
class nanotune.device.device_layout.IDeviceLayout[source]

Bases: ABC

Interface for device layout defining classes.

Abstract class methods need to return gate IDs of gates fulfilling the function the method’s name suggests.

abstract classmethod helper_gate() int[source]

Returns the gate_id of the additional gate such as a top barrier of a 2D layout or bottom gate below a 1D device.

abstract classmethod barriers() List[int][source]

Returns a list of gate_id of barrier gates. E.g. left, central and right barrier. The order of gate IDs determines the order they are swept.

abstract classmethod plungers() List[int][source]

Returns a list of gate_id of plunger gates, such as left and right plunger. The order of gate IDs determines the order they are swept.

abstract classmethod outer_barriers() List[int][source]

Returns a list of gate_id of outer barrier gates. The order of gate IDs determines the order they are swept.

abstract classmethod central_barrier() int[source]

Returns the gate_id of the central barrier.

abstract classmethod plunger_barrier_pairs() List[Tuple[int, int]][source]

Returns a list of tuples, where the first item of each tuple is a plunger and the second a barrier ID. These pairs belong to capacitiveley coupled plungers and barriers and indicated which barrier needs to be changed if a plunger reached its safety range when swept.

class nanotune.device.device_layout.DataClassMixin[source]

Bases: object

A dataclass mixin.

class nanotune.device.device_layout.DeviceLayout[source]

Bases: DataClassMixin, IDeviceLayout

An abstract data class.

class nanotune.device.device_layout.DoubleDotLayout[source]

Bases: DeviceLayout

DeviceLayout subclass defining a 2D double dot layout. The attributes’ values are the gates’ IDs.

top_barrier = 0
left_barrier = 1
left_plunger = 2
central_barrier_ = 3
right_plunger = 4
right_barrier = 5
classmethod barriers() List[int][source]

Returns list with left, central and right barrier IDs.

classmethod plungers() List[int][source]

Returns list with left and right plunger IDs.

classmethod outer_barriers() List[int][source]

Returns list with left and right barrier IDs.

classmethod plunger_barrier_pairs() List[Tuple[int, int]][source]

Returns a list of tuples, where the left plunger forms a tuple with the left barrier and the right plunger with the right barrier. It indicates which barrier needs to be adjusted when a plunger reaches its safety range when swept.


list – [(plunger ID, barrier ID)]

classmethod central_barrier() int[source]

Returns the central barrier’s gate ID.

classmethod helper_gate() int[source]

Returns the top barrier’s gate ID.