IActorRuntime.CreateActor method (1 of 3)

Creates a new actor of the specified Type and with the specified optional Event. This event is given to the Event) method on the new actor.

public ActorId CreateActor(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null)
parameter description
type Type of the actor.
initialEvent Optional event used during initialization.
eventGroup An optional event group associated with the new Actor.

Return Value

The result is the actor id.

See Also

IActorRuntime.CreateActor method (2 of 3)

Creates a new actor of the specified type, using the specified ActorId. This method optionally passes an Event. This event is given to the InitializeAsync method on the new actor.

public ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, 
    EventGroup eventGroup = null)
parameter description
id Unbound actor id.
type Type of the actor.
initialEvent Optional event used during initialization.
eventGroup An optional event group associated with the new Actor.

Return Value

The result is the actor id.

See Also

IActorRuntime.CreateActor method (3 of 3)

Creates a new actor of the specified Type and name, and with the specified optional Event. This event is given to the Event) method on the new actor.

public ActorId CreateActor(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, 
    EventGroup eventGroup = null)
parameter description
type Type of the actor.
name Optional name used for logging.
initialEvent Optional event used during initialization.
eventGroup An optional event group associated with the new Actor.

Return Value

The result is the actor id.

See Also