
The module provides data classes for representing various agricultural operations and practices in a farm, such as tillage, fertilization, organic amendments, and harvests. This module simplifies the process of managing and organizing farm-related data and offers specialized data types for integrating with Azure Data Manager for Agriculture (ADMAg).


classDiagram class BaseVibe { } class DataVibe { } class ADMAgPrescription { } class ADMAgPrescriptionInput { } class ADMAgPrescriptionMapInput { } class ADMAgSeasonalFieldInput { } class FertilizerInformation { } class HarvestInformation { } class OrganicAmendmentInformation { } class SeasonalFieldInformation { } class TillageInformation { } DataVibe --|> BaseVibe ADMAgPrescription --|> BaseVibe ADMAgPrescriptionInput --|> BaseVibe ADMAgPrescriptionMapInput --|> BaseVibe ADMAgSeasonalFieldInput --|> BaseVibe SeasonalFieldInformation --|> DataVibe


class, prescriptionMapId, productCode, productName, type, measurements, id, eTag, status, createdDateTime, modifiedDateTime, source, geometry, name, description, createdBy, modifiedBy)

Bases: BaseVibe

Represents an ADMAg Prescriptions.

createdBy: str

createdBy of the prescription.

createdDateTime: str

createdDateTime of the prescription.

description: str

The description of the nutrient analysis.

eTag: str

eTag of the prescription.

geometry: Dict[str, Any]

The geometry of the nutrient analysis location.

id: str

Prescription Id.

measurements: str

The measurements received from the sensor.

modifiedBy: str

modifiedBy of the prescription.

modifiedDateTime: str

modifiedDateTime of the prescription.

name: str

The name of the analysis.

partyId: str

The id of Party.

prescriptionMapId: str

The id of mapping with seasonal field.

productCode: str

The productCode of the sensor.

productName: str

The productName of the sensor.

source: str

source of the analysis.

status: str

status of the analysis.

type: str

type of the analysis.

class, prescription_id)

Bases: BaseVibe

Represents an ADMAg Prescriptions input.

party_id: str

The ID of the party.

prescription_id: str

The ID of the prescription.

class, fieldId, seasonal_field_id, cropId)

Bases: BaseVibe

Represents an ADMAg Prescription Map input.

cropId: str

The ID of the crop.

fieldId: str

The ID of the field.

party_id: str

The ID of the party.

seasonal_field_id: Optional[str]

The ID of the seasonal field.

class, seasonal_field_id)

Bases: BaseVibe

Represents an ADMAg Seasonal Field input.

party_id: str

The ID of the party.

seasonal_field_id: str

The ID of the seasonal field.

class, end_date, application_type, total_nitrogen, enhanced_efficiency_phosphorus)

Bases: object

Represents fertilizer practices operation.

application_type: str

The type of fertilizer application.

end_date: str

The end date of the practice.

enhanced_efficiency_phosphorus: str

The type of enhanced efficiency phosphorus used.

start_date: str

The start date of the practice.

total_nitrogen: float

The total amount of nitrogen applied.

class, start_date, end_date, crop_yield, stray_stover_hay_removal)

Bases: object

Represents a harvest operation in a field.

crop_yield: float

The yield of the crop, in kg/ha.

end_date: str

The end date of the harvest operation.

is_grain: bool

Whether the crop is a grain (True) or not (False).

start_date: str

The start date of the harvest operation.

stray_stover_hay_removal: float

The amount of stray stover or hay removed from the field after harvest, in kg/ha.

class, end_date, organic_amendment_type, organic_amendment_amount, organic_amendment_percent_nitrogen, organic_amendment_carbon_nitrogen_ratio)

Bases: object

Represents an organic amendment practice operation.

end_date: str

The end date of the organic amendment practice.

organic_amendment_amount: float

The amount of organic amendment applied.

organic_amendment_carbon_nitrogen_ratio: float

The carbon to nitrogen ratio of the organic amendment.

organic_amendment_percent_nitrogen: float

The percent nitrogen of the organic amendment.

organic_amendment_type: str

The type of organic amendment applied.

start_date: str

The start date of the organic amendment practice.

class, time_range, geometry, assets, crop_name, crop_type, properties, fertilizers, harvests, tillages, organic_amendments)

Bases: DataVibe

Represents seasonal field information for a farm.

crop_name: str

The name of the crop grown in the seasonal field.

crop_type: str

The type of the crop grown in the seasonal field.

fertilizers: List[FertilizerInformation]

A list of FertilizerInformation objects representing the fertilizer practices in the seasonal field.

harvests: List[HarvestInformation]

A list of HarvestInformation objects representing the harvests for the seasonal field.

organic_amendments: List[OrganicAmendmentInformation]

A list of OrganicAmendmentInformation objects representing the organic amendments for the seasonal field.

properties: Dict[str, Any]

A dictionary of additional properties for the seasonal field.

tillages: List[TillageInformation]

A list of TillageInformation objects representing the tillage operations for the seasonal field.

class, end_date, implement)

Bases: object

Represents a tillage operation in a field .

end_date: str

The end date of the tillage operation.

implement: str

The implement used for the tillage operation.

start_date: str

The start date of the tillage operation.