
Notifications in OneFuzz

OneFuzz supports built-in container monitoring and reporting via Notifications. OneFuzz notifications monitor user specified containers for changes and will perform the notifications upon new file creation.



Notifications can be created via the CLI via:

onefuzz notifications create <CONTAINER <CONFIG>: Create a notification using a JSON config (See onefuzztypes.models.NotificationConfig for syntax)

Existing notifications can be viewed via:

onefuzz notifications list

Existing notifications can be deleted via:

onefuzz notifications delete <CONTAINER> <NOTIFICATION_ID>

NOTE: While notifications are tied to containers, not tasks, the job templates support creation notifications during execution. Example:

onefuzz template libfuzzer basic my-project target-1 build-1 --notification_config @./notifications.json

You can specify a path to a file using @/path/to/file syntax, or specify the JSON via a string, such as '{"config":{...}}'

Supported integrations