mi-malloc 1.8/2.1
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Using the library


The preferred usage is including <mimalloc.h>, linking with the shared- or static library, and using the mi_malloc API exclusively for allocation. For example,

gcc -o myprogram -lmimalloc myfile.c

mimalloc uses only safe OS calls (mmap and VirtualAlloc) and can co-exist with other allocators linked to the same program. If you use cmake, you can simply use:

find_package(mimalloc 2.1 REQUIRED)

in your CMakeLists.txt to find a locally installed mimalloc. Then use either:

target_link_libraries(myapp PUBLIC mimalloc)

to link with the shared (dynamic) library, or:

target_link_libraries(myapp PUBLIC mimalloc-static)

to link with the static library. See test\CMakeLists.txt for an example.


For best performance in C++ programs, it is also recommended to override the global new and delete operators. For convenience, mimalloc provides mimalloc-new-delete.h which does this for you – just include it in a single(!) source file in your project.

In C++, mimalloc also provides the mi_stl_allocator struct which implements the std::allocator interface. For example:

std::vector<some_struct, mi_stl_allocator<some_struct>> vec;


You can pass environment variables to print verbose messages (MIMALLOC_VERBOSE=1) and statistics (MIMALLOC_SHOW_STATS=1) (in the debug version):

> env MIMALLOC_SHOW_STATS=1 ./cfrac 175451865205073170563711388363
175451865205073170563711388363 = 374456281610909315237213 * 468551
heap stats: peak total freed unit
normal 2: 16.4 kb 17.5 mb 17.5 mb 16 b ok
normal 3: 16.3 kb 15.2 mb 15.2 mb 24 b ok
normal 4: 64 b 4.6 kb 4.6 kb 32 b ok
normal 5: 80 b 118.4 kb 118.4 kb 40 b ok
normal 6: 48 b 48 b 48 b 48 b ok
normal 17: 960 b 960 b 960 b 320 b ok
heap stats: peak total freed unit
normal: 33.9 kb 32.8 mb 32.8 mb 1 b ok
huge: 0 b 0 b 0 b 1 b ok
total: 33.9 kb 32.8 mb 32.8 mb 1 b ok
malloc requested: 32.8 mb
committed: 58.2 kb 58.2 kb 58.2 kb 1 b ok
reserved: 2.0 mb 2.0 mb 2.0 mb 1 b ok
reset: 0 b 0 b 0 b 1 b ok
segments: 1 1 1
-abandoned: 0
pages: 6 6 6
-abandoned: 0
mmaps: 3
mmap fast: 0
mmap slow: 1
threads: 0
elapsed: 2.022s
process: user: 1.781s, system: 0.016s, faults: 756, reclaims: 0, rss: 2.7 mb

The above model of using the mi_ prefixed API is not always possible though in existing programs that already use the standard malloc interface, and another option is to override the standard malloc interface completely and redirect all calls to the mimalloc library instead.

See Overriding Malloc for more info.