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Python Pulse

Livestreams & Show Notes


Want to know what online events or livestreams are scheduled in the upcoming weeks? Check our Calendar for dates and registration links for meetups, webinars and livestreams on related topics.

Ep 19โ€‹

From secure authentication using Microsoft Entra External ID to securing your Python application using GitHub Advanced Security. Watch Now.

Securing Python Applications with Joylynn Kiruiโ€‹

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Let's talk Security! This Python Pulse will be focused on hearing from the Security Cloud Advocate at Microsoft, Joylynn Kirui @joylynn_kirui. From secure authentication to authorship; using Microsoft Entra External ID and GitHub Advanced Security. We chat about some of the ways that we can protect critical parts of our Python infrastructure.
โ“ Ask us questions during our Live Session (September 12, 11AM PT) or Replay
#python #opensource #security #github #github #vscode

Show Notesโ€‹

Show notes
๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝโ€๐Ÿ’ป Microsoft identity platform Dev Center
๐Ÿ†• Identity Dev Blogs.
๐Ÿ†• External ID Features
๐Ÿ“š Getting started with Microsoft Entra External ID extension for Visual Studio Code
๐Ÿšจ GitHub Advanced Security

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Ep 18โ€‹

We're back from a brief hiatus to talk about telemetry with your Python projects! Watch Now.

Aspire Telemetry with Python Projects with Willem Meintsโ€‹

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This Python Pulse will be focused on hearing from the Microsoft AI MVP and Chief AI Architect, Willem Meints @willem_meints, who contributed orchestration support for Python projects with .NET Aspire. .NET Aspire is an open source tool, created by Microsoft and written in C#; that can streamline development for building observable, distributed and production-ready native apps and services in Python, Javascript, Java and C#.
โ“ Ask us questions during our Live Session (August 23, 11AM PT) or Replay

Show Notesโ€‹

Show notes
๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝโ€๐Ÿ’ป Willem Mients' repo orchestrating Python projects as smoothly as C# projects with .NET Aspire.
๐Ÿ†• Check out the new tutorial on how to Orchestrate Python apps in .NET Aspire.
๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ Watch the .NET Aspire video series for a quick 101 on how Aspire works.
๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ Watch the video tutorial to set up your first .NET Aspire project.
๐Ÿšจ Example project with the Aspire Dashboard.
๐Ÿ“š Microsoft Learn Aspire Collection with repos, tutorials and documentation.

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Ep 17โ€‹

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Thrilled to have the fantastic Pamela Fox back for another episode leading up to her Microsoft Reactor Series diving into a six part series for Python web developers the full month of June. Dawn Wages @BajoranEngineer Pamela Fox @PamelaFox Python VS Code Twitter: @PythonVSCode
Check out other episodes with Pamela Fox:
October 2023 - Spoopy OSS - October Q&A with Python Cloud Advocate Team
August 2023 - E2E Testing with Playwright
January 2023 - PostgreSQL in Dev Containers and Codespaces
๐ŸŽฌ Visit The Youtube Playlist Page for more episodes.

Show Notesโ€‹

Show notes
๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝโ€๐Ÿ’ป Python Web Apps Live Stream
๐Ÿ“ Quickstart: Deploy a Python (Django or Flask) web app to Azure App Service
๐Ÿ“ VS Code Django Tutorial
๐Ÿ“ VS Code Flask Tutorial
๐Ÿ“ VS Code FastAPI Tutorial

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VS Code Insiders ProfileVS Code Monthly Profile

More #PythonPulse Episodes...โ€‹

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Check out more episodes of the Python Pulse live stream.
๐ŸŽฌ Visit The Youtube Playlist Page for more episodes.