Component and Module API Parity Status
This doc reports the status progress of core components modules/APIs integration for vNext. The high priority components and modules tracked here will be in alignment with the React Native Lean Core effort, others not in Lean Core we plan on shipping as separate packages in future milestones.
If there is a discrepancy here, or features are not being tracked that should be, please submit an issue under vNext to let us know.
You can keep track of our component and module API parity more closely on our GitHub project board.
Below are a list of components and their status towards parity between the lean core components you'd find on iOS and Android and the functionality we have today.
Component | vnext version Status | vnext Issues remaining | current version Status |
ActivityIndicator | Complete | - | Complete |
Button | Complete | - | Complete |
FlatList | Complete | - | Complete |
Image | Partial | Image project board | Partial |
ScrollView | Partial | ScrollView project board | Partial |
Switch | Complete | - | Complete |
Text | Complete (Some properties not supported due to device platform differences, docs coming soon) | Complete | Complete |
TextInput | Partial | TextInput project board | Partial |
KeyboardAvoidingView | Complete | - | Not supported |
View | Partial (some Style props left) | ViewStyle props project board | Complete |
VirtualizedList | Partial | No Issues Logged | Complete |
Below are a list of modules and their status towards parity between the lean core components you'd find on iOS and Android and the functionality we have today.
Also tracked are Native Modules, as they are essential, even if not part of the core set.
Module | vnext version Status | vnext Issues remaining | current version Status |
Accessibility | Partial | Accessibility project board | Partial |
LayoutProps | Completed | - | Partial |
Alert | Completed | - | Complete |
AppState | Partial | 2144 | Complete |
Keyboard | Complete (keyboardWillShow/WillHide , keyboardWillChangeFrame/DidChangeFrame will no-op in Windows) | - | Not Implemented |
Linking | Partial | 2853 | Partial |
LayoutAnimation | Not Started | 2494 | Partial |
Networking | Partial | 2460, 3178 | Complete |
Packages to be Refactored Separately
These set of components and modules are not part of React Native Lean Core and hence will be moved into separate packages in React Native for Windows.
Component | vnext version Status | vnext Issues remaining | current version Status |
Modal | Not Started | nothing logged | Partial (Beta) |
Navigator | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |
Picker | Partial | nothing logged | Partial |
RefreshControl | Not Started | part of 2113 's M3 effort | Not Started |
Slider | Not Started | not logged | Complete |
StatusBar | Not Started | not logged | Complete |
WebView | Partial | not logged | Partial |
Module | vnext version Status | vnext Issues remaining | current version Status |
AsyncStorage | Partial | 2271 | Complete |
BackAndroid | Partial | nothing logged | Partial |
Clipboard | Complete | - | Complete |
Geolocation | Complete | - | Complete |
NetInfo | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |
AppRegistry | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |
NativeMethodsMixin | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |
PixelRatio | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |
Settings | Not Started | nothing logged | Not Started |
Timers | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |
Vibration | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |
Dimensions | Not Started | 2470 | Complete |
Easing | Not Started | nothing logged | Complete |