
class nanotune.drivers.mock_dac.MockDACChannel(parent, name, channel_id)[source]

Bases: DACChannelInterface

Channel of a mock DAC for nanotune. It implements all methods of DACChannelInterface to be compatible with nanotunes requirements.

property gettable
property settable
property supports_hardware_ramp: bool

Should indicate whether the channel’s voltage can be ramped by using a hardware ramp.

set_voltage(new_voltage: float) None[source]

The channel’s voltage setting method.

get_voltage() float[source]

The channel’s voltage getting method.

set_voltage_limit(new_limits: Tuple[float, float]) None[source]

Sets the safe min and max voltages of the channel.

get_voltage_limit() Tuple[float, float][source]

Gets the safe min and max voltages of the channel.

get_voltage_inter_delay() float[source]
set_voltage_inter_delay(new_inter_delay: float) None[source]
get_voltage_post_delay() float[source]
set_voltage_post_delay(new_post_delay: float) None[source]
get_voltage_step() float[source]

Gets the step attribute of the voltage parameter.

set_voltage_step(new_step: float) None[source]

Sets the step attribute of the voltage parameter.

get_frequency() float[source]

Gets the channel’s frequency if the DAC supports AWG functionalities.

set_frequency(value: float) None[source]

Sets the channel’s frequency if the DAC supports AWG functionalities.

get_offset() float[source]

Gets the channel’s waveform offset if the DAC supports AWG functionalities.

set_offset(new_offset: float)[source]

Sets the channel’s waveform offset if the DAC supports AWG functionalities.

get_amplitude() float[source]

Gets the channel’s waveform amplitude if the DAC supports AWG functionalities.

set_amplitude(new_amplitude: float) None[source]

Sets the channel’s waveform amplitude if the DAC supports AWG functionalities.

get_relay_state() RelayState[source]

Gets’s the channel’s relay state. E.g. float, or grounded.

set_relay_state(new_relay_state: RelayState) None[source]

Sets’s the channel’s relay state. E.g. float, or grounded.

set_ramp_rate(new_ramp_rate: float) None[source]

Sets the channel’s voltage ramp rate.

get_ramp_rate() float[source]

Get channel’s voltage ramp rate

get_limit_rate() float[source]
set_limit_rate(new_limit_rate: float) None[source]
get_filter() int[source]
set_filter(filter_id: int) None[source]
get_waveform() str[source]

Get channel’s waveform if AWG functionalities are supported.

set_waveform(waveform: str) None[source]

Set channel’s waveform if AWG functionalities are supported.

ramp_voltage(target_voltage: float, ramp_rate: Optional[float] = None) None[source]

Ramps the channel’s voltage to a target voltage at either a specified ramp rate or for example self.get_ramp_rate().

class nanotune.drivers.mock_dac.MockDAC(name, DACChannelClass)[source]

Bases: DACInterface

Mock DAC instrument compatible with nanotune.

run() None[source]

Starts waveforms if AWG functionalities are supported.

sync() None[source]

Syncs the instrument.