Failover robot navigator service with actors

Wikipedia provides this definition: “Failover is switching to a redundant or standby computer server, system, hardware component or network upon the failure or abnormal termination of the previously active application, server, system, hardware component, or network. Systems designers usually provide failover capability in servers, systems or networks requiring near-continuous availability and a high degree of reliability.”

This sample implements a failover scenario in a system where an instance of a service is terminated and replaced by a new one, unlike the Failover Coffee Machine sample, which is about applying the failover concept to the firmware of an automated espresso machine.

In this scenario there is a Robot that must serve drinks to people in a room:


  1. Before starting to serve the next client the Robot is always at an InitialLocation in the room.

  2. In order to do its job the Robot needs the help of a service called the Navigator, which when provided with the latest picture of the room, finds a person who needs to be served next and sends the details (adult or minor, location) of that person to the Robot.

  3. It is not always possible to follow the straight line connecting the Robot’s location with that of the selected client as there are obstacles, like furniture, in the room. Thus, the Robot asks the Navigator to produce a collision-free route from the Robot’s location to the person who will be served. The Navigator provides the requested route that must be reached, with the last being that of the client. A route is simply a list of consecutive straight line segments.

  4. The Robot traverses the route and reaches the client. Then the Robot selects randomly an appropriate drink for the client: alcoholic for an adult and non-alcoholic for a minor client.

  5. The Robot pours a glass of the selected drink for the client and retreats to its InitialLocation.

The steps 1 to 5 above are repeated continuously.

To make this a failover test, at random times the Navigator is killed and a new Navigator is created to replace the old one. When this happens it is required that the system will continue to operate flawlessly: no data (request or response) between the Robot and a Navigator will be lost, and the Robot will not stop doing its job.

The following diagram depicts the Failover workflow in this sample:


Do note: 1. This is a general diagram that can be used not only in this scenario, but for any other scenarios involving a robot that operates with the help of object recognition and route planning. 2. The green nodes represent the product code we are testing here, and everything else is mock test infrastructure. The main goal is to show the use of coyote test in finding concurrency issues even at the design stage when the actual implementation hasn’t started. For this reason we’ve only provided mock implementations of the cognitive service, the route planner, and the storage service. The Navigator doesn’t know these are mock implementations. 3. The sample uses the FailoverDriver component to perform the termination of the Navigator and the creation of a new Navigator. Also a MockStorage component is used to store the state needed to restart the newly-created instance without loss of state.

The Robot and the Navigator are modeled as state machines and they are started by another state machine called FailoverDriver.

The FailoverDriver lets the first Navigator instance run for a bit then it randomly kills it by sending it the TerminateEvent, then it starts a new Navigator. The new Navigator instance needs to figure out the state of any previous request: was the prior Navigator killed while having an incompletely processed request from the Robot or not? To be able to do so the Navigator stores any newly received request from the Robot in the MockStorage where it remains until the request is completely processed and the response is sent to the Robot and at that moment the Navigator deletes the pending request record from the MockStorage. Note that this is going one step further than the Coffee Machine example. In this example, not only are we testing that the Navigator can restart successfully, but we are also testing that the Robot is also able to handle that failover condition. The following diagram shows the overall plan where Navigator2 is able to complete the request started by Navigator1:


The MockStorage is an Actor that provides simple key-value storage for persisting data and its instance lives across all instances of the Navigator. MockStorage makes Navigator failover possible. The MockStorage component, as its name implies, is a mock of a real-world service that provides similar storage capabilities.

Likewise, the MockCognitiveService and MockRoutePlanner are mocks of real-world services providing cognitive services (such as object identification) and motion-path planning.

Some safety Asserts are placed in the code that verify certain important things, including: - on reaching the client the Robot’s coordinates must be the same as the client’s. - the key retrieved from the MockStorage when requesting a read for a saved Robot’s request is an expected non-null string. - the Navigator checks that after MockStorage performs a write operation to save a Robot’s request this has not overwritten another existing value for the same storage key. This ensures a request from the Robot is not lost. - all required non-null parameters for MockStorage operations (such as key or requestorId) are indeed non-null.

There is a LivenessMonitor that monitors the execution of the system to make sure it never gets stuck, i.e., the Robot always gets a valid response to any of its requests from the Navigator and serves the selected client. See Liveness Checking.

A number of excellent bugs were found by Coyote during the development of this sample, and this illustrates the fact that Coyote can be applied to find bugs quickly, even in the design stage, before coding and pushing to production.

What you will need

To run the DrinksServingRobotActors example, you will need to:

Build the sample

You can build the sample by following the instructions here.

Running and testing the Drink Serving Robot

Now you can run the DrinksServingRobotActors application:


When you run the executable like this without using coyote test (this is called running in production mode), you will get infinite console output, that you can to terminate by pressing ENTER, similar to this:

<FailoverDriver> #################################################################
<FailoverDriver> Starting the Robot.
<CognitiveService> CognitiveService is starting.
<Navigator> Navigator starting
<Navigator> Got RobotId
<Robot> Obtained a Room Picture at 2/11/2020 6:21:35 PM UTC
<Robot> Asked for a new Drink Order
<Navigator> There was no prior pending request to find drink clients ...
<FailoverDriver> #################################################################
<FailoverDriver> #       Starting the fail over of the Navigator                 #
<FailoverDriver> #################################################################
<Navigator> Terminating as previously ordered ...
<Navigator> Sent Termination Confirmation to my Creator ...
<Navigator> Halting now ...
<FailoverDriver> *****  The Navigator confirmed that it has terminated *****
<FailoverDriver> *****   Created a new Navigator -- paused *****
<FailoverDriver> *****   Waking up the new Navigator *****
<CognitiveService> CognitiveService is starting.
<Navigator> Navigator starting
<Navigator> Got RobotId
<Navigator> Restarting the pending Robot's request to find drink clients ...
<Robot> received a new Navigator, and pending drink order=True!!!
<FailoverDriver> *****   Robot confirmed it reset to the new Navigator *****
<Robot> Received new Drink Order. Executing ...
<Robot> Asked for driving instructions from ( 1, 1 ) to ( 26, 16 )
<Navigator> drink order is complete, deleting the job record.
<Robot> Moving from ( 1, 1 ) to ( 26, 16 )
<Robot> Reached Client.
<Robot> Serving order
<Robot> Selected "WaterMelonLemonade" for Minor client
<Robot> Filled a new glass of WaterMelonLemonade to 100% level
<Robot> Finished serving the order. Retreating.

<Robot> Moving from ( 26, 16 ) to ( 1, 1 )
<Robot> Obtained a Room Picture at 2/11/2020 6:21:40 PM UTC
<Robot> Asked for a new Drink Order
<FailoverDriver> #################################################################
<FailoverDriver> #       Starting the fail over of the Navigator                 #
<FailoverDriver> #################################################################
<Navigator> Terminating as previously ordered ...
<Navigator> Sent Termination Confirmation to my Creator ...
<Navigator> Halting now ...
<FailoverDriver> *****  The Navigator confirmed that it has terminated *****
<FailoverDriver> *****   Created a new Navigator -- paused *****
<CognitiveService> CognitiveService is starting.
<FailoverDriver> *****   Waking up the new Navigator *****
<Navigator> Navigator starting
<Navigator> Got RobotId
<Robot> received a new Navigator, and pending drink order=True!!!
<Navigator> Restarting the pending Robot's request to find drink clients ...
<FailoverDriver> *****   Robot confirmed it reset to the new Navigator *****
<Robot> Received new Drink Order. Executing ...
<Robot> Asked for driving instructions from ( 1, 1 ) to ( 14, 4 )
<Navigator> drink order is complete, deleting the job record.
<Robot> Moving from ( 1, 1 ) to ( 6, 23 )
<Robot> Moving from ( 6, 23 ) to ( 14, 4 )
<Robot> Reached Client.
<Robot> Serving order
<Robot> Selected "Sprite" for Minor client
<Robot> Filled a new glass of Sprite to 100% level
<Robot> Finished serving the order. Retreating.

<Robot> Moving from ( 14, 4 ) to ( 1, 1 )
<Robot> Obtained a Room Picture at 2/11/2020 6:21:45 PM UTC
<Robot> Asked for a new Drink Order
<FailoverDriver> #################################################################
<FailoverDriver> #       Starting the fail over of the Navigator                 #
<FailoverDriver> #################################################################
<Navigator> Terminating as previously ordered ...
<Navigator> Sent Termination Confirmation to my Creator ...
<Navigator> Halting now ...
<FailoverDriver> *****  The Navigator confirmed that it has terminated *****
<FailoverDriver> *****   Created a new Navigator -- paused *****
<CognitiveService> CognitiveService is starting.
<FailoverDriver> *****   Waking up the new Navigator *****
<Navigator> Navigator starting
<Navigator> Got RobotId
<Robot> received a new Navigator, and pending drink order=True!!!
<Navigator> Restarting the pending Robot's request to find drink clients ...
<FailoverDriver> *****   Robot confirmed it reset to the new Navigator *****
<Robot> Received new Drink Order. Executing ...
<Robot> Asked for driving instructions from ( 1, 1 ) to ( 25, 17 )
<Navigator> drink order is complete, deleting the job record.
<Robot> Moving from ( 1, 1 ) to ( 2, 4 )
<Robot> Moving from ( 2, 4 ) to ( 25, 17 )
<Robot> Reached Client.
<Robot> Serving order
<Robot> Selected "Water" for Minor client
<Robot> Filled a new glass of Water to 100% level
<Robot> Finished serving the order. Retreating.

<Robot> Moving from ( 25, 17 ) to ( 1, 1 )

You can leave this running and you will see the FailoverDriver halting a Navigator instance at random times. Each halted machine is terminated and discarded, then a new Navigator instance is started. Each new Navigator instance figures out the exact state it should continue from, and you see that the Robot continues without incident.

You can now use coyote test to test the code and see if any bugs can be found. From the CoyoteSamples folder enter this command:

coyote test ./Samples/bin/net8.0/DrinksServingRobotActors.dll -i 1000 -ms 2000 -s prioritization -sv 10

Chances are this will find a bug quickly, and you will see output from the test like this:

. Testing .\Samples\bin\net8.0\DrinksServingRobotActors.exe
Starting TestingProcessScheduler in process 26236
... Created '1' testing task.
... Task 0 is using 'prioritization' strategy (seed:324932188).
..... Iteration #1
..... Iteration #2
..... Iteration #3
..... Iteration #4
..... Iteration #5
..... Iteration #6
..... Iteration #7
..... Iteration #8
..... Iteration #9
..... Iteration #10
..... Iteration #20
..... Iteration #30
... Task 0 found a bug.
... Emitting task 0 traces:
..... Writing CoyoteOutput\DrinksServingRobotActors_0_0.txt
..... Writing CoyoteOutput\DrinksServingRobotActors_0_0.trace
... Elapsed 0.5330326 sec.
... Testing statistics:
..... Found 1 bug.
... Exploration statistics:
..... Explored 34 schedules: 0 fair and 34 unfair.
..... Found 2.94% buggy schedules.
... Elapsed 0.6310144 sec.
. Done

Notice that a log file is produced .bin\net8.0\Output\DrinksServingRobot.exe\CoyoteOutput\DrinksServingRobot_0_1.txt. This log can be pretty big, it contains the test iteration that failed, and towards the end of this file you will see something like this:

<ErrorLog> Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot.LivenessMonitor detected liveness bug
           in hot state 'Busy' at the end of program execution.
<StrategyLog> Testing statistics:
<StrategyLog> Found 1 bug.
<StrategyLog> Exploration statistics:
<StrategyLog> Explored 9 schedules: 0 fair and 9 unfair.
<StrategyLog> Found 11.11% buggy schedules.

So the DrinksServingRobot has a liveness bug. Just 0.6 seconds were enough for coyote test to find this liveness bug, with 30 test iterations each doing up to 2000 async operations. This bug is hard to reproduce in a production run of the DrinksServingRobot.

A bug exists in the code somewhere. Can you find it? You can find an explanation and fix at the end of this tutorial.

How the sample works

You already know the main components of the Drinks Serving Robot sample. Now is the time to understand the details. As with other tutorials the code that starts the program consists of a [Test] method that takes an IActorRuntime:

public static class Program
    private static bool RunForever = false;

    public static void Main()
        RunForever = true;
        IActorRuntime runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(conf);

    public static void Execute(IActorRuntime runtime)
        ActorId driver = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(FailoverDriver),
            new FailoverDriver.ConfigEvent(RunForever));

You already know from the Hello World tutorials how the two main entry points are used in a Coyote program. What is new here is that the Execute() method registers a LivenessMonitor used by Coyote to find liveness bugs. The rest of the execution is controlled by the FailoverDriver.

The FailoverDriver

The FailoverDriver state machine has two states:

The Robot

The Robot has the most states compared to all state machines in this sample as it does all the visible work: the Start state Init, Active, ExecutingOrder, ReachingClient, MovingOnRoute, ServingClient, and FinishState.

The Init and Active states perform processing that is relevant from the perspective of failover, while the remaining states do simple serving-related processing and aren’t described in detail here. You can review the code of the sample to see exactly what the Robot does to serve the client.

The Navigator

The Navigator receives a drink request from the robot, and coordinates that with 2 back end services, a cognitive service that can recognize people in an image, and a route planning service that can figure out how to drive the robot around your house. The Navigator uses a Storage service to persist any state it needs in order to survive the failover test.

The Navigator has these states: the Start state Init, Paused, and Active:

The MockStorage

MockStorage is a Coyote Actor that models the asynchronous nature of a typical cloud-based storage service. It supports simple read, write, and delete operations where write operations are confirmed with a ConfirmedEvent. This is an Actor model of pseudo-transactional storage.

The MockStorage actor receives three kinds of events: a ReadKeyEvent, a KeyValueEvent (requesting the writing of a value under the specified key) and a DeleteKeyEvent.

The MockStorage replies with two kinds of events: a KeyValueEvent in response to a ReadKeyEvent and a ConfirmedEvent in response to a (write) KeyValueEvent. This is quite simple processing as you can see when reviewing the code of the sample. Besides the usual functionality, note that the ConfirmedEvent has a boolean Existing member to show if a write operation replaced an existing value under the same key. This can be used by the client of the MockStorage to determine if a key was replaced. For example, the Navigator does actually use this to write a safety Assert checking to make sure a pending drink order request isn’t getting lost in the failover process.

The Liveness monitor

The LivenessMonitor (See Liveness Checking) monitors the Robot and the Navigator to make sure the Robot always finishes the job, by serving a Drink.

This “liveness” property can be enforced using a very simple LivenessMonitor as shown below:

internal class LivenessMonitor : Monitor
    public class BusyEvent : Event { }

    public class IdleEvent : Event { }

    [OnEventGotoState(typeof(BusyEvent), typeof(Busy))]
    private class Idle : State { }

    [OnEventGotoState(typeof(IdleEvent), typeof(Idle))]
    private class Busy : State { }

The Robot can send events to this monitor to tell it when to switch into Busy or Idle state. When the Robot requests a DrinkOrder or DrivingInstructions from the Navigator, it sends this event:

this.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.BusyEvent());

And when the Robot finishes an order it sends this event:

this.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.IdleEvent());

The Busy state is marked as a [Hot] state and the Idle state is marked as a [Cold] state. During testing if coyote test finds the LivenessMonitor to be stuck in the [Hot] state for too long it raises an exception and the test fails. This is in fact the failure that is detected during the test.

Explanation of the bug

Remember the last lines of the coyote test execution log file:

<ErrorLog> Monitor 'Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.DrinksServingRobot.LivenessMonitor' detected
liveness bug in hot state 'Busy' at the end of program execution.

If you add to the coyote test command line --actor-graph, and test again:

coyote test .\Samples\bin\net8.0\DrinksServingRobotActors.dll -i 1000 -ms 2000 -s prioritization -sv 10 --actor-graph

you’ll see in the output of the tester that a DGML diagram has been produced:

..... Writing CoyoteOutput\DrinksServingRobotActors_0_0.dgml

Open this with Visual Studio 2022 and you will see a diagram like this. Here the diagram is also animated using the contents of the --xml-trace output so you can see the sequence of events leading up to the bug. MockStateMachineTimer information was removed from this graph just to simplify the diagram:

This is the exact snapshot at the time when the bug manifested.

This diagram shows that the first Navigator (Navigator(6)) was terminated by the FailoverDriver, which then created a second Navigator (Navigator(13)).

The link from this Navigator to the Robot shows that the Navigator registered itself with the Robot. What looks bad is that there is no link from the Robot to this Navigator. The Robot never sent any request and remained waiting. This is in fact the liveness bug!

But who sent it in the Active state? The diagram clearly shows that MovingOnRoute was the state from which the transition occurred.

The state MovingOnRoute is very simple. It processes a single type of event (MoveTimerElapsedEvent) with the NextMove() action:

[OnEventDoAction(typeof(MoveTimerElapsedEvent), nameof(NextMove))]
internal class MovingOnRoute : State { }

private void NextMove()
    this.DrinkOrderPending = false;

    if (this.Route == null)

    if (!this.Route.Any())

        this.WriteLine("<Robot> Reached Client.");
            this.Coordinates == this.CurrentOrder.ClientDetails.Coordinates,
            "Having reached the Client the Robot's coordinates must be the same " +
            "as the Client's, but they aren't");
        var nextDestination = this.Route[0];
        this.Timers["MoveTimer"] = this.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(MoveDuration),
            new MoveTimerElapsedEvent());

Note that in this code there is no transition or even mentioning of the state Active … so how was it possible to transition from MovingOnRoute to Active?

The diagram shows exactly what happened:

  1. The Navigator registered itself sending a Navigator.RegisterNavigatorEvent to the Robot.
  2. When the Robot dequeued this event, it was in state MovingOnRoute. But this state doesn’t process registrations from the Robot. Then who processed this event? The diagram again answers this. See that the state Init pushed the Active state, and then the following states all happened on the top of the active states stack, with Init below. This was done on purpose so that only one state, Init, should have to deal with the registration of the Navigator.
  3. State Init processed the registration of the Navigator, then transitioned to state Active.
  4. So what happened was that the robot was in the MoveOnRoute state when Navigator failover occurred. The new Navigator (13) started up and sent the RegisterNavigatorEvent, and the OnSetNavigator sees that this is a failover condition, because this.NavigatorId is already set, so it aborts the current robot move on route operation and goes back to the Active state using this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Active>()

But what happened to the Robot in state Active? Why it didn’t send any request to the Navigator?

This code fragment explains what happened:

[OnEventGotoState(typeof(Navigator.DrinkOrderProducedEvent), typeof(ExecutingOrder))]
[OnEventDoAction(typeof(Navigator.DrinkOrderConfirmedEvent), nameof(OnDrinkOrderConfirmed))]
internal class Active : State { }

private void OnInitActive()
    if (!this.DrinkOrderPending)
        this.SendEvent(this.NavigatorId, new Navigator.GetDrinkOrderEvent(this.GetPicture()));
        this.WriteLine("<Robot> Asked for a new Drink Order");

    this.Monitor<LivenessMonitor>(new LivenessMonitor.BusyEvent());

The Robot didn’t send a request to the Navigator, because this.DrinkOrderPending was true (when in fact it should have been false). The Robot just informed the LivenessMonitor that it is busy, and then waited (forever) to receive the Navigator’s response to the pending order it believed was coming. But it was out of sync with the Navigator because there was no pending order in the Storage service.

Thus, the reason for the bug is the incorrect value of this.DrinkOrderPending in state MovingOnRoute at the time of the registration event. Look at the code of Robot.cs where this.DrinkOrderPending is being modified. The only place where this is set to false is in the NextMove() method:

private void NextMove()
    this.DrinkOrderPending = false;

Unfortunately, this is too late…

So when is the right moment to set this.DrinkOrderPending to false?

This is a classic timing bug then, and the coyote tester was able to uncover this bug because it takes control of all the timing and ordering of messages between the actors. The problem is the Navigator considers the drink request complete (and clears the Storage of that request) when it returns the DrivingInstructionsEvent. This event is handled by the robot in the method ReachClient. So this is where the Robot should be clearing its internal DrinkOrderPending state:

private void ReachClient(Event e)
    var route = (e as DrivingInstructionsEvent)?.Route;
    if (route != null)
        this.Route = route;
        // this.DrinkOrderPending = false; // this is where it really belongs.
        this.Timers["MoveTimer"] = this.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(MoveDuration),
            new MoveTimerElapsedEvent());


You can even see the fix for the bug in the code above. Although currently commented out, this is the exact place to set DrinkOrderPending to false.

So, the fix is to remove from the NextMove() method this line:

this.DrinkOrderPending = false;

and to move it into the ReachClient() method (or just uncomment the fix that is hidden there).

After you perform this fix and rebuild the sample, try running coyote test again with the same command line which previously reported the liveness bug:

coyote test ./Samples/bin/net8.0/DrinksServingRobotActors.dll -i 1000 -ms 2000 -s prioritization -sv 10

And now no bug will be found – you should get result similar to this:

..... Iteration #800
..... Iteration #800
..... Iteration #900
..... Iteration #900
..... Iteration #1000
..... Iteration #1000
... Testing statistics:
..... Found 0 bugs.
... Exploration statistics:
..... Explored 2000 schedules: 0 fair and 2000 unfair.
..... Hit the max-steps bound of '2000' in 8.55% of the unfair schedules.
... Elapsed 25.7423125 sec.
. Done

If you want to have a high degree of certainty that no bug is found, run the coyote tester with a sufficiently big number of iterations, say 100,000.


Failover testing is simple to achieve using Coyote and yields many interesting bugs in your code, including some thought-provoking design bugs. The technique of halting a “production” state-machine, and recreating it by reading from a “persistent” MockStorage (which is not halted during testing) can be generalized to many other scenarios (such as actual cloud services) where someone needs to test failover logic of production actors using Coyote.

In this tutorial you learned:

  1. How to do failover testing using a Coyote FailoverDriver state machine.
  2. How to use Coyote to test failover in a service.
  3. How to use --strategy prioritization testing to find tricky bugs.
  4. How to specify the --actor-graph argument so that the coyote test tool would produce a snapshot-DGML diagram of the final state of the system when the bug was found.
  5. How to use RaisePushStateEvent() and RaisePopStateEvent() to achieve additional simplicity in handling common events in one place.
  6. How Assert helps find violations of safety properties during testing.
  7. How to ensure graceful termination of one state machine (before creating a new one) via the TerminateEvent and HaltedEvent handshake between the FailoverDriver and the Navigator.
  8. How to write and use a LivenessMonitor in order to discover tricky liveness bugs.