Results saving

Three classes work together to ensure tuning results are retained: TuningResult, MeasurementHistory, MeasurementHistory. They can be used to also save any other, not tuning related, results if desired.


The TuningResult is a dataclass holding results of a tuning stage such as gate characterization or charge diagram. It can also be used without nanotune’s Tuningstage and is serializable. Its attributes keep track of important metadata such as the success of the stage or measurement, guid/data run IDs and where the data is saved. The latter is important when several databases are used.


The MeasurementHistory is a container holding tuning results of a single device. Its results attribute is a dictionary mapping string identifiers such as gate_characterization_top_barrier to a TuningResult instances. If appearing multiple times, these identifiers are made unique by appending numbers (as strings) at the end.


The TuningHistory class is a container for tuning results of multiple devices. It wraps a dictionary mapping a device name to an instance of a MeasurementHistory.