eBPF for Windows
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Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
ebpf_api.h File Reference
#include "ebpf_core_structs.h"
#include "ebpf_execution_type.h"
#include "ebpf_program_attach_type_guids.h"
#include "ebpf_result.h"
#include <specstrings.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>

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Data Structures

struct  _ebpf_stat
struct  _ebpf_api_program_info
struct  ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t
struct  _ebpf_test_run_options


#define ebpf_section_info_t   ebpf_api_program_info_t


typedef int32_t fd_t
typedef intptr_t ebpf_handle_t
typedef struct _ebpf_stat ebpf_stat_t
typedef struct _ebpf_api_program_info ebpf_api_program_info_t
typedef enum _ebpf_verification_verbosity ebpf_verification_verbosity_t
typedef struct _ebpf_program_info ebpf_program_info_t
typedef struct _ebpf_test_run_options ebpf_test_run_options_t




_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_query_info (fd_t fd, ebpf_execution_type_t *execution_type, _Outptr_result_z_ const char **file_name, _Outptr_result_z_ const char **section_name) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Query info about an eBPF program.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_enumerate_programs (const char *file, bool verbose, _Outptr_result_maybenull_ ebpf_api_program_info_t **infos, const char **error_message) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Get list of programs and stats in an eBPF file.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_enumerate_sections (const char *file, bool verbose, _Outptr_result_maybenull_ ebpf_section_info_t **infos, const char **error_message) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Get list of sections and stats in an eBPF file.
void ebpf_free_programs (ebpf_api_program_info_t *infos) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Free memory returned from ebpf_enumerate_programs.
void ebpf_free_sections (ebpf_section_info_t *infos) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Free memory returned from ebpf_enumerate_sections.
uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_disassemble_program (const char *file, _In_opt_z_ const char *section_name, _In_opt_z_ const char *program_name, const char **disassembly, const char **error_message) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Convert an eBPF program to human readable byte code.
uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_disassemble_section (const char *file, const char *section, const char **disassembly, const char **error_message) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Convert an eBPF program to human readable byte code.
uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_program_from_file (const char *file, _In_opt_z_ const char *section_name, _In_opt_z_ const char *program_name, const ebpf_program_type_t *program_type, ebpf_verification_verbosity_t verbosity, const char **report, const char **error_message, _Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t *stats) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Verify that the program is safe to execute.
uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_section_from_file (const char *file, const char *section, const ebpf_program_type_t *program_type, ebpf_verification_verbosity_t verbosity, const char **report, const char **error_message, _Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t *stats) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Verify that the program is safe to execute.
uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_program_from_memory (_In_reads_(data_length) const char *data, size_t data_length, _In_opt_z_ const char *section_name, _In_opt_z_ const char *program_name, const ebpf_program_type_t *program_type, ebpf_verification_verbosity_t verbosity, const char **report, const char **error_message, _Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t *stats) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Verify that the program is safe to execute.
uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_section_from_memory (_In_reads_(data_length) const char *data, size_t data_length, const char *section_name, const ebpf_program_type_t *program_type, ebpf_verification_verbosity_t verbosity, const char **report, const char **error_message, _Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t *stats) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Verify that the program is safe to execute.
void ebpf_free_string (const char *string) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Free memory for a string returned from an eBPF API.
uint32_t ebpf_api_unpin_object (const uint8_t *name, uint32_t name_length) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Dissociate a name with an object handle.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_object_unpin (const char *path) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Unpin the object from the specified path.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_api_unlink_program (ebpf_handle_t link_handle) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Detach the eBPF program from the link.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_api_close_handle (ebpf_handle_t handle) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Close an eBPF handle.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_api_get_pinned_map_info (uint16_t *map_count,(*map_count) ebpf_map_info_t **map_info) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Returns an array of ebpf_map_info_t for all pinned maps.
void ebpf_api_map_info_free (uint16_t map_count, const ebpf_map_info_t *map_info) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Helper Function to free array of ebpf_map_info_t allocated by ebpf_api_get_pinned_map_info function.
ebpf_execution_type_t ebpf_object_get_execution_type (const struct bpf_object *object) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Get the execution type for an eBPF object file.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_object_set_execution_type (_Inout_ struct bpf_object *object, ebpf_execution_type_t execution_type) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Set the execution type for an eBPF object file.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_attach (const struct bpf_program *program, const ebpf_attach_type_t *attach_type, _In_reads_bytes_opt_(attach_params_size) void *attach_parameters, size_t attach_params_size, struct bpf_link **link) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Attach an eBPF program.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_attach_by_fd (fd_t program_fd, const ebpf_attach_type_t *attach_type, _In_reads_bytes_opt_(attach_parameters_size) void *attach_parameters, size_t attach_parameters_size, struct bpf_link **link) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Attach an eBPF program by program file descriptor.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_link_detach (_Inout_ struct bpf_link *link) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Detach an eBPF program from an attach point represented by the bpf_link structure.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_detach (fd_t program_fd, const ebpf_attach_type_t *attach_type, _In_reads_bytes_(attach_parameter_size) void *attach_parameter, size_t attach_parameter_size) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Detach an eBPF program.
void ebpf_link_close (_Frees_ptr_ struct bpf_link *link) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_close_fd (fd_t fd) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Close a file descriptor. Also close the underlying handle.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_get_program_type_by_name (const char *name, ebpf_program_type_t *program_type, ebpf_attach_type_t *expected_attach_type) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Get eBPF program type and expected attach type by name.
_Ret_maybenull_z_ const char * ebpf_get_program_type_name (const ebpf_program_type_t *program_type) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Get the name of a given program type.
_Ret_maybenull_z_ const char * ebpf_get_attach_type_name (const ebpf_attach_type_t *attach_type) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Get the name of a given attach type.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_get_next_pinned_program_path (const char *start_path, _Out_writes_z_(EBPF_MAX_PIN_PATH_LENGTH) char *next_path) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Gets the next pinned program after a given path.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_get_program_info_from_verifier (const ebpf_program_info_t **program_info) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Get the set of program information used by the verifier during the last verification.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_test_run (fd_t program_fd, _Inout_ ebpf_test_run_options_t *options) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Run the program in the eBPF VM, measure the execution time, and return the result.
_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_ring_buffer_map_write (fd_t ring_buffer_map_fd, _In_reads_bytes_(data_length) const void *data, size_t data_length) EBPF_NO_EXCEPT
 Write data into the ring buffer map.


const fd_t ebpf_fd_invalid = -1

Macro Definition Documentation



◆ ebpf_section_info_t

#define ebpf_section_info_t   ebpf_api_program_info_t

Typedef Documentation

◆ ebpf_api_program_info_t

◆ ebpf_handle_t

typedef intptr_t ebpf_handle_t

◆ ebpf_program_info_t

◆ ebpf_stat_t

typedef struct _ebpf_stat ebpf_stat_t

◆ ebpf_test_run_options_t

◆ ebpf_verification_verbosity_t

◆ fd_t

typedef int32_t fd_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _ebpf_verification_verbosity


Function Documentation

◆ ebpf_api_close_handle()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_api_close_handle ( ebpf_handle_t  handle)

Close an eBPF handle.

[in]handleHandle to close.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSHandle was closed.
EBPF_INVALID_OBJECTHandle is not valid.

◆ ebpf_api_elf_disassemble_program()

uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_disassemble_program ( const char *  file,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  section_name,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  program_name,
const char **  disassembly,
const char **  error_message 

Convert an eBPF program to human readable byte code.

[in]fileName of ELF file containing eBPF program.
[in]section_nameThe name of the section to disassemble. If NULL, the first program section is used.
[in]program_nameThe name of the program to disassemble. If NULL, the first program in the section is used.
[out]disassemblyOn success points text version of the program.
[out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of the error.

◆ ebpf_api_elf_disassemble_section()

uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_disassemble_section ( const char *  file,
const char *  section,
const char **  disassembly,
const char **  error_message 

Convert an eBPF program to human readable byte code.

[in]fileName of ELF file containing eBPF program.
[in]sectionThe name of the section to disassemble.
[out]disassemblyOn success points text version of the program.
[out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of the error.

◆ ebpf_api_elf_verify_program_from_file()

uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_program_from_file ( const char *  file,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  section_name,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  program_name,
const ebpf_program_type_t program_type,
ebpf_verification_verbosity_t  verbosity,
const char **  report,
const char **  error_message,
_Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t stats 

Verify that the program is safe to execute.

[in]fileName of ELF file containing eBPF program.
[in]section_nameThe name of the section in which the program exists. If NULL, the first code section is used.
[in]program_nameThe name of the program to verify. If NULL, the first program in the section is used.
[in]program_typeOptional program type. If NULL, the program type is derived from the section name.
[in]verbosityHow much additional info about the programs to obtain.
[out]reportPoints to a text section describing why the program failed verification.
[out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of the error.
[out]statsIf non-NULL, returns verification statistics.
Return values
0Verification succeeded.
1Verification failed.

◆ ebpf_api_elf_verify_program_from_memory()

uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_program_from_memory ( _In_reads_(data_length) const char *  data,
size_t  data_length,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  section_name,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  program_name,
const ebpf_program_type_t program_type,
ebpf_verification_verbosity_t  verbosity,
const char **  report,
const char **  error_message,
_Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t stats 

Verify that the program is safe to execute.

[in]dataMemory containing the ELF file containing eBPF program.
[in]data_lengthLength of data.
[in]section_nameThe name of the section in which the program exists. If NULL, the first code section is used.
[in]program_nameThe name of the program to verify. If NULL, the first program in the section is used.
[in]program_typeOptional program type. If NULL, the program type is derived from the section name.
[in]verbosityHow much additional info about the programs to obtain.
[out]reportPoints to a text section describing why the program failed verification.
[out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of the error.
[out]statsIf non-NULL, returns verification statistics.
Return values
0Verification succeeded.
1Verification failed.

◆ ebpf_api_elf_verify_section_from_file()

uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_section_from_file ( const char *  file,
const char *  section,
const ebpf_program_type_t program_type,
ebpf_verification_verbosity_t  verbosity,
const char **  report,
const char **  error_message,
_Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t stats 

Verify that the program is safe to execute.

[in]fileName of ELF file containing eBPF program.
[in]sectionThe name of the section to verify.
[in]program_typeOptional program type. If NULL, the program type is derived from the section name.
[in]verbosityHow much additional info about the programs to obtain.
[out]reportPoints to a text section describing why the program failed verification.
[out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of the error.
[out]statsIf non-NULL, returns verification statistics.
Return values
0Verification succeeded.
1Verification failed.

◆ ebpf_api_elf_verify_section_from_memory()

uint32_t ebpf_api_elf_verify_section_from_memory ( _In_reads_(data_length) const char *  data,
size_t  data_length,
const char *  section_name,
const ebpf_program_type_t program_type,
ebpf_verification_verbosity_t  verbosity,
const char **  report,
const char **  error_message,
_Out_opt_ ebpf_api_verifier_stats_t stats 

Verify that the program is safe to execute.

[in]dataMemory containing the ELF file containing eBPF program.
[in]data_lengthLength of data.
[in]section_nameThe name of the section to verify.
[in]program_typeOptional program type. If NULL, the program type is derived from the section name.
[in]verbosityHow much additional info about the programs to obtain.
[out]reportPoints to a text section describing why the program failed verification.
[out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of the error.
[out]statsIf non-NULL, returns verification statistics.
Return values
0Verification succeeded.
1Verification failed.

◆ ebpf_api_get_pinned_map_info()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_api_get_pinned_map_info ( uint16_t *  map_count,
*map_count ebpf_map_info_t **  map_info 

Returns an array of ebpf_map_info_t for all pinned maps.

[out]map_countNumber of pinned maps.
[out]map_infoArray of ebpf_map_info_t for pinned maps.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe API succeeded.
EBPF_NO_MEMORYOut of memory.
EBPF_INVALID_ARGUMENTOne or more parameters are wrong.

◆ ebpf_api_map_info_free()

void ebpf_api_map_info_free ( uint16_t  map_count,
const ebpf_map_info_t map_info 

Helper Function to free array of ebpf_map_info_t allocated by ebpf_api_get_pinned_map_info function.

[in]map_countLength of array to be freed.
[in]map_infoMap to be freed.

◆ ebpf_api_unlink_program()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_api_unlink_program ( ebpf_handle_t  link_handle)

Detach the eBPF program from the link.

[in]link_handleHandle to the link.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operations succeeded.
EBPF_INVALID_ARGUMENTThe link handle is invalid.

◆ ebpf_api_unpin_object()

uint32_t ebpf_api_unpin_object ( const uint8_t *  name,
uint32_t  name_length 

Dissociate a name with an object handle.

[in]nameName to dissociate.
[in]name_lengthLength in bytes of the name.

◆ ebpf_close_fd()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_close_fd ( fd_t  fd)

Close a file descriptor. Also close the underlying handle.

[in]fdFile descriptor to be closed.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_INVALID_FDInvalid fd was provided.

◆ ebpf_enumerate_programs()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_enumerate_programs ( const char *  file,
bool  verbose,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ ebpf_api_program_info_t **  infos,
const char **  error_message 

Get list of programs and stats in an eBPF file.

  • *- *
    [in]fileName of file containing eBPF programs.
  • *
    [in]verboseObtain additional info about the programs.
  • *
    [out]infosOn success points to a list of eBPF programs. The caller is responsible for freeing the list via ebpf_free_programs().
  • *
    [out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of
  • * the error.

◆ ebpf_enumerate_sections()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_enumerate_sections ( const char *  file,
bool  verbose,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ ebpf_section_info_t **  infos,
const char **  error_message 

Get list of sections and stats in an eBPF file.

[in]fileName of file containing eBPF program sections.
[in]verboseObtain additional info about the program sections.
[out]infosOn success points to a list of eBPF program sections. The caller is responsible for freeing the list via ebpf_free_sections().
[out]error_messageOn failure points to a text description of the error.
Use ebpf_enumerate_programs() instead.

◆ ebpf_free_programs()

void ebpf_free_programs ( ebpf_api_program_info_t infos)

Free memory returned from ebpf_enumerate_programs.

[in]dataMemory to free.

◆ ebpf_free_sections()

void ebpf_free_sections ( ebpf_section_info_t infos)

Free memory returned from ebpf_enumerate_sections.

[in]dataMemory to free.
Use ebpf_free_programs() instead.

◆ ebpf_free_string()

void ebpf_free_string ( const char *  string)

Free memory for a string returned from an eBPF API.

[in]stringMemory to free.

◆ ebpf_get_attach_type_name()

_Ret_maybenull_z_ const char * ebpf_get_attach_type_name ( const ebpf_attach_type_t attach_type)

Get the name of a given attach type.

[in]attach_typeAttach type.
Name of the attach type, or NULL if not found.

◆ ebpf_get_next_pinned_program_path()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_get_next_pinned_program_path ( const char *  start_path,
_Out_writes_z_(EBPF_MAX_PIN_PATH_LENGTH) char *  next_path 

Gets the next pinned program after a given path.

[in]start_pathPath to look for an entry greater than.
[out]next_pathReturns the next path, if one exists.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_NO_MORE_KEYSNo more entries found.

◆ ebpf_get_program_info_from_verifier()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_get_program_info_from_verifier ( const ebpf_program_info_t **  program_info)

Get the set of program information used by the verifier during the last verification.

[out]program_infoPointer to the program information used to verify the program.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_OBJECT_NOT_FOUNDNo program information was found.

◆ ebpf_get_program_type_by_name()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_get_program_type_by_name ( const char *  name,
ebpf_program_type_t program_type,
ebpf_attach_type_t expected_attach_type 

Get eBPF program type and expected attach type by name.

[in]nameName, as if it were a section name in an ELF file.
[out]program_typeeBPF program type.
[out]expected_attach_typeExpected eBPF attach type.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_KEY_NOT_FOUNDNo program type was found.

◆ ebpf_get_program_type_name()

_Ret_maybenull_z_ const char * ebpf_get_program_type_name ( const ebpf_program_type_t program_type)

Get the name of a given program type.

[in]program_typeProgram type.
Name of the program type, or NULL if not found.

◆ ebpf_link_close()

void ebpf_link_close ( _Frees_ptr_ struct bpf_link *  link)

Clean up and free bpf_link structure. Also close the underlying link fd.

[in]linkPointer to the bpf_link structure.
See also

◆ ebpf_link_detach()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_link_detach ( _Inout_ struct bpf_link *  link)

Detach an eBPF program from an attach point represented by the bpf_link structure.

[in,out]linkPointer to bpf_link structure.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_INVALID_OBJECTInvalid object was passed.

◆ ebpf_object_get_execution_type()

ebpf_execution_type_t ebpf_object_get_execution_type ( const struct bpf_object *  object)

Get the execution type for an eBPF object file.

[in]objectThe eBPF object file.
Execution type.

◆ ebpf_object_set_execution_type()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_object_set_execution_type ( _Inout_ struct bpf_object *  object,
ebpf_execution_type_t  execution_type 

Set the execution type for an eBPF object file.

[in,out]objectThe eBPF object file.
[in]execution_typeExecution type to set.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_INVALID_ARGUMENTOne or more parameters are incorrect.

◆ ebpf_object_unpin()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_object_unpin ( const char *  path)

Unpin the object from the specified path.

[in]pathPath from which to unpin.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.

◆ ebpf_program_attach()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_attach ( const struct bpf_program *  program,
const ebpf_attach_type_t attach_type,
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(attach_params_size) void *  attach_parameters,
size_t  attach_params_size,
struct bpf_link **  link 

Attach an eBPF program.

[in]programPointer to the eBPF program.
[in]attach_typeOptionally, the attach type for attaching the program. If attach type is not specified, then the earlier provided attach type or attach type derived from section prefix will be used to attach the program.
[in]attach_params_sizeSize of the attach parameters.
[in]attach_parametersOptionally, attach parameters. This is an opaque flat buffer containing the attach parameters which is interpreted by the extension provider.
[out]linkPointer to ebpf_link structure.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.

◆ ebpf_program_attach_by_fd()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_attach_by_fd ( fd_t  program_fd,
const ebpf_attach_type_t attach_type,
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(attach_parameters_size) void *  attach_parameters,
size_t  attach_parameters_size,
struct bpf_link **  link 

Attach an eBPF program by program file descriptor.

[in]program_fdAn eBPF program file descriptor.
[in]attach_typeOptionally, the attach type for attaching the program. If attach type is not specified, then the earlier provided attach type or attach type derived from section prefix will be used to attach the program.
[in]attach_parameters_sizeSize of the attach parameters.
[in]attach_parametersOptionally, attach parameters. This is an opaque flat buffer containing the attach parameters which is interpreted by the extension provider.
[out]linkPointer to ebpf_link structure.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.

◆ ebpf_program_detach()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_detach ( fd_t  program_fd,
const ebpf_attach_type_t attach_type,
_In_reads_bytes_(attach_parameter_size) void *  attach_parameter,
size_t  attach_parameter_size 

Detach an eBPF program.

[in]program_fdFile descriptor of program to detach. If set to -1, this parameter is ignored.
[in]attach_typeThe attach type for attaching the program.
[in]attach_parameter_sizeSize of the attach parameter.
[in]attach_parameterPointer to attach parameter. This is an opaque flat buffer containing the attach parameters which is interpreted by the extension provider.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_INVALID_OBJECTInvalid object was passed.

◆ ebpf_program_query_info()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_query_info ( fd_t  fd,
ebpf_execution_type_t execution_type,
_Outptr_result_z_ const char **  file_name,
_Outptr_result_z_ const char **  section_name 

Query info about an eBPF program.

[in]fdFile descriptor of an eBPF program.
[out]execution_typeOn success, contains the execution type.
[out]file_nameOn success, contains the file name.
[out]section_nameOn success, contains the section name.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.

◆ ebpf_program_test_run()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_program_test_run ( fd_t  program_fd,
_Inout_ ebpf_test_run_options_t options 

Run the program in the eBPF VM, measure the execution time, and return the result.

[in]program_fdFile descriptor of the program to run.
[in,out]optionsOptions to control the test run and results.
Return values
EBPF_SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
EBPF_INVALID_OBJECTInvalid object was passed.

◆ ebpf_ring_buffer_map_write()

_Must_inspect_result_ ebpf_result_t ebpf_ring_buffer_map_write ( fd_t  ring_buffer_map_fd,
_In_reads_bytes_(data_length) const void *  data,
size_t  data_length 

Write data into the ring buffer map.

[in]ring_buffer_map_fdring buffer map file descriptor.
[in]dataPointer to data to be written.
[in]data_lengthLength of data to be written.
Return values
EPBF_SUCCESSSuccessfully wrote record into ring buffer.
EBPF_OUT_OF_SPACEUnable to output to ring buffer due to inadequate space.
EBPF_NO_MEMORYOut of memory.

Variable Documentation

◆ ebpf_fd_invalid

const fd_t ebpf_fd_invalid = -1