Struct IEnroll4
pub struct IEnroll4(/* private fields */);
§impl IEnroll4
impl IEnroll4
pub unsafe fn SetThumbPrintWStr( &self, thumbprintblob: CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ThumbPrintWStr( &self, thumbprintblob: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate( &self, pprivatekeyarchivecert: *const CERT_CONTEXT, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetPrivateKeyArchiveCertificate(&self) -> *mut CERT_CONTEXT
pub unsafe fn binaryBlobToString( &self, flags: i32, pblobbinary: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ppwszstring: *mut PWSTR, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn stringToBinaryBlob<P1>(
flags: i32,
pwszstring: P1,
pblobbinary: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB,
pdwskip: *mut i32,
pdwflags: *mut i32,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn addExtensionToRequestWStr<P1>(
flags: i32,
pwszname: P1,
pblobvalue: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn addAttributeToRequestWStr<P1>(
flags: i32,
pwszname: P1,
pblobvalue: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn addNameValuePairToRequestWStr<P1, P2>(
flags: i32,
pwszname: P1,
pwszvalue: P2,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
P2: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn resetExtensions(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn resetAttributes(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn createRequestWStr<P1, P2>(
pwszdnname: P1,
pwszusage: P2,
pblobrequest: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
P2: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn createFileRequestWStr<P1, P2, P3>(
pwszdnname: P1,
pwszusage: P2,
pwszrequestfilename: P3,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
P2: Param<PCWSTR>,
P3: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn acceptResponseBlob( &self, pblobresponse: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn acceptFileResponseWStr<P0>(
pwszresponsefilename: P0,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn getCertContextFromResponseBlob( &self, pblobresponse: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ppcertcontext: *mut *mut CERT_CONTEXT, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn getCertContextFromFileResponseWStr<P0>(
pwszresponsefilename: P0,
ppcertcontext: *mut *mut CERT_CONTEXT,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn createPFXWStr<P0>(
pwszpassword: P0,
pblobpfx: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn createFilePFXWStr<P0, P1>(
pwszpassword: P0,
pwszpfxfilename: P1,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn setPendingRequestInfoWStr<P1, P2, P3>(
lrequestid: i32,
pwszcadns: P1,
pwszcaname: P2,
pwszfriendlyname: P3,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
P2: Param<PCWSTR>,
P3: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn enumPendingRequestWStr( &self, lindex: i32, ldesiredproperty: PENDING_REQUEST_DESIRED_PROPERTY, ppproperty: *mut c_void, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn removePendingRequestWStr( &self, thumbprintblob: CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetKeyLenEx( &self, lsizespec: XEKL_KEYSIZE, lkeyspec: XEKL_KEYSPEC, pdwkeysize: *mut i32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn InstallPKCS7BlobEx( &self, pblobpkcs7: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, plcertinstalled: *mut i32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn AddCertTypeToRequestWStrEx<P1>(
pwszoidorname: P1,
lmajorversion: i32,
fminorversion: bool,
lminorversion: i32,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn getProviderTypeWStr<P0>(
pwszprovname: P0,
plprovtype: *mut i32,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn addBlobPropertyToCertificateWStr( &self, lpropertyid: i32, lreserved: i32, pblobproperty: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetSignerCertificate( &self, psignercert: *const CERT_CONTEXT, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetClientId(&self, lclientid: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ClientId(&self, plclientid: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetIncludeSubjectKeyID(&self, finclude: bool) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn IncludeSubjectKeyID(&self, pfinclude: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
Methods from Deref<Target = IEnroll2>§
pub unsafe fn InstallPKCS7Blob( &self, pblobpkcs7: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn Reset(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetSupportedKeySpec(&self, pdwkeyspec: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetKeyLen( &self, fmin: bool, fexchange: bool, pdwkeysize: *mut i32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn EnumAlgs( &self, dwindex: i32, algclass: i32, pdwalgid: *mut i32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetAlgNameWStr(&self, algid: i32, ppwsz: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew( &self, freusehardwarekeyifunabletogennew: bool, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew( &self, freusehardwarekeyifunabletogennew: *mut BOOL, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetHashAlgID(&self, hashalgid: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn HashAlgID(&self, hashalgid: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetHStoreMy(&self, hstore: HCERTSTORE) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetHStoreCA(&self, hstore: HCERTSTORE) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetHStoreROOT(&self, hstore: HCERTSTORE) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetHStoreRequest(&self, hstore: HCERTSTORE) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetLimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment( &self, flimitexchangekeytoencipherment: bool, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment( &self, flimitexchangekeytoencipherment: *mut BOOL, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEnableSMIMECapabilities( &self, fenablesmimecapabilities: bool, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn EnableSMIMECapabilities( &self, fenablesmimecapabilities: *mut BOOL, ) -> Result<()>
Methods from Deref<Target = IEnroll>§
pub unsafe fn createFilePKCS10WStr<P0, P1, P2>(
dnname: P0,
usage: P1,
wszpkcs10filename: P2,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
P2: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn acceptFilePKCS7WStr<P0>(&self, wszpkcs7filename: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn createPKCS10WStr<P0, P1>(
dnname: P0,
usage: P1,
ppkcs10blob: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn acceptPKCS7Blob( &self, pblobpkcs7: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn getCertContextFromPKCS7( &self, pblobpkcs7: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> *mut CERT_CONTEXT
pub unsafe fn getMyStore(&self) -> HCERTSTORE
pub unsafe fn getCAStore(&self) -> HCERTSTORE
pub unsafe fn getROOTHStore(&self) -> HCERTSTORE
pub unsafe fn enumProvidersWStr( &self, dwindex: i32, dwflags: i32, pbstrprovname: *mut PWSTR, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn enumContainersWStr( &self, dwindex: i32, pbstr: *mut PWSTR, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn freeRequestInfoBlob( &self, pkcs7orpkcs10: CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn MyStoreNameWStr(&self, szwname: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetMyStoreNameWStr<P0>(&self, szwname: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn MyStoreTypeWStr(&self, szwtype: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetMyStoreTypeWStr<P0>(&self, szwtype: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn MyStoreFlags(&self, pdwflags: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetMyStoreFlags(&self, dwflags: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CAStoreNameWStr(&self, szwname: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetCAStoreNameWStr<P0>(&self, szwname: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn CAStoreTypeWStr(&self, szwtype: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetCAStoreTypeWStr<P0>(&self, szwtype: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn CAStoreFlags(&self, pdwflags: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetCAStoreFlags(&self, dwflags: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn RootStoreNameWStr(&self, szwname: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetRootStoreNameWStr<P0>(&self, szwname: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn RootStoreTypeWStr(&self, szwtype: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetRootStoreTypeWStr<P0>(&self, szwtype: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn RootStoreFlags(&self, pdwflags: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetRootStoreFlags(&self, dwflags: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn RequestStoreNameWStr(&self, szwname: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetRequestStoreNameWStr<P0>(&self, szwname: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn RequestStoreTypeWStr(&self, szwtype: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetRequestStoreTypeWStr<P0>(&self, szwtype: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn RequestStoreFlags(&self, pdwflags: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetRequestStoreFlags(&self, dwflags: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ContainerNameWStr(&self, szwcontainer: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetContainerNameWStr<P0>(&self, szwcontainer: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn ProviderNameWStr(&self, szwprovider: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetProviderNameWStr<P0>(&self, szwprovider: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn ProviderType(&self, pdwtype: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetProviderType(&self, dwtype: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn KeySpec(&self, pdw: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetKeySpec(&self, dw: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ProviderFlags(&self, pdwflags: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetProviderFlags(&self, dwflags: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn UseExistingKeySet( &self, fuseexistingkeys: *mut BOOL, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetUseExistingKeySet(&self, fuseexistingkeys: bool) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GenKeyFlags(&self, pdwflags: *mut i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetGenKeyFlags(&self, dwflags: i32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn DeleteRequestCert(&self, fdelete: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetDeleteRequestCert(&self, fdelete: bool) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn WriteCertToUserDS(&self, fbool: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetWriteCertToUserDS(&self, fbool: bool) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn EnableT61DNEncoding(&self, fbool: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEnableT61DNEncoding(&self, fbool: bool) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn WriteCertToCSP(&self, fbool: *mut BOOL) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetWriteCertToCSP(&self, fbool: bool) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SPCFileNameWStr(&self, szw: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetSPCFileNameWStr<P0>(&self, szw: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn PVKFileNameWStr(&self, szw: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetPVKFileNameWStr<P0>(&self, szw: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn HashAlgorithmWStr(&self, szw: *mut PWSTR) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetHashAlgorithmWStr<P0>(&self, szw: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn RenewalCertificate( &self, ppcertcontext: *mut *mut CERT_CONTEXT, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetRenewalCertificate( &self, pcertcontext: *const CERT_CONTEXT, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn AddCertTypeToRequestWStr<P0>(&self, szw: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn AddNameValuePairToSignatureWStr<P0, P1>(
name: P0,
value: P1,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
P1: Param<PCWSTR>,
pub unsafe fn AddExtensionsToRequest( &self, pcertextensions: *mut CERT_EXTENSIONS, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn AddAuthenticatedAttributesToPKCS7Request( &self, pattributes: *mut CRYPT_ATTRIBUTES, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn CreatePKCS7RequestFromRequest( &self, prequest: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, psigningcertcontext: *const CERT_CONTEXT, ppkcs7blob: *mut CRYPT_INTEGER_BLOB, ) -> Result<()>
Trait Implementations§
§impl Interface for IEnroll4
impl Interface for IEnroll4
§fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer. The resulting pointer continues to be owned by the
implementation.§fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer and releases ownership. It the caller’s responsibility to release the COM interface pointer.
§unsafe fn from_raw_borrowed(raw: &*mut c_void) -> Option<&Self>
unsafe fn from_raw_borrowed(raw: &*mut c_void) -> Option<&Self>
§fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
Attempts to cast the current interface to another interface using
. Read more§fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. Read more§fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
§fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. &MyApp_Impl
, not the inner &MyApp
object. Read more§fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. MyApp_Impl
, not the inner MyApp
object. Read more§fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
Attempts to create a [
] reference to this object.impl Eq for IEnroll4
impl StructuralPartialEq for IEnroll4
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for IEnroll4
impl RefUnwindSafe for IEnroll4
impl !Send for IEnroll4
impl !Sync for IEnroll4
impl Unpin for IEnroll4
impl UnwindSafe for IEnroll4
Blanket Implementations§
Source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
Source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more