  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

IOptions are passed into the client constructor to configure how the client connects to etcd. It supports defining multiple servers and configuring how load is balanced between those servers.


  • IOptions



Optional auth

auth: undefined | { callOptions?: CallOptionsFactory; password: string; username: string }

Etcd password auth, if using. You can also specify call options for the authentication token exchange call.

Optional credentials

credentials: undefined | { certChain?: Buffer; privateKey?: Buffer; rootCertificate: Buffer }

Optional client cert credentials for talking to etcd. Describe more here, passed into the createSsl function in GRPC here.

For example:

const etcd = new Etcd3({
  credentials: {
    rootCertificate: fs.readFileSync('ca.crt'),

Optional defaultCallOptions

defaultCallOptions: CallOptionsFactory

Default call options used for all requests. This can be an object, or a function which will be called for each etcd method call. As a function, it will be called with a context object, which looks like:

  service: 'KV',   // etcd service name
  method: 'range', // etcd method name
  isStream: false, // whether the call create a stream
  params: { ... }, // arguments given to the call

For example, this will set a 10 second timeout on all calls which are not streams:

const etcd3 = new Etcd3({
  defaultCallOptions: context => context.isStream ? {} : { deadline: Date.now() + 10000 },

The default options are shallow merged with any call-specific options. For example this will always result in a 5 second timeout, regardless of what the defaultCallOptions contains:

etcd3.get('foo').options({ deadline: Date.now() + 5000 })

Optional dialTimeout

dialTimeout: undefined | number

Duration in milliseconds to wait while connecting before timing out. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Optional faultHandling

faultHandling: Partial<{ global: IPolicy<IDefaultPolicyContext>; host: (hostname: string) => IPolicy<IDefaultPolicyContext>; watchBackoff: IBackoff<unknown> }>

Defines the fault-handling policies for the client via Cockatiel. There are two policies: per-host, and global. Calls will call through the global policy, and then to a host policy. Each time the global policy retries, it will pick a new host to run the call on.

The recommended setup for this is to put a retry policy on the global slot, and a circuit-breaker policy guarding each host. Additionally, you can configure a backoff that the watch manager will use for reconnecting watch streams.

By default, global is set to a three-retry policy and host is a circuit breaker that will open (stop sending requests) for five seconds after three consecutive failures. The watch backoff defaults to Cockatiel's default exponential options (a max 30 second delay on a decorrelated jitter).

For example, this is how you would manually specify the default options:

import { Etcd3, isRecoverableError } from 'etcd3';
import { Policy, ConsecutiveBreaker, ExponentialBackoff } from 'cockatiel';

const etcd = new Etcd3({
  faultHandling: {
    host: () =>
      Policy.handleWhen(isRecoverableError).circuitBreaker(5_000, new ConsecutiveBreaker(3)),
    global: Policy.handleWhen(isRecoverableError).retry(3),
    watchBackoff: new ExponentialBackoff(),

Here's how you can disable all fault-handling logic:

import { Etcd3 } from 'etcd3';
import { Policy } from 'cockatiel';

const etcd = new Etcd3({
  faultHandling: {
    host: () => Policy.noop,
    global: Policy.noop,

Optional grpcOptions

grpcOptions: ChannelOptions

Internal options to configure the GRPC client. These are channel options as enumerated in their C++ documentation. For example:

const etcd = new Etcd3({
  // ...
  grpcOptions: {
    'grpc.http2.max_ping_strikes': 3,


hosts: string[] | string

A list of hosts to connect to. Hosts should include the https?:// prefix.


  • Constructor
  • Method
  • Inherited method

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