This workflow integrate the ADMAG API to download prescriptions and generate heatmap. The prescriptions are related with farm boundary and the nutrient information. Each prescription represent a sensor sample at a location within a farm boundary.
input_raster: Input raster for index computation.
admag_input: Required inputs to download prescriptions from admag.
result: Zip file containing cluster geometries.
base_url: URL to access the registered app
client_id: Value uniquely identifies registered application in the Microsoft identity platform. Visit url to register the app.
client_secret: Sometimes called an application password, a client secret is a string value your app can use in place of a certificate to identity itself.
authority: The endpoint URIs for your app are generated automatically when you register or configure your app. It is used by client to obtain authorization from the resource owner
default_scope: URL for default azure OAuth2 permissions
attribute_name: Nutrient property name in sensor samples geojson file. For example CARBON (C), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) etc.,
buffer: Offset distance from sample to perform interpolate operations with raster.
index: Type of index to be used to generate heatmap. For example - evi, pri etc.,
bins: Possible number of groups used to move value to nearest group using numpy histogram and to pre-process the data to support model training with classification .
simplify: Replace small polygons in input with value of their largest neighbor after converting from raster to vector. Accepts ‘simplify’ or ‘convex’ or ‘none’.
tolerance: All parts of a simplified geometry will be no more than tolerance distance from the original. It has the same units as the coordinate reference system of the GeoSeries. For example, using tolerance=100 in a projected CRS with meters as units means a distance of 100 meters in reality.
data_scale: Accepts True or False. Default is False. On True, it scale data using [StandardScalar] ( from scikit-learn package. It Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.
max_depth: The maximum depth of the tree. If None, then nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less than min_samples_split samples. For more details refer to (
n_estimators: The number of trees in the forest. For more details refer to (
random_state: Controls both the randomness of the bootstrapping of the samples used when building trees (if bootstrap=True) and the sampling of the features to consider when looking for the best split at each node (if max_features < n_features). For more details refer to (
prescriptions: Fetches prescriptions using ADMAg (Microsoft Azure Data Manager for Agriculture).
soil_sample_heatmap_classification: Utilizes input Sentinel-2 satellite imagery & the sensor samples as labeled data that contain nutrient information (Nitrogen, Carbon, pH, Phosphorus) to train a model using Random Forest classifier. The inference operation predicts nutrients in soil for the chosen farm boundary.
Workflow Yaml
name: heatmap_using_classification_admag
- prescriptions.admag_input
- soil_sample_heatmap_classification.input_raster
result: soil_sample_heatmap_classification.result
base_url: null
client_id: null
client_secret: null
authority: null
default_scope: null
attribute_name: null
buffer: null
index: null
bins: null
simplify: null
tolerance: null
data_scale: null
max_depth: null
n_estimators: null
random_state: null
workflow: data_ingestion/admag/prescriptions
base_url: '@from(base_url)'
client_id: '@from(client_id)'
client_secret: '@from(client_secret)'
authority: '@from(authority)'
default_scope: '@from(default_scope)'
workflow: data_processing/heatmap/classification
attribute_name: '@from(attribute_name)'
buffer: '@from(buffer)'
index: '@from(index)'
bins: '@from(bins)'
simplify: '@from(simplify)'
tolerance: '@from(tolerance)'
data_scale: '@from(data_scale)'
max_depth: '@from(max_depth)'
n_estimators: '@from(n_estimators)'
random_state: '@from(random_state)'
- origin: prescriptions.response
- soil_sample_heatmap_classification.samples
short_description: This workflow integrate the ADMAG API to download prescriptions
and generate heatmap.
long_description: The prescriptions are related with farm boundary and the nutrient
information. Each prescription represent a sensor sample at a location within
a farm boundary.
input_raster: Input raster for index computation.
admag_input: Required inputs to download prescriptions from admag.
result: Zip file containing cluster geometries.
base_url: URL to access the registered app
client_id: Value uniquely identifies registered application in the Microsoft identity
platform. Visit url
to register the app.
client_secret: Sometimes called an application password, a client secret is a
string value your app can use in place of a certificate to identity itself.
authority: The endpoint URIs for your app are generated automatically when you
register or configure your app. It is used by client to obtain authorization
from the resource owner
default_scope: URL for default azure OAuth2 permissions