Downloads and preprocesses Sentinel-2 imagery that covers the input geometry and time range, and computes improved cloud masks using cloud and shadow segmentation models. This workflow selects a minimum set of tiles that covers the input geometry, downloads Sentinel-2 imagery for the selected time range, and preprocesses it by generating a single multi-band raster at 10m resolution. It then improves cloud masks by merging the product mask with cloud and shadow masks computed using cloud and shadow segmentation models.
user_input: Time range and geometry of interest.
raster: Sentinel-2 L2A rasters with all bands resampled to 10m resolution.
mask: Cloud masks at 10m resolution.
min_tile_cover: Minimum RoI coverage to consider a set of tiles sufficient.
max_tiles_per_time: Maximum number of tiles used to cover the RoI in each date.
cloud_thr: Confidence threshold to assign a pixel as cloud.
shadow_thr: Confidence threshold to assign a pixel as shadow.
in_memory: Whether to load the whole raster in memory when running predictions. Uses more memory (~4GB/worker) but speeds up inference for fast models.
cloud_model: ONNX file for the cloud model. Available models are ‘cloud_model{idx}_cpu.onnx’ with idx ∈ {1, 2} being FPN-based models, which are more accurate but slower, and idx ∈ {3, 4, 5} being cheaplab models, which are less accurate but faster.
shadow_model: ONNX file for the shadow model. ‘shadow.onnx’ is the only currently available model.
pc_key: Optional Planetary Computer API key.
dl_timeout: Maximum time, in seconds, before a band reading operation times out.
s2: Downloads and preprocesses Sentinel-2 imagery that covers the input geometry and time range.
cloud: Improves cloud masks by merging the product cloud mask with cloud and shadow masks computed by machine learning segmentation models.
Workflow Yaml
name: preprocess_s2_improved_masks
- s2.user_input
raster: s2.raster
mask: cloud.mask
min_tile_cover: null
max_tiles_per_time: null
cloud_thr: null
shadow_thr: null
in_memory: null
cloud_model: null
shadow_model: null
pc_key: null
dl_timeout: null
workflow: data_ingestion/sentinel2/preprocess_s2
min_tile_cover: '@from(min_tile_cover)'
max_tiles_per_time: '@from(max_tiles_per_time)'
pc_key: '@from(pc_key)'
dl_timeout: '@from(dl_timeout)'
workflow: data_ingestion/sentinel2/improve_cloud_mask
cloud_thr: '@from(cloud_thr)'
shadow_thr: '@from(shadow_thr)'
in_memory: '@from(in_memory)'
cloud_model: '@from(cloud_model)'
shadow_model: '@from(shadow_model)'
- origin: s2.raster
- cloud.s2_raster
- origin: s2.mask
- cloud.product_mask
short_description: Downloads and preprocesses Sentinel-2 imagery that covers the
input geometry and time range, and computes improved cloud masks using cloud and
shadow segmentation models.
long_description: This workflow selects a minimum set of tiles that covers the input
geometry, downloads Sentinel-2 imagery for the selected time range, and preprocesses
it by generating a single multi-band raster at 10m resolution. It then improves
cloud masks by merging the product mask with cloud and shadow masks computed using
cloud and shadow segmentation models.
user_input: Time range and geometry of interest.
raster: Sentinel-2 L2A rasters with all bands resampled to 10m resolution.
mask: Cloud masks at 10m resolution.