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Interface Field




Optional arrayOf

arrayOf is required when the property's type is an array of a sub-model type. It's required because the ES6 Reflect-metadata module that Paris uses to infer the types of properties doesn't support generics.


Using a model field's arrayOf configuration for assigning an array sub-model // Without the arrayOf, addresses won't be modeled by Paris.

@EntityField({ arrayOf: Address })
addresses: Array<Address>

Optional data

data: "__self" | string | Array<string>

Specifies which property in the raw data should be assigned to the model's property. By default, Paris looks for a property of the same name as the property in the model. i.e:

If an entity has the following property definition:


Then when creating the model, if the raw data contains a name property with value 'Anna', the resulting model will have a name property with value 'Anna'.


Mapping from a different raw data property with data If your raw data has properties in snake-case rather than camel-case, you'd need to map the properties:

@EntityField({ data: "creation_date" })
creationData: Date;

Using the first available value from the raw data for the model's property If an array of strings is provided for data, Paris will assign to the model's property value the first value from the raw data which isn't undefined or null:

@EntityField({ data: ['creation_date', 'init_date', 'start_date'] })
date: Date;

If the raw data is: { "creation_date": null, "start_date": 1532422166428 }

Then the model's date property will have a value of Date(1532422166428), since both creation_date and init_date have no value in the data.


Using '__self' for data to pass the whole raw data In the case when we want to separate some properties of the raw data to a sub-model, it's possible to use the special value '__self' for the data field configuration. This passes the whole raw data object to the field's creation, rather than just the value of a property. e.g:

Person extends EntityModelBase{

        @EntityField({ data: '__self' })

In case we want to separate all address properties from a user into an encapsulated object, for the following raw data:

        "name": "Anna",
        "street": "Prinsengracht 263-267",
        "zip": "1016 GV",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "country": "Holland"

Optional defaultValue

defaultValue: any

A value to assign to the property if the raw data is null or undefined.

Optional entity

Optional id

id: string

An ID for the field. By default, the ID is the property's name.

Optional isArray

isArray: boolean

Optional name

name: string

Optional name to assign to the field. May be used for reflection, debugging, etc.

Optional parse

parse: function

Parses the raw data before it's used by Paris to create the property's value Sometimes the value in the raw data is not formatted as we'd like, or more information might be needed to create the desired value. A field's parse configuration is available for changing the raw data before it's passed to Paris. Important: parse should return a new RAW data, not a Paris model.


Parsing a bitwise value into an array

        arrayOf: NotificationFormat,
        parse: (formatBitWise: number) => {
            return notificationFormatValues.reduce((formats: Array<number>, notificationFormat) => {
                return notificationFormat.id > 0 && (formatBitWise & notificationFormat.id) ? [...formats, notificationFormat.id] : formats;
            }, []);
formatFlavor: Array<NotificationFormat>;

The field's data from the raw data


The whole object's raw data


The query (if any) that was used for getting the data


new raw data.

Type declaration

    • (fieldData?: any, itemData?: any, query?: DataQuery): any
    • Parameters

      • Optional fieldData: any
      • Optional itemData: any
      • Optional query: DataQuery

      Returns any

Optional require

require: function | string

A condition that has to be satisfied in order to assign value to the property.

Assigning ZIP code only if street exists
@EntityField({ require: "street" })

Assigning ZIP code only if both street and country exist

@EntityField({ require: (data:AddressRawData) => data.street && data.country })

Optional required

required: boolean

If a field's required is set to true, it means that the property must have a value for the whole model to be created. If required is true and the property has a value of null or undefined, then the model itself will be null.



Optional serialize

serialize: false | function

A method used to serialize the model field's data back into raw data, to be used when saving the model to backend. serialize may also be set to false, in which case the field won't be included in the serialized model.

Optional type

type: Function

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