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Installation Guide

Install Python dependencies

To enjoy this repository, you need to have an existing installation of python>=3.8 (Miniconda or equivalent).

Then, we suggest you create a conda environment and install dependencies for this benchmark:

# create conda environment
conda create --name lightgbmbenchmark python=3.8 -y

# activate conda environment
conda activate lightgbmbenchmark

# install shrike library
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Install az ml cli

To be able to provision azure resources, or upload data from the command line, we recommend you to use the Azure CLI v2 with the ml extension. Follow the instructions to install and set up the CLI (v2).

Build local dependencies

The benchmark occasionaly relies on locally built dependencies. We will name those here.

Run lightgbm train locally (requires mpi)

Our lightgbm training script is distributed-ready, and currently using mpi. To be able to use this locally, either for debugging or for benchmarking, you'll need to install LightGBM with mpi support.

One easy way is to install lightgbm with mpi option (requires cmake and other build tools):

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install cmake==3.21.0
pip install lightgbm==3.2.1 --install-option=--mpi

Run scripts under /src/scripts/lightgbm_cli/

Those scripts are intended to run LightGBM from the command line. Using them requires providing the path to the lightgbm executables (ex: lightgbm.exe).

To build those locally, use instructions from LightGBM.


The /build/ directory has been added to .gitignore to allow you to build local dependencies without pushing them in git.