arguments ${YOUR_PROGRAM} ${TRACE}.trace

  4. Insert the breakpoints where needed and start debugging.