Simulating optimistic concurrency control using ETags

Concurrency unit testing with Coyote often involves writing mocks that simulate (a subset of) the behavior of an external service or library. This is a “pay-as-you-go” effort, it is up to you to decide how simple or complex you want your mocks to be depending on what kind of logic you want to test! You can start with writing some very simple mocks and incrementally add behavior if you want to test more advanced scenarios. The only requirement is that the mocks must work in a concurrent setting, as Coyote explores interleavings and other sources of nondeterminism.

For example, the simple InMemoryDbCollection mock described in the previous tutorial simulates asynchronous row manipulation in a backend NoSQL database to test the logic of an AccountManager. A great benefit of designing such a mock is that it can be reused across many different concurrency unit tests, comparing to the more traditional approach of writing very simple mock methods that return fixed results (like in the first version of the InMemoryDbCollection mock).

In this tutorial, you will see that it is very easy to take the InMemoryDbCollection mock and extend it with ETags to simulate optimistic concurrency control. While the implementation of an actual NoSQL database can be really complex, enhancing your mock with ETag semantics can be fairly trivial.

What you will need

To run the code in this tutorial, you will need to:


Let’s motivate the problem by extending the AccountManager to support updating existing accounts. An account can only be updated if the version of the new instance is greater than that of the existing instance. To deal with this design requirement, the AccountManager must now maintain a version per account (besides its name and payload) as follows:

public class Account
  public string Name { get; set; }

  public string Payload { get; set; }

  public int Version { get; set; }

Recall that accounts are stored in a backend NoSQL database, which the AccountManager accesses via the IDbCollection interface. To be able to update stored accounts, extend IDbCollection with an UpdateRow method.

public interface IDbCollection
    Task<bool> CreateRow(string key, string value);

    Task<bool> DoesRowExist(string key);

    Task<string> GetRow(string key);

    Task<bool> UpdateRow(string key, string value);

    Task<bool> DeleteRow(string key);

You will also need to extend the InMemoryDbCollection mock with UpdateRow. Let’s write a very simple mock implementation for this method.

public Task<bool> UpdateRow(string key, string value)
  return Task.Run(() =>
    lock (this.Collection)
      bool success = this.Collection.ContainsKey(key);
      if (!success)
        throw new RowNotFoundException();

      this.Collection[key] = value;

    return true;

The lock statement ensures that checking if the key exists in the dictionary (via this.Collection.ContainsKey(key)) and updating its value (via this.Collection[key] = value) is done atomically (without interference from other concurrent operations to the database). One interesting observation is that the lock is inside the InMemoryDbCollection mock but not inside the AccountManager code. You might be wondering why it is not okay to use a lock in AccountManager, but it is fine to use it in InMemoryDbCollection? The reason behind this choice is that AccountManager instances can run in across different processes or machines in production, and locks do not work in such an intra-process setting because usually intra-process calls are done asynchronously and it is not safe to do async code inside a lock statement. With Coyote, however, you run the entire concurrency unit test in a single process, so it is perfectly fine for the mock itself to take a lock, which makes it a lot easier to simulate the ETag functionality.

You can see how the rest of the InMemoryDbCollection methods are implemented in the AccountManager.ETags sample, which is available in the Coyote git repo.

Next, let’s implement the AccountManager logic.

public class AccountManager
  private readonly IDbCollection AccountCollection;

  public AccountManager(IDbCollection dbCollection)
    this.AccountCollection = dbCollection;

  // Returns true if the account is created, else false.
  public async Task<bool> CreateAccount(string accountName, string accountPayload, int accountVersion)
    var account = new Account()
      Name = accountName,
      Payload = accountPayload,
      Version = accountVersion

      return await this.AccountCollection.CreateRow(accountName, JsonSerializer.Serialize(account));
    catch (RowAlreadyExistsException)
      return false;

  // Returns true if the account is updated, else false.
  public async Task<bool> UpdateAccount(string accountName, string accountPayload, int accountVersion)
    Account existingAccount;

      string value = await this.AccountCollection.GetRow(accountName);
      existingAccount = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Account>(value);
    catch (RowNotFoundException)
      return false;

    if (accountVersion <= existingAccount.Version)
      return false;

    var updatedAccount = new Account()
      Name = accountName,
      Payload = accountPayload,
      Version = accountVersion

      return await this.AccountCollection.UpdateRow(accountName, JsonSerializer.Serialize(updatedAccount));
    catch (RowNotFoundException)
      return false;

  // Returns the account if found, else null.
  public async Task<Account> GetAccount(string accountName)
      string value = await this.AccountCollection.GetRow(accountName);
      return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Account>(value);
    catch (RowNotFoundException)
      return null;

  // Returns true if the account is deleted, else false.
  public async Task<bool> DeleteAccount(string accountName)
      return await this.AccountCollection.DeleteRow(accountName);
    catch (RowNotFoundException)
      return false;

This was a lot of code!

The CreateAccount is similar to the previous tutorial, but with a few differences. It creates an Account instance using the input account data, then uses System.Text.Json to serialize it to a string and tries to add it to the database by invoking CreateRow. If this operation fails with a RowAlreadyExistsException, the AccountManager catches the exception and returns false, else it returns true.

The UpdateAccount method is a bit more involved. The method first invokes the GetRow database method to get the value of the account with the name that we want to update (if such an account already exists), and uses System.Text.Json to deserialize the returned value to an Account instance. Next, the AccountManager checks if the version of the existing account is greater or equal than the new account, and if yes, the method fails with false. Else, it creates a new Account instance, serializes it and tries to update the corresponding database entry by invoking UpdateRow.

The GetAccount and DeleteAccount methods are also similar to the previous tutorial, but now use a try { ... } catch { ... } block to return false if the call to IDbCollection failed with a RowNotFoundException.

Let’s first write a sequential unit test to exercise the above UpdateAccount logic.

public static async Task TestAccountUpdate()
  // Initialize the mock in-memory DB and account manager.
  var dbCollection = new InMemoryDbCollection();
  var accountManager = new AccountManager(dbCollection);

  string accountName = "MyAccount";

  // Create the account, it should complete successfully and return true.
  var result = await accountManager.CreateAccount(accountName, "first_version", 1);

  result = await accountManager.UpdateAccount(accountName, "second_version", 2);

  result = await accountManager.UpdateAccount(accountName, "second_version_alt", 2);

Build the code, rewrite the assembly and run the test using Coyote for 10 iterations:

coyote rewrite .\AccountManager.ETags.dll
coyote test .\AccountManager.ETags.dll -m TestAccountUpdate -i 10

The test succeeds.

. Testing .\AccountManager.ETags.dll
... Method TestAccountUpdate
... Started the testing task scheduler (process:37236).
... Created '1' testing task (process:37236).
... Task 0 is using 'random' strategy (seed:2049239085).
..... Iteration #1
..... Iteration #2
..... Iteration #3
..... Iteration #4
..... Iteration #5
..... Iteration #6
..... Iteration #7
..... Iteration #8
..... Iteration #9
..... Iteration #10
... Testing statistics:
..... Found 0 bugs.
... Exploration statistics:
..... Explored 10 schedules: 10 fair and 0 unfair.
..... Number of scheduling decisions in fair terminating schedules: 15 (min), 17 (avg), 25 (max).
... Elapsed 0.2354834 sec.

This is cool, but will a test that exercises concurrent account updates also succeed? Let’s find out by writing the following concurrency unit test.

public static async Task TestConcurrentAccountUpdate()
  // Initialize the mock in-memory DB and account manager.
  var dbCollection = new InMemoryDbCollection();
  var accountManager = new AccountManager(dbCollection);

  string accountName = "MyAccount";

  // Create the account, it should complete successfully and return true.
  var result = await accountManager.CreateAccount(accountName, "first_version", 1);

  // Call UpdateAccount twice without awaiting, which makes both methods run
  // asynchronously with each other.
  var task1 = accountManager.UpdateAccount(accountName, "second_version", 2);
  var task2 = accountManager.UpdateAccount(accountName, "second_version_alt", 2);

  // Then wait both requests to complete.
  await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);

  // Finally, assert that only one of the two requests succeeded and the other
  // failed. Note that we do not know which one of the two succeeded as the
  // requests ran concurrently (this is why we use an exclusive OR).
  Assert.True(task1.Result ^ task2.Result);

Build the code, rewrite the assembly and run the test using Coyote for 10 iterations. You’ll realize it will fail quite fast as Coyote will find an execution in which both UpdateAccount requests succeed.

This is a bug because only one of the two requests should succeed. This race condition happens when the two concurrently executing UpdateAccount methods both read the first Version of the row, independently think their account Version is greater than what is currently stored in the database and update the entry.

In fact, the problem is worse than that. Consider the following test that first updates the accounts concurrently using two different versions, 2 and 3, and then getting the account and asserting that the account version should always be the latest, which is 3.

public static async Task TestGetAccountAfterConcurrentUpdate()
  // Initialize the mock in-memory DB and account manager.
  var dbCollection = new InMemoryDbCollection();
  var accountManager = new AccountManager(dbCollection);

  string accountName = "MyAccount";

  // Create the account, it should complete successfully and return true.
  var result = await accountManager.CreateAccount(accountName, "first_version", 1);

  // Call UpdateAccount twice without awaiting, which makes both methods run
  // asynchronously with each other.
  var task1 = accountManager.UpdateAccount(accountName, "second_version", 2);
  var task2 = accountManager.UpdateAccount(accountName, "third_version", 3);

  // Then wait both requests to complete.
  await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2);

  // Finally, get the account and assert that the version is always 3,
  // which is the latest updated version.
  var account = await accountManager.GetAccount(accountName);
  Assert.True(account.Version == 3);

Build the code, rewrite the assembly and run the test using Coyote for 10 iterations. This test will fail in some iterations with account version 2 overwriting version 3.

You can see that this is not just a benign failure! The code doesn’t respect the UpdateAccount semantics in the presence of concurrency, which is a serious issue.

A database system like Cosmos DB provides ETags which you can use to only update the row if the ETags match. This ensures that UpdateAccount will fail if another concurrent request updates the row after UpdateAccount has read it, which indicates that UpdateAccount operated on stale data.

Let’s take a look at a correct implementation of UpdateAccount that uses ETags.

// Returns true if the account is updated, else false.
public async Task<bool> UpdateAccount(string accountName, string accountPayload, int accountVersion)
  Account existingAccount;
  Guid existingAccountETag;

  // Naive retry if ETags mismatch. In production, you would either use a proper retry
  // policy with delays or return a response to the caller requesting them to retry.
  while (true)
      (string value, Guid etag) = await this.AccountCollection.GetRow(accountName);
      existingAccount = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Account>(value);
      existingAccountETag = etag;
    catch (RowNotFoundException)
      return false;

    if (accountVersion <= existingAccount.Version)
      return false;

    var updatedAccount = new Account()
      Name = accountName,
      Payload = accountPayload,
      Version = accountVersion

      return await this.AccountCollection.UpdateRow(
    catch (MismatchedETagException)
    catch (RowNotFoundException)
      return false;

Let’s extend the IDbCollection interface and InMemoryDbCollection mock to support ETags so that you can run the above test. You can also define a helper DbRow class in your mock to store the database row value with its associated ETag.

public class DbRow
    public string Value { get; set; }

    public Guid ETag { get; set; }

public interface IDbCollection
  Task<bool> CreateRow(string key, string value);

  Task<bool> DoesRowExist(string key);

  Task<(string value, Guid etag)> GetRow(string key);

  Task<bool> UpdateRow(string key, string value, Guid etag);

  Task<bool> DeleteRow(string key);

public class InMemoryDbCollection : IDbCollection
  private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, DbRow> Collection;

  public InMemoryDbCollection()
    this.Collection = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DbRow>();

  public Task<bool> CreateRow(string key, string value)
    return Task.Run(() =>
      // Generate a new ETag when creating a brand new row.
      var dbRow = new DbRow()
        Value = value,
        ETag = Guid.NewGuid()

      bool success = this.Collection.TryAdd(key, dbRow);
      if (!success)
        throw new RowAlreadyExistsException();

      return true;

  public Task<(string value, Guid etag)> GetRow(string key)
    return Task.Run(() =>
      bool success = this.Collection.TryGetValue(key, out DbRow dbRow);
      if (!success)
        throw new RowNotFoundException();

      return (dbRow.Value, dbRow.ETag);

  public Task<bool> UpdateRow(string key, string value, Guid etag)
    return Task.Run(() =>
      lock (this.Collection)
        bool success = this.Collection.TryGetValue(key, out DbRow existingDbRow);
        if (!success)
          throw new RowNotFoundException();
        else if (etag != existingDbRow.ETag)
          throw new MismatchedETagException();

        // Update the Etag value when updating the row.
        var dbRow = new DbRow()
          Value = value,
          ETag = Guid.NewGuid()

        this.Collection[key] = dbRow;
        return true;

  /* Rest of the methods not shown for simplicity */

The above InMemoryDbCollection mock simulates the ETag semantics of Cosmos DB. You can see how the rest of the InMemoryDbCollection methods are implemented in the AccountManager.ETags sample, which is available in the Coyote git repo

Build the code one last time, rewrite the assembly and run the test using Coyote for 10 iterations. This time the test succeeds! If you try to remove the ETag check, it will fail as expected.

As you can see, it didn’t take much effort to simulate ETags in the mock, as you just simulated the semantics in-memory. This is significantly easier than if you had to implement the real ETags functionality in a production distributed system, where you would have to worry about arbitrary failures, coordination across machines and network delays. Mocks are often fairly easy to write and help ensure that your distributed service works correctly in the presence of arbitrary concurrency across a fleet of machines.

Get the sample source code

To get the complete source code for the AccountManager.ETags tutorial, first clone the Coyote git repo.

You can then build the sample by following the instructions here.