Command-Line Usage

quilla - CLI interface

Program to provide a report of UI validations given a json representation of the validations or given the filename containing a json document describing the validations

quilla [-h] [--version] [-f FILE_NAME | -r RAW] [-i run_id] [-u BASELINE_ID] [-U]
       [--create-baseline-if-absent] [-d file] [--driver-dir DRIVERS_PATH] [--no-sandbox]
       [-P] [--indent INDENT] [--debug] [-v] [--connection-string CONNECTION_STRING]
       [--container-name CONTAINER_NAME] [--retention-days RETENTION_DAYS]
       [--image-directory IMAGE_DIR]

quilla optional arguments

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • --version - Prints the version of the software and quits (default: False)

  • -f FILE_NAME, --file FILE_NAME - A file containing a Quilla test (default: None)

  • -r RAW, --raw RAW - A Quilla test passed in as a raw string (default: None)

quilla Configuration options

  • -i RUN_ID, --run-id RUN_ID - A run ID for quilla, if manually passed in. Used to set many quilla tests to have the same run ID If no run ID is manually passed in, it will be auto-generated (default: None)

  • -u BASELINE_ID, --update-baseline BASELINE_ID - Used to update the specific baseline image associated with the provided baseline ID for VisualParity. Different plugins define different behaviour, so this is not necessarily a lossless operation. (default: [])

  • -U, --update-all-baselines - Used to update all baseline images in a Quilla test file. this is equivalent to using –update-baseline with every baseline ID that is used in the Quilla test. (default: False)

  • --create-baseline-if-absent - A flag to have Quilla create baseline images if no baseline exists when running a VisualParity test. This is not specific to a single test and will apply (default: False)

  • -d FILE, --definitions FILE - A file with definitions for the 'Definitions' context object (default: None)

  • --driver-dir DRIVERS_PATH - The directory where browser drivers are stored (default: .)

  • --no-sandbox -

    Adds '--no-sandbox' to the Chrome and Edge browsers. Useful for running in docker containers’

    (default: False)

quilla Output Options

  • -P, --pretty - Set this flag to have the output be pretty-printed (default: False)

  • --indent INDENT - How much space each indent level should have when pretty-printing the report (default: 4)

quilla Debug Options

  • --debug - Enable debug mode (default: False)

  • -v, --verbose - Flag to increase the verbosity of the outputs. Log outputs are directed to stderr by default. (default: 0)

quilla Azure Blob Storage Options

  • --connection-string CONNECTION_STRING - A connection string for the azure storage account to be used (default: None)

  • --container-name CONTAINER_NAME - The name of the container that will be used for storing Quilla images (default: quilla)

  • --retention-days RETENTION_DAYS - The maximum number of days that reports should be allowed to exist. Reports older than this amount of days will be deleted. Set to -1 to let reports be kept indefinitely. (default: 30)

quilla Local Storage Options

  • --image-directory IMAGE_DIR - The directory that should be used for the LocalStorage plugin to store VisualParity images (default: None)