C++ Rest SDK
The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NstreamsLibrary for asynchronous streams
 NpplxThe pplx namespace provides classes and functions that give you access to the Concurrency Runtime, a concurrent programming framework for C++. For more information, see Concurrency Runtime.
 C_Continuation_func_transformerA helper class template that transforms a continuation lambda that either takes or returns void, or both, into a lambda that takes and returns a non-void type (details::_Unit_type is used to substitute for void). This is to minimize the special handling required for 'void'.
 C_Continuation_func_transformer< _InType, void >
 C_Continuation_func_transformer< void, _OutType >
 C_Continuation_func_transformer< void, void >
 C_Init_func_transformer< void >
 Ccancellation_tokenThe cancellation_token class represents the ability to determine whether some operation has been requested to cancel. A given token can be associated with a task_group, structured_task_group, or task to provide implicit cancellation. It can also be polled for cancellation or have a callback registered for if and when the associated cancellation_token_source is canceled.
 Ccancellation_token_registrationThe cancellation_token_registration class represents a callback notification from a cancellation_token. When the register method on a cancellation_token is used to receive notification of when cancellation occurs, a cancellation_token_registration object is returned as a handle to the callback so that the caller can request a specific callback no longer be made through use of the deregister method.
 Ccancellation_token_sourceThe cancellation_token_source class represents the ability to cancel some cancelable operation.
 Cinvalid_operationThis class describes an exception thrown when an invalid operation is performed that is not more accurately described by another exception type thrown by the Concurrency Runtime.
 Cscheduler_ptrRepresents a pointer to a scheduler. This class exists to allow the the specification of a shared lifetime by using shared_ptr or just a plain reference by using raw pointer.
 Cscoped_lockA generic RAII wrapper for locks that implements the critical_section interface cpprest_synchronization::lock_guard
 CtaskThe Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) task class. A task object represents work that can be executed asynchronously, and concurrently with other tasks and parallel work produced by parallel algorithms in the Concurrency Runtime. It produces a result of type _ResultType on successful completion. Tasks of type task<void> produce no result. A task can be waited upon and canceled independently of other tasks. It can also be composed with other tasks using continuations(then), and join(when_all) and choice(when_any) patterns.
 Ctask< void >The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) task class. A task object represents work that can be executed asynchronously, and concurrently with other tasks and parallel work produced by parallel algorithms in the Concurrency Runtime. It produces a result of type _ResultType on successful completion. Tasks of type task<void> produce no result. A task can be waited upon and canceled independently of other tasks. It can also be composed with other tasks using continuations(then), and join(when_all) and choice(when_any) patterns.
 Ctask_canceledThis class describes an exception thrown by the PPL tasks layer in order to force the current task to cancel. It is also thrown by the get() method on task, for a canceled task.
 Ctask_completion_eventThe task_completion_event class allows you to delay the execution of a task until a condition is satisfied, or start a task in response to an external event.
 Ctask_completion_event< void >The task_completion_event class allows you to delay the execution of a task until a condition is satisfied, or start a task in response to an external event.
 Ctask_continuation_contextThe task_continuation_context class allows you to specify where you would like a continuation to be executed. It is only useful to use this class from a Windows Store app. For non-Windows Store apps, the task continuation's execution context is determined by the runtime, and not configurable.
 Ctask_optionsRepresents the allowed options for creating a task
 NutilityVarious utilities for string conversions and date and time manipulation
 Cnonce_generatorNonce string generator class.
 NwebThe web namespace contains functionality common to multiple protocols like HTTP and WebSockets
 NhttpDeclarations and functionality for the HTTP protocol
 NjsonLibrary for parsing and serializing JSON values to and from C++ types
 CcredentialsRepresents a set of user credentials (user name and password) to be used for authentication.
 CuriA flexible, protocol independent URI implementation
 Curi_builderBuilder for constructing URIs incrementally.
 Curi_exceptionA single exception type to represent errors in parsing, encoding, and decoding URIs.
 Cweb_proxyweb_proxy represents the concept of the web proxy, which can be auto-discovered, disabled, or specified explicitly by the user.