Initialize a new grid layout.
The grid's anchor actor, the point to which the grid is aligned.
How the grid should be aligned to its anchor, where BoxAlignment.TopLeft will place the grid above and to the left of the anchor, and the lower right corner will touch the anchor.
How cells should be aligned by default.
How cells should be aligned by default.
How the grid should be aligned to its anchor, where BoxAlignment.TopLeft will place the grid above and to the left of the anchor, and the lower right corner will touch the anchor.
Add an actor to the grid. The actor's position will not be updated until applyLayout is called.
The cell's configuration.
Recompute the positions of all actors in the grid.
The number of columns in this grid.
The width of a particular column.
The column index.
The widths of every column.
The height of the full grid.
The width of the full grid.
The number of rows in this grid.
The height of a particular row.
The row index.
The heights of every row.
Lay out actors in a grid along the root actor's local XY plane. Assign actors to the grid with addCell, and apply updates with applyLayout.