.NET packages

  • Microsoft.KernelMemory.WebClient: .NET web client to call a running instance of Kernel Memory web service.

    Nuget package Example code

  • Microsoft.KernelMemory.Core: Kernel Memory core library including all extensions, can be used to build custom pipelines and handlers, contains also the serverless client to use memory in a synchronous way without the web service.

    Nuget package Example code

  • Microsoft.KernelMemory.Service.AspNetCore: an extension to load Kernel Memory into your ASP.NET apps.

    Nuget package Example code

  • Microsoft.KernelMemory.SemanticKernelPlugin: a Memory plugin for Semantic Kernel, replacing the original Semantic Memory available in SK.

    Nuget package Example code

Packages for Python, Java and other languages

Kernel Memory service offers a Web API out of the box, including the OpenAPI swagger documentation that you can leverage to test the API and create custom web clients. For instance, after starting the service locally, see

A python package with a Web Client and Semantic Kernel plugin will soon be available. We also welcome PR contributions to support more languages.