Demo Notebook for the vivainsights Python package

This notebook provides a demo for the vivainsights package. For more information about the package, please see:

Loading the library and dataset

The following code loads the library ‘vivainsights’, and the function load_pq_data() loads a sample Person Query data to the environment. The first five rows of the data looks like the following:

import vivainsights as vi

# load in-built datasets
pq_data = vi.load_pq_data() # load and assign in-built person query
import warnings
Unnamed: 0 PersonId MetricDate After_hours_call_hours After_hours_chat_hours After_hours_collaboration_hours After_hours_email_hours After_hours_meeting_hours After_hours_scheduled_call_hours After_hours_unscheduled_call_hours ... Working_hours_meeting_hours Working_hours_scheduled_call_hours Working_hours_unscheduled_call_hours LevelDesignation Layer SupervisorIndicator Organization FunctionType WeekendDays IsActive
0 1 a6afe34c-8524-32d3-a368-1517b29b68cd 2022-05-01 0.0 0.0 18.675938 0.722722 18.25 0.0 0 ... 19.50 0 0 Manager 3 Manager Sales and Marketing G_and_A [SUNDAY, SATURDAY] True
1 2 d6368140-9312-380b-bbc9-9a32bcef4b83 2022-05-01 0.0 0.0 4.827803 0.925556 4.00 0.0 0 ... 8.75 0 0 Support 3 Individual Contributor Finance Sales [SUNDAY, SATURDAY] True
2 3 60bf99b0-65fd-3c3f-94fb-8ceb451d59e7 2022-05-01 0.0 0.0 1.497806 0.812806 0.75 0.0 0 ... 12.50 0 0 Support 3 Individual Contributor Product IT [SUNDAY, SATURDAY] True
3 4 93fddd74-3667-392b-ba5a-92d855772cb0 2022-05-01 0.0 0.0 59.265892 2.283668 59.00 0.0 0 ... 28.50 0 0 Director 2 Manager+ Sales and Marketing Analytics [SUNDAY, SATURDAY] True
4 5 53183116-2cb2-32ee-9042-d62eb7061407 2022-05-01 0.0 0.0 2.146806 0.520167 1.75 0.0 0 ... 7.50 0 0 Support 3 Individual Contributor Sales and Marketing IT [SUNDAY, SATURDAY] True

5 rows × 155 columns

Run visuals

There are currently several visuals that you can run with the Person Query dataset. The first of these that you can run is a bar plot, which produces a person-average (first averaging by person, then averaging by group) for the groups in question. The parameters that you can provide to create_bar() are:

  • metric - metric to analyze

  • hrvar - grouping HR variable

  • mingroup - minimum group size to display

plot_bar = vi.create_bar(data=pq_data, metric='Emails_sent', hrvar='Organization', mingroup=5)

You can also ask the function to return a summary table by specifying the parameter return_type. This summary table can be copied to a clipboard with export().

tb = vi.create_bar(data=pq_data, metric='Emails_sent', hrvar='Organization', mingroup=5, return_type='table')
          Organization     metric   n
0              Finance  46.566667  27
3  Sales and Marketing  45.625806  31
1                   HR  38.971429  21
2              Product  35.433333  21
Data frame copied to clipboard.
You may paste the contents directly to Excel.

Here are some other visual outputs, and their accompanying summary table outputs:

plot_line = vi.create_line(data=pq_data, metric='Emails_sent', hrvar='Organization', mingroup=5, return_type='plot')
vi.create_line(data=pq_data, metric='Emails_sent', hrvar='Organization', mingroup=5, return_type='table').head()
MetricDate Organization metric n
0 2022-05-01 Finance 52.370370 27
1 2022-05-01 HR 43.238095 21
2 2022-05-01 Product 38.428571 21
3 2022-05-01 Sales and Marketing 49.193548 31
4 2022-05-08 Finance 50.000000 27
plot_box = vi.create_boxplot(data=pq_data, metric='Emails_sent', hrvar='Organization', mingroup=5, return_type='plot')
vi.create_boxplot(data=pq_data, metric='Emails_sent', hrvar='Organization', mingroup=5, return_type='table')
index group mean median sd min max n
0 0 Finance 46.566667 39.6 21.739330 28.5 134.5 27
1 1 HR 38.971429 36.0 16.793366 22.1 98.9 21
2 2 Product 35.433333 33.4 6.608505 29.6 59.5 21
3 3 Sales and Marketing 45.625806 38.4 20.387577 24.4 119.0 31

Exploratory data analysis

Some functions are designed to perform a rapid exploratory analysis of the dataset, and one of these functions is create_rank(). With create_rank(), you can explore all the groupings within your population and rank them with respect to a metric you choose.

    hrvar = ['Organization', 'FunctionType', 'LevelDesignation', 'SupervisorIndicator'],
    return_type = 'table'
hrvar attributes metric n
2 SupervisorIndicator Manager+ 72.043614 6
0 LevelDesignation Director 72.043614 6
5 FunctionType Marketing 28.992283 12
1 SupervisorIndicator Manager 26.884630 11
2 LevelDesignation Manager 26.884630 11
3 Organization Sales and Marketing 25.765574 31
1 LevelDesignation Junior IC 21.447389 10
7 FunctionType Sales 21.294210 11
2 FunctionType Engineering 19.436244 20
0 FunctionType Analytics 18.348926 12
1 Organization HR 17.775103 21
4 FunctionType IT 17.698799 11
3 FunctionType G_and_A 17.478766 6
0 Organization Finance 16.694477 27
1 FunctionType Customer_Service 15.080618 12
0 SupervisorIndicator Individual Contributor 13.752266 83
4 LevelDesignation Support 12.937993 53
6 FunctionType R_and_D 12.365513 16
3 LevelDesignation Senior IC 12.062528 20
2 Organization Product 11.746185 21

This can be visualized as well:

plot_rank = vi.create_rank(
    hrvar = ['Organization', 'FunctionType', 'LevelDesignation', 'SupervisorIndicator'],
    return_type = 'plot'

Validating / exploring the data

Since HR variables or organizational attributes are a key part of the analysis process, it is also possible to perform some exploration or validation before we begin the analysis.

plot_hrcount = vi.hrvar_count(data=pq_data, hrvar='Organization', return_type='plot')
vi.hrvar_count(data=pq_data, hrvar='Organization', return_type='table')
Organization n
3 Sales and Marketing 31
0 Finance 27
1 HR 21
2 Product 21