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Generate a circular bar plot with frequency of words / ngrams. This function is used within meeting_tm_report().


tm_freq(data, token = "words", stopwords = NULL, keep = 100, return = "plot")



A Meeting Query dataset in the form of a data frame.


A character vector accepting either "words" or "ngram", determining type of tokenisation to return.


A character vector OR a single-column data frame labelled 'word' containing custom stopwords to remove.


A numeric vector specifying maximum number of words to keep.


String specifying what to return. This must be one of the following strings:

  • "plot"

  • "table"

See Value for more information.


A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the return


  • "plot": 'ggplot' object. A circular bar plot.

  • "table": data frame. A summary table.


This function uses tm_clean() as the underlying data wrangling function. There is an option to remove stopwords by passing a data frame into the stopwords argument.

See also


# circular network plot with words
tm_freq(mt_data, token = "words")
#> Selecting by n

# circular network plot with ngrams
tm_freq(mt_data, token = "ngrams")
#> Selecting by n

# summary table of text frequency
tm_freq(mt_data, token = "words", return = "table")
#> Selecting by n
#> # A tibble: 35 × 2
#>    word         n
#>    <chr>    <int>
#>  1 time       291
#>  2 focus      279
#>  3 break      125
#>  4 catch       48
#>  5 messages    48
#>  6 day         47
#>  7 meeting     47
#>  8 lunch       41
#>  9 canceled    36
#> 10 obed        26
#> # ℹ 25 more rows