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Run SuperBench

Having prepared benchmark configuration and inventory files, you can start to run SuperBench over all managed nodes.


Leveraging sb deploy command, we can easily deploy SuperBench environment to all managed nodes. After running the following command, SuperBench will automatically access all nodes, pull container image and prepare container.

sb deploy -f local.ini

Alternatively, to run on remote nodes, use the corresponding inventory file instead.

If you are using password for SSH and cannot specify private key in inventory, or your private key requires a passphase before use, you can do

sb deploy -f remote.ini --host-password [password]

You should deploy corresponding Docker image to use release version, for example,

sb deploy -f local.ini -i superbench/superbench:v0.10.0-cuda12.2

You should note that version of git repo only determines version of sb CLI, and not the sb container. You should define the container version even if you specified a release version for the git clone.


After deployment, you can start to run the SuperBench benchmarks on all managed nodes using sb run command.

sb run -f local.ini -c resnet.yaml

For environments that cannot start containers through sb deploy, e.g., a Kubernetes cluster. You can create a privileged container with superbench/superbench image, skip sb deploy, and run sb run directly inside the container with --no-docker argument: sb run --no-docker -l localhost -c resnet.yaml.