
Downloads Sentinel-2 imagery and runs Segment Anything Model (SAM) automatic segmentation over them. The workflow retrieves the relevant Sentinel-2 products with the Planetary Computer (PC) API, and splits the input rasters into chips of 1024x1024 pixels with an overlap defined by spatial_overlap. Each chip is processed by SAM’s image encoder, and a point grid is defined within each chip, with each point being used as a prompt for the segmentation. Each point is used to generate a mask, and the masks are combined using multiple non-maximal suppression steps to generate the final segmentation mask. Before running the workflow, make sure the model has been imported into the cluster by running scripts/ The script will download the desired model weights from SAM repository, export the image encoder and mask decoder to ONNX format, and add them to the cluster. For more information, refer to the FarmVibes.AI troubleshooting page in the documentation.



  • user_input: Time range and geometry of interest.


  • s2_raster: Sentinel-2 rasters used as input for the segmentation.

  • segmentation_mask: Output segmentation masks.


  • pc_key: Optional Planetary Computer API key.

  • model_type: SAM’s image encoder backbone architecture, among ‘vit_h’, ‘vit_l’, or ‘vit_b’. Before running the workflow, make sure the desired model has been exported to the cluster by running scripts/ For more information, refer to the FarmVibes.AI troubleshooting page in the documentation.

  • spatial_overlap: Percentage of spatial overlap between chips in the range of [0.0, 1.0).

  • points_per_side: The number of points to be sampled along one side of the chip to be prompts. The total number of points is points_per_side**2.

  • n_crop_layers: If >0, mask prediction will be run again on crops of the image. Sets the number of layers to run, where each layer has 2**i_layer number of image crops.

  • crop_overlap_ratio: Sets the degree to which crops overlap. In the first crop layer, crops will overlap by this fraction of the chip length. Later layers with more crops scale down this overlap.

  • crop_n_points_downscale_factor: The number of points-per-side sampled in layer n is scaled down by crop_n_points_downscale_factor**n.

  • pred_iou_thresh: A filtering threshold in [0,1] over the model’s predicted mask quality/score.

  • stability_score_thresh: A filtering threshold in [0,1], using the stability of the mask under changes to the cutoff used to binarize the model’s mask predictions.

  • stability_score_offset: The amount to shift the cutoff when calculated the stability score.

  • points_per_batch: Number of points to process in a single batch.

  • num_workers: Number of workers to use for parallel processing.

  • in_memory: Whether to load the whole raster in memory when running predictions. Uses more memory (~4GB/worker) but speeds up inference for fast models.

  • chip_nms_thr: The box IoU cutoff used by non-maximal suppression to filter duplicate masks within a chip.

  • mask_nms_thr: The box IoU cutoff used by non-maximal suppression to filter duplicate masks between different chips.


  • preprocess_s2: Downloads and preprocesses Sentinel-2 imagery that covers the input geometry and time range.

  • s2_automatic_segmentation: Runs a Segment Anything Model (SAM) automatic segmentation over input rasters.

Workflow Yaml

name: auto_segment_s2
  - preprocess_s2.user_input
  - s2_automatic_segmentation.input_geometry
  s2_raster: preprocess_s2.raster
  segmentation_mask: s2_automatic_segmentation.segmentation_mask
  pc_key: null
  model_type: vit_b
  spatial_overlap: 0.5
  points_per_side: 16
  n_crop_layers: 0
  crop_overlap_ratio: 0.0
  crop_n_points_downscale_factor: 1
  pred_iou_thresh: 0.88
  stability_score_thresh: 0.95
  stability_score_offset: 1.0
  points_per_batch: 16
  num_workers: 0
  in_memory: true
  chip_nms_thr: 0.7
  mask_nms_thr: 0.5
    workflow: data_ingestion/sentinel2/preprocess_s2
      pc_key: '@from(pc_key)'
    workflow: ml/segment_anything/automatic_segmentation
      model_type: '@from(model_type)'
      - R
      - G
      - B
      band_scaling: null
      band_offset: null
      spatial_overlap: '@from(spatial_overlap)'
      points_per_side: '@from(points_per_side)'
      n_crop_layers: '@from(n_crop_layers)'
      crop_overlap_ratio: '@from(crop_overlap_ratio)'
      crop_n_points_downscale_factor: '@from(crop_n_points_downscale_factor)'
      pred_iou_thresh: '@from(pred_iou_thresh)'
      stability_score_thresh: '@from(stability_score_thresh)'
      stability_score_offset: '@from(stability_score_offset)'
      points_per_batch: '@from(points_per_batch)'
      num_workers: '@from(num_workers)'
      in_memory: '@from(in_memory)'
      chip_nms_thr: '@from(chip_nms_thr)'
      mask_nms_thr: '@from(mask_nms_thr)'
- origin: preprocess_s2.raster
  - s2_automatic_segmentation.input_raster
  short_description: Downloads Sentinel-2 imagery and runs Segment Anything Model
    (SAM) automatic segmentation over them.
  long_description: The workflow retrieves the relevant Sentinel-2 products with the
    Planetary Computer (PC) API, and splits the input rasters into chips of 1024x1024
    pixels with an overlap defined by `spatial_overlap`. Each chip is processed by
    SAM's image encoder, and a point grid is defined within each chip, with each point
    being used as a prompt for the segmentation. Each point is used to generate a
    mask, and the masks are combined using multiple non-maximal suppression steps
    to generate the final segmentation mask. Before running the workflow, make sure
    the model has been imported into the cluster by running `scripts/`.
    The script will download the desired model weights from SAM repository, export
    the image encoder and mask decoder to ONNX format, and add them to the cluster.
    For more information, refer to the [FarmVibes.AI troubleshooting](
    page in the documentation.
    user_input: Time range and geometry of interest.
    s2_raster: Sentinel-2 rasters used as input for the segmentation.
    segmentation_mask: Output segmentation masks.