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Baseline Generation


This tool is to generate a baseline json file based on the raw benchmark results of multiple machines.


  1. Install SuperBench on the local machine.

  2. Prepare the raw data and rule files on the local machine.

  3. Generate the baseline file automatically using sb result generate-baseline command. The detailed command can be found from SuperBench CLI.

    sb result generate-baseline --data-file ./results-summary.jsonl --summary-rule-file ./summary-rule.yaml --diagnosis-rule-file ./diagnosis-rule.yaml --output-dir ${output-dir}
  4. Find the output result file named 'baseline.json' under ${output_dir}.


The input includes 4 files:

  • Raw Data: jsonl file including multiple nodes' results automatically generated by SuperBench runner.

Raw data file can be found at ${output-dir}/results-summary.jsonl after each successful run.

  • Summary Rule File: It uses YAML format and defines how to generate the result summary including how to classify the metrics and what statistical methods (P50, mean, etc.) are applied.

  • Diagnosis Rule File(optional): It uses YAML format and includes each metrics' rules to filter defective machines for diagnosis, and will not filter machines if not specified.

  • Previous Baseline File(optional): It is baseline file in json format that got from previous run and plan to merge into the latest baseline.

Rule File#

Summary Rule File is the same with rule file defined in Result Summary

Diagnosis Rule File is the same with rule file defined in Data Diagnosis


The baseline file (baseline.json) from multiple machines will be generated under ${output_dir}.