Reference Implementations#

The functional unit of PyBryt is a reference implementation. A reference implenetation is a set of conditions expected of students’ code that determine whether a student has correctly implemented some program. They are constructed by creating a series of annotations that are tracked in a ReferenceImplementation object.

Creating Reference Implementations#

Reference implemenations can be created by compiling Jupyter Notebooks that have been marked-up with annotations. To compile a reference implementation, use ReferenceImplementation.compile, which takes in the path to a notebook file:


There are two ways to mark-up a notebook: by creating annotations and having PyBryt track them automatically (for a single reference), or by tracking annotations in a list (for creating multiple reference implementations from a single notebook).

When compiling a notebook, PyBryt executes all of the code in the notebook and searches the resulting global environment for instances of the ReferenceImplementation class. If it finds them, it collects them into a list and returns the list of reference implementations (or a single reference implementation if only one is found). If it doesn’t find any reference implementations, it takes all of the annotations tracked by PyBryt and turns those into a single reference implementation.

Automatic Reference Creation#

To create a single reference implementation from a notebook, create Annotation instances (assigning them to variables is not necessary). After annotating the notebook, when PyBryt compiles the notebook, it will find all of the annotations.

PyBryt finds the annotations because the __init__ method automatically adds the instances created to a singleton list that PyBryt maintains, so assigning them to variables or tracking them further is unnecessary unless more advanced reference implementations are being built. This means that when marking up code, as below, creating new variables is unnecessary unless further conditions are to be made later down the line.

fibs = np.zeros(n, dtype=int)

fibs[0] = 0
curr_val = pybryt.Value(fibs)
if n == 1:
    return fibs

fibs[1] = 1
v = pybryt.Value(fibs)
curr_val.before(v)         # not assigned to a variable, but still tracked
curr_val = v
if n == 2:
    return fibs

for i in range(2, n-1):
    fibs[i] = fibs[i-1] + fibs[i-2]

    v = pybryt.Value(fibs)
    curr_val.before(v)     # not assigned to a variable, but still tracked
    curr_val = v

Manual Reference Creation#

To create multiple reference implementations from a single notebook, begin by creating Annotation instances and grouping them into lists. These lists will be passed to the ReferenceImplementation constructor to create the reference implementations. These objects must be assigned to global variables, or PyBryt will not find them. Note that the constructor takes an additional positional argument which corresponds to the name of the reference implementation.

As an example, consider the code below, which creates two reference implementations for a Fibonacci sequence generator:

n_fibs = 50
first_ref = []
second_ref =  []

# first implementation: dynamic programming
fibs = np.zeros(n_fibs, dtype=int)

fibs[0] = 0
if n_fibs == 1:
    return fibs

fibs[1] = 1
v = pybryt.Value(fibs)
curr_val = v
if n_fibs == 2:
    return fibs

for i in range(2, n_fibs-1):
    fibs[i] = fibs[i-1] + fibs[i-2]

    v = pybryt.Value(fibs)
    curr_val = v

final_answer = fibs[-1]

# second implementation: hash map
fib_map = {}
def fib(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0

    if n == 1:
        return 1

    if n in fib_map:
        return fib_map[n]

    ans = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
    fib_map[n] = ans

    return ans

final_answer = fib(n_fibs)

# create references
ref1 = pybryt.ReferenceImplementation("ref1", first_ref)
ref2 = pybryt.ReferenceImplementation("ref2", second_ref)

Interacting with Reference Implementations#

The ReferenceImplementation class defines an API for working with reference implementations. The core method for reconciling a student implementation, encoded as a list of 2-tuples, is This method is abstracted away by the StudentImplementation.check method, which calls it for that student implementation.

Storing Reference Implementations#

Reference implementation objects can be saved to a file by calling ReferenceImplementation.dump, which takes in the path to the file and uses the dill library to serialize the object. To load a reference implementation, or a list of reference implementations, from a file, use the static method ReferenceImplementation.load.

ref = pybryt.ReferenceImplementation("foo", [...])
ref.dump() # defaults to filename '{}.pkl'
ref = pybryt.ReferenceImplementation.load('foo.pkl')