AwaitableEventGroup<T> class

An object representing an awaitable long running context involving one or more actors. An AwaitableEventGroup can be provided as an optional argument in CreateActor and SendEvent. If a null AwaitableEventGroup is passed then the EventGroup is inherited from the sender or target actors (based on which ever one has a CurrentEventGroup). In this way an AwaitableEventGroup is automatically communicated to all actors involved in completing some larger operation. Each actor involved can find the AwaitableEventGroup using their CurrentEventGroup property.

public class AwaitableEventGroup<T> : EventGroup
parameter description
T The result returned when the operation is completed.

Public Members

name description
AwaitableEventGroup(…) Initializes a new instance of the AwaitableEventGroup class.
IsCanceled { get; } Value that indicates whether the task completed execution due to being canceled.
IsCompleted { get; } Indicates the AwaitableEventGroup has been completed.
IsFaulted { get; } Value that indicates whether the task completed due to an unhandled exception.
Task { get; } Gets the task created by this AwaitableEventGroup.
GetAwaiter() Gets an awaiter for this awaitable.
virtual SetCancelled() Transitions the underlying task into the Canceled state.
virtual SetException(…) Transitions the underlying task into the Faulted state and binds it to the specified exception.
virtual SetResult(…) Transitions the underlying task into the RanToCompletion state.
virtual TrySetCanceled() Attempts to transition the underlying task into the Canceled state.
virtual TrySetException(…) Attempts to transition the underlying task into the Faulted state and binds it to the specified exception.
virtual TrySetResult(…) Attempts to transition the underlying task into the RanToCompletion state.

See Also