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SuperBench is used to run validations for AI infrastructure, thus you need to prepare one control node which is used to run SuperBench commands, and one or multiple managed nodes which are going to be validated.

Usually control node could be a CPU node, while managed nodes are GPU nodes with high speed inter-connection.


It is fine if you have only one GPU node and want to try SuperBench on it. Control node and managed node can co-locate on the same machine.

Control node#

Here're the system requirements for control node.


  • Latest version of Linux, you're highly encouraged to use Ubuntu 18.04 or later.
  • Python version 3.7 or later (which can be checked by running python3 --version).
  • Pip version 18.0 or later (which can be checked by running python3 -m pip --version).

Windows is not supported due to lack of Ansible support, but you still can use WSL2.

Besides, control node should be able to access all managed nodes through SSH. If you are going to use password instead of private key for SSH, you also need to install sshpass.

sudo apt-get install sshpass

It is also recommended to use venv for virtual environments, but it is not strictly necessary.

# create a new virtual environmentpython3 -m venv ./venv# activate the virtual environmentsource ./venv/bin/activate
# exit the virtual environment later# after you finish running superbenchdeactivate


You can clone the source from GitHub and build it.


You should checkout corresponding tag to use release version, for example,

git clone -b v0.11.0

git clone superbenchmark
python3 -m pip install .make postinstall

After installation, you should be able to run SB CLI.


Managed nodes#

Here're the system requirements for all managed GPU nodes.


  • Latest version of Linux, you're highly encouraged to use Ubuntu 18.04 or later.
  • Compatible GPU drivers should be installed correctly. Driver version can be checked by running nvidia-smi.
  • Docker CE version 20.10 or later (which can be checked by running docker --version).
  • NVIDIA GPU support in Docker, install nvidia-container-toolkit.