

The Quilla module is extensively documented using the Google Docstring style (see example here), and uses Sphinx to generate the documentation.


The following Python packages are used to create all the documentation for this project




Generating docs


HTML Doocumentation style theme


Detecting type hints


Integrating markdown docs used in the repo into generated documentation


Documenting the CLI usage


Building the Docs

Building from the package directory

The preferred method for building documentation is to use the make commands provided in the root package directory.

Using environment variables or the command-line, you can further customize these options. The following table describes the variables you can use to customize the documentation process.

Variable Name


Default Values


A space-separated list of values specifying what targets to build

html man


A directory (relative to the docs directory) in which to build the make targets


For more information on customizing make targets, check out the makefile vars documentation

Building from the docs/ directory

All of the above packages are available through pip and can be installed with pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme sphinx_autodoc_typehints myst_parser. They are also specified in the file, and can therefore be installed with pip install .[docs]

To generate the docs, run make help to see what targets are available. In general, these are common targets:

  • make html

  • make man

  • make latex

  • make latexpdf

Note: Even though the latexpdf target will produce a PDF document, you need the required tex packages installed to generate it, and those are not provided with sphinx. Installing apt packages such as tex-common, texlive-full, etc. may help, but installation of the specific packages is out of scope for this documentation and should be handled by the end user.