A Curve3 object is a logical object, so not a mesh, to handle curves in the 3D geometric space. A Curve3 is designed from a series of successive Vector3. Tuto : http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/How_to_use_Curve3#curve3-object
points which make up the curve
the computed length (float) of the curve.
the Curve3 stored array of successive Vector3
Returns a new instance of Curve3 object : const curve = curveA.continue(curveB); This new Curve3 is built by translating and sticking the curveB at the end of the curveA. curveA and curveB keep unchanged.
the curve to continue from this curve
the newly constructed curve
Returns a Curve3 object along a CatmullRom Spline curve :
(array of Vector3) the points the spline must pass through. At least, four points required
(integer) the wanted number of points between each curve control points
(boolean) optional with default false, when true forms a closed loop from the points
the created Curve3
Returns a Curve3 object along a Cubic Bezier curve : http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/How_to_use_Curve3#cubic-bezier-curve
(Vector3) the origin point of the Cubic Bezier
(Vector3) the first control point
(Vector3) the second control point
(Vector3) the end point of the Cubic Bezier
(integer) the wanted number of points in the curve
the created Curve3
Returns a Curve3 object along a Hermite Spline curve : http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/How_to_use_Curve3#hermite-spline
(Vector3) the origin point of the Hermite Spline
(Vector3) the tangent vector at the origin point
(Vector3) the end point of the Hermite Spline
(Vector3) the tangent vector at the end point
(integer) the wanted number of points in the curve
the created Curve3
Returns a Curve3 object along a Quadratic Bezier curve : http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/How_to_use_Curve3#quadratic-bezier-curve
(Vector3) the origin point of the Quadratic Bezier
(Vector3) the control point
(Vector3) the end point of the Quadratic Bezier
(integer) the wanted number of points in the curve
the created Curve3
A Curve3 object is a logical object, so not a mesh, to handle curves in the 3D geometric space. A Curve3 is designed from a series of successive Vector3.