🏠 Overview#

Version: 0.2.4

A flexible, easy-to-use library for running and optimizing prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs).


Install library only#

pip install sammo

Install and run tutorials#


  • Python 3.11+

The following commands will install sammo and jupyter and launch jupyter notebook. It’s recommended that you create and activate a virtualenv prior to installing packages.

pip install sammo jupyter

# clone sammo to a local directory
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/sammo.git
cd sammo

# launch jupyter notebook and open tutorials directory
jupyter notebook --notebook-dir docs/tutorials

Use Cases#

SAMMO is designed to support

  • Efficient data labeling: Supports minibatching by packing and parsing multiple datapoints into a single prompt.

  • Prompt prototyping and engineering: Re-usable components and prompt structures to quickly build and test new prompts.

  • Instruction optimization: Optimize instructions to do better on a given task.

  • Prompt compression: Compress prompts while maintaining performance.

  • Large-scale prompt execution: parallelization and rate-limiting out-of-the-box so you can run many queries in parallel and at scale without overwhelming the LLM API.

It is less useful if you want to build

  • Interactive, agent-based LLM applications (β†’ check out AutoGen)

  • Interactive, production-ready LLM applications (β†’ check out LangChain)


This is extending the chat dialog example from Guidance by running queries in parallel.

runner = OpenAIChat(model_id="gpt-3.5-turbo", api_config=API_CONFIG)
expert_names = GenerateText(
        "I want a response to the following question:"
        "Name 3 world-class experts (past or present) who would be great at answering this? Don't answer the question yet."
    system_prompt="You are a helpful and terse assistant.",

joint_answer = GenerateText(
    "Great, now please answer the question as if these experts had collaborated in writing a joint anonymous answer.",

questions = [
    "How can I be more productive?",
    "What will AI look like in 10 years?",
    "How do we end world hunger?",
print(Output(joint_answer).run(runner, questions))