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Releasing SuperBench v0.6

· 2 min read
Peng Cheng
SuperBench Team

We are very happy to announce that SuperBench 0.6.0 version is officially released today!

You can install and try superbench by following Getting Started Tutorial.

SuperBench 0.6.0 Release Notes#

SuperBench Improvement#

  • Support running on host directly without Docker.
  • Support running sb command inside docker image.
  • Support ROCm 5.1.1.
  • Support ROCm 5.1.3.
  • Fix bugs in data diagnosis.
  • Fix cmake and build issues.
  • Support automatic configuration yaml selection on Azure VM.
  • Refine error message when GPU is not detected.
  • Add return code for Timeout.
  • Update Dockerfile for NCCL/RCCL version, tag name, and verbose output.
  • Support node_num=1 in mpi mode.
  • Update Python setup for require packages.
  • Enhance parameter parsing to allow spaces in value.
  • Support NO_COLOR for SuperBench output.

Micro-benchmark Improvements#

  • Fix issues in ib loopback benchmark.
  • Fix stability issue in ib loopback benchmark.

Distributed Benchmark Improvements#

  • Enhance pair-wise IB benchmark.
  • Bug Fix in IB benchmark.
  • Support topology-aware IB benchmark.

Data Diagnosis and Analysis#

  • Add failure check function in
  • Support JSON and JSONL in Diagnosis.
  • Add support to store values of metrics in data diagnosis.
  • Support exit code of sb result diagnosis.
  • Format int type and unify empty value to N/A in diagnosis output files.