Downloads gNATSGO raster data that intersect with the input geometry and time range. This workflow lists and downloads raster products of gNATSGO dataset from Planetary Computer. Input geometry must fall within Continel USA, whereas input time range can be arbitrary (all gNATSGO assets are from 2020-07-01). For more information on the available properties, see
user_input: Geometry of interest (arbitrary time range).
raster: Raster with desired property.
pc_key: Optional Planetary Computer API key.
variable: Options are: aws{DEPTH} - Available water storage estimate (AWS) for the DEPTH zone. soc{DEPTH} - Soil organic carbon stock estimate (SOC) for the DEPTH zone. tk{DEPTH}a - Thickness of soil components used in the DEPTH zone for the AWS calculation. tk{DEPTH}s - Thickness of soil components used in the DEPTH zone for the SOC calculation. mukey - Map unit key, a unique identifier of a record for matching with gNATSGO tables. droughty - Drought vulnerability estimate. nccpi3all - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index that has the highest value among Corn and Soybeans, Small Grains, or Cotton for major earthy components. nccpi3corn - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index for Corn for major earthy components. nccpi3cot - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index for Cotton for major earthy components. nccpi3sg - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index for Small Grains for major earthy components. nccpi3soy - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index for Soy for major earthy components. pctearthmc - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index map unit percent earthy is the map unit summed comppct_r for major earthy components. pwsl1pomu - Potential Wetland Soil Landscapes (PWSL). rootznaws - Root zone (commodity crop) available water storage estimate (RZAWS). rootznemc - Root zone depth is the depth within the soil profile that commodity crop (cc) roots can effectively extract water and nutrients for growth. musumcpct - Sum of the comppct_r (SSURGO component table) values for all listed components in the map unit. musumcpcta - Sum of the comppct_r (SSURGO component table) values used in the available water storage calculation for the map unit. musumcpcts - Sum of the comppct_r (SSURGO component table) values used in the soil organic carbon calculation for the map unit. gNATSGO has properties available for multiple soil depths. You may exchange DEPTH in the variable names above for any of the following (all measured in cm): 0_5 0_20 0_30 5_20 0_100 0_150 0_999 20_50 50_100 100_150 150_999
list: Lists gNATSGO products from Planetary Computer that intersect with input geometry.
download: Downloads the raster asset for ‘variable’ given a GNATSGO product.
Workflow Yaml
name: download_gnatsgo
- list.input_item
raster: download.downloaded_raster
pc_key: null
variable: soc0_5
op: list_gnatsgo_products
op: download_gnatsgo
api_key: '@from(pc_key)'
variable: '@from(variable)'
- origin: list.gnatsgo_products
- download.gnatsgo_product
short_description: Downloads gNATSGO raster data that intersect with the input geometry
and time range.
long_description: This workflow lists and downloads raster products of gNATSGO dataset
from Planetary Computer. Input geometry must fall within Continel USA, whereas
input time range can be arbitrary (all gNATSGO assets are from 2020-07-01). For
more information on the available properties, see
user_input: Geometry of interest (arbitrary time range).
raster: Raster with desired property.
pc_key: Optional Planetary Computer API key.
variable: "Options are:\n aws{DEPTH} - Available water storage estimate (AWS)\
\ for the DEPTH zone.\n soc{DEPTH} - Soil organic carbon stock estimate (SOC)\
\ for the DEPTH zone.\n tk{DEPTH}a - Thickness of soil components used in the\
\ DEPTH zone for the AWS calculation.\n tk{DEPTH}s - Thickness of soil components\
\ used in the DEPTH zone for the SOC calculation.\n mukey - Map unit key, a\
\ unique identifier of a record for matching with gNATSGO tables.\n droughty\
\ - Drought vulnerability estimate.\n nccpi3all - National Commodity Crop Productivity\
\ Index that has the highest value among Corn\nand Soybeans, Small Grains, or\
\ Cotton for major earthy components.\n nccpi3corn - National Commodity Crop\
\ Productivity Index for Corn for major earthy\ncomponents.\n nccpi3cot - National\
\ Commodity Crop Productivity Index for Cotton for major earthy\ncomponents.\n\
\ nccpi3sg - National Commodity Crop Productivity Index for Small Grains for\
\ major earthy\ncomponents.\n nccpi3soy - National Commodity Crop Productivity\
\ Index for Soy for major earthy components.\n pctearthmc - National Commodity\
\ Crop Productivity Index map unit percent earthy is the map\nunit summed comppct_r\
\ for major earthy components.\n pwsl1pomu - Potential Wetland Soil Landscapes\
\ (PWSL).\n rootznaws - Root zone (commodity crop) available water storage\
\ estimate (RZAWS).\n rootznemc - Root zone depth is the depth within the soil\
\ profile that commodity crop (cc)\nroots can effectively extract water and\
\ nutrients for growth.\n musumcpct - Sum of the comppct_r (SSURGO component\
\ table) values for all listed components\nin the map unit.\n musumcpcta -\
\ Sum of the comppct_r (SSURGO component table) values used in the available\n\
water storage calculation for the map unit.\n musumcpcts - Sum of the comppct_r\
\ (SSURGO component table) values used in the soil organic\ncarbon calculation\
\ for the map unit. \ngNATSGO has properties available for multiple soil depths.\
\ You may exchange DEPTH in the variable names above for any of the following\
\ (all measured in cm): \n 0_5\n 0_20\n 0_30\n 5_20\n 0_100\n 0_150\n\
\ 0_999\n 20_50\n 50_100\n 100_150\n 150_999"