Struct ICorProfilerInfo7
pub struct ICorProfilerInfo7(/* private fields */);
§impl ICorProfilerInfo7
impl ICorProfilerInfo7
pub unsafe fn ApplyMetaData(&self, moduleid: usize) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetInMemorySymbolsLength(&self, moduleid: usize) -> Result<u32>
pub unsafe fn ReadInMemorySymbols( &self, moduleid: usize, symbolsreadoffset: u32, psymbolbytes: *mut u8, countsymbolbytes: u32, pcountsymbolbytesread: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
Methods from Deref<Target = ICorProfilerInfo6>§
pub unsafe fn EnumNgenModuleMethodsInliningThisMethod( &self, inlinersmoduleid: usize, inlineemoduleid: usize, inlineemethodid: u32, incompletedata: *mut BOOL, ppenum: *mut Option<ICorProfilerMethodEnum>, ) -> Result<()>
Methods from Deref<Target = ICorProfilerInfo5>§
pub unsafe fn GetEventMask2( &self, pdweventslow: *mut u32, pdweventshigh: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEventMask2( &self, dweventslow: u32, dweventshigh: u32, ) -> Result<()>
Methods from Deref<Target = ICorProfilerInfo4>§
pub unsafe fn EnumThreads(&self) -> Result<ICorProfilerThreadEnum>
pub unsafe fn InitializeCurrentThread(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn RequestReJIT( &self, cfunctions: u32, moduleids: *const usize, methodids: *const u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn RequestRevert( &self, cfunctions: u32, moduleids: *const usize, methodids: *const u32, status: *mut HRESULT, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetCodeInfo3( &self, functionid: usize, rejitid: usize, pccodeinfos: *mut u32, codeinfos: &mut [COR_PRF_CODE_INFO], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionFromIP2( &self, ip: *const u8, pfunctionid: *mut usize, prejitid: *mut usize, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetReJITIDs( &self, functionid: usize, pcrejitids: *mut u32, rejitids: &mut [usize], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetILToNativeMapping2( &self, functionid: usize, rejitid: usize, pcmap: *mut u32, map: &mut [COR_DEBUG_IL_TO_NATIVE_MAP], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn EnumJITedFunctions2(&self) -> Result<ICorProfilerFunctionEnum>
pub unsafe fn GetObjectSize2(&self, objectid: usize) -> Result<usize>
Methods from Deref<Target = ICorProfilerInfo3>§
pub unsafe fn EnumJITedFunctions(&self) -> Result<ICorProfilerFunctionEnum>
pub unsafe fn RequestProfilerDetach( &self, dwexpectedcompletionmilliseconds: u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetFunctionIDMapper2( &self, pfunc: *const FunctionIDMapper2, clientdata: *const c_void, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetStringLayout2( &self, pstringlengthoffset: *mut u32, pbufferoffset: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks3( &self, pfuncenter3: *const FunctionEnter3, pfuncleave3: *const FunctionLeave3, pfunctailcall3: *const FunctionTailcall3, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks3WithInfo( &self, pfuncenter3withinfo: *const FunctionEnter3WithInfo, pfuncleave3withinfo: *const FunctionLeave3WithInfo, pfunctailcall3withinfo: *const FunctionTailcall3WithInfo, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionEnter3Info( &self, functionid: usize, eltinfo: usize, pframeinfo: *mut usize, pcbargumentinfo: *mut u32, pargumentinfo: *mut COR_PRF_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_INFO, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionLeave3Info( &self, functionid: usize, eltinfo: usize, pframeinfo: *mut usize, pretvalrange: *mut COR_PRF_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_RANGE, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionTailcall3Info( &self, functionid: usize, eltinfo: usize, ) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn EnumModules(&self) -> Result<ICorProfilerModuleEnum>
pub unsafe fn GetRuntimeInformation( &self, pclrinstanceid: *mut u16, pruntimetype: *mut COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE, pmajorversion: *mut u16, pminorversion: *mut u16, pbuildnumber: *mut u16, pqfeversion: *mut u16, pcchversionstring: *mut u32, szversionstring: &mut [u16], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetThreadStaticAddress2( &self, classid: usize, fieldtoken: u32, appdomainid: usize, threadid: usize, ppaddress: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetAppDomainsContainingModule( &self, moduleid: usize, pcappdomainids: *mut u32, appdomainids: &mut [usize], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetModuleInfo2( &self, moduleid: usize, ppbaseloadaddress: *mut *mut u8, pcchname: *mut u32, szname: &mut [u16], passemblyid: *mut usize, pdwmoduleflags: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
Methods from Deref<Target = ICorProfilerInfo2>§
pub unsafe fn DoStackSnapshot( &self, thread: usize, callback: *const StackSnapshotCallback, infoflags: u32, clientdata: *const c_void, context: &[u8], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks2( &self, pfuncenter: *const FunctionEnter2, pfuncleave: *const FunctionLeave2, pfunctailcall: *const FunctionTailcall2, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionInfo2( &self, funcid: usize, frameinfo: usize, pclassid: *mut usize, pmoduleid: *mut usize, ptoken: *mut u32, ctypeargs: u32, pctypeargs: *mut u32, typeargs: *mut usize, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetStringLayout( &self, pbufferlengthoffset: *mut u32, pstringlengthoffset: *mut u32, pbufferoffset: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetClassLayout( &self, classid: usize, rfieldoffset: *mut COR_FIELD_OFFSET, cfieldoffset: u32, pcfieldoffset: *mut u32, pulclasssize: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetClassIDInfo2( &self, classid: usize, pmoduleid: *mut usize, ptypedeftoken: *mut u32, pparentclassid: *mut usize, cnumtypeargs: u32, pcnumtypeargs: *mut u32, typeargs: *mut usize, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetCodeInfo2( &self, functionid: usize, pccodeinfos: *mut u32, codeinfos: &mut [COR_PRF_CODE_INFO], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetClassFromTokenAndTypeArgs( &self, moduleid: usize, typedef: u32, typeargs: &[usize], ) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionFromTokenAndTypeArgs( &self, moduleid: usize, funcdef: u32, classid: usize, typeargs: &[usize], ) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn EnumModuleFrozenObjects( &self, moduleid: usize, ) -> Result<ICorProfilerObjectEnum>
pub unsafe fn GetArrayObjectInfo( &self, objectid: usize, cdimensions: u32, pdimensionsizes: *mut u32, pdimensionlowerbounds: *mut i32, ppdata: *mut *mut u8, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetBoxClassLayout(&self, classid: usize) -> Result<u32>
pub unsafe fn GetThreadAppDomain(&self, threadid: usize) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn GetRVAStaticAddress( &self, classid: usize, fieldtoken: u32, ppaddress: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetAppDomainStaticAddress( &self, classid: usize, fieldtoken: u32, appdomainid: usize, ppaddress: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetThreadStaticAddress( &self, classid: usize, fieldtoken: u32, threadid: usize, ppaddress: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetContextStaticAddress( &self, classid: usize, fieldtoken: u32, contextid: usize, ppaddress: *mut *mut c_void, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetStaticFieldInfo( &self, classid: usize, fieldtoken: u32, ) -> Result<COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE>
pub unsafe fn GetGenerationBounds( &self, pcobjectranges: *mut u32, ranges: &mut [COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION_RANGE], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetObjectGeneration( &self, objectid: usize, ) -> Result<COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION_RANGE>
pub unsafe fn GetNotifiedExceptionClauseInfo( &self, ) -> Result<COR_PRF_EX_CLAUSE_INFO>
Methods from Deref<Target = ICorProfilerInfo>§
pub unsafe fn GetClassFromObject(&self, objectid: usize) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn GetClassFromToken( &self, moduleid: usize, typedef: u32, ) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn GetCodeInfo( &self, functionid: usize, pstart: *mut *mut u8, pcsize: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetEventMask(&self) -> Result<u32>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionFromIP(&self, ip: *const u8) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionFromToken( &self, moduleid: usize, token: u32, ) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn GetHandleFromThread(&self, threadid: usize) -> Result<HANDLE>
pub unsafe fn GetObjectSize(&self, objectid: usize) -> Result<u32>
pub unsafe fn IsArrayClass( &self, classid: usize, pbaseelemtype: *mut CorElementType, pbaseclassid: *mut usize, pcrank: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetThreadInfo(&self, threadid: usize) -> Result<u32>
pub unsafe fn GetCurrentThreadID(&self) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn GetClassIDInfo( &self, classid: usize, pmoduleid: *mut usize, ptypedeftoken: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetFunctionInfo( &self, functionid: usize, pclassid: *mut usize, pmoduleid: *mut usize, ptoken: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEventMask(&self, dwevents: u32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetEnterLeaveFunctionHooks( &self, pfuncenter: *const FunctionEnter, pfuncleave: *const FunctionLeave, pfunctailcall: *const FunctionTailcall, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetFunctionIDMapper( &self, pfunc: *const FunctionIDMapper, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetTokenAndMetaDataFromFunction( &self, functionid: usize, riid: *const GUID, ppimport: *mut Option<IUnknown>, ptoken: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetModuleInfo( &self, moduleid: usize, ppbaseloadaddress: *mut *mut u8, pcchname: *mut u32, szname: &mut [u16], passemblyid: *mut usize, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetModuleMetaData( &self, moduleid: usize, dwopenflags: u32, riid: *const GUID, ) -> Result<IUnknown>
pub unsafe fn GetILFunctionBody( &self, moduleid: usize, methodid: u32, ppmethodheader: *mut *mut u8, pcbmethodsize: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetILFunctionBodyAllocator( &self, moduleid: usize, ) -> Result<IMethodMalloc>
pub unsafe fn SetILFunctionBody( &self, moduleid: usize, methodid: u32, pbnewilmethodheader: *const u8, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetAppDomainInfo( &self, appdomainid: usize, pcchname: *mut u32, szname: &mut [u16], pprocessid: *mut usize, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetAssemblyInfo( &self, assemblyid: usize, pcchname: *mut u32, szname: &mut [u16], pappdomainid: *mut usize, pmoduleid: *mut usize, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetFunctionReJIT(&self, functionid: usize) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn ForceGC(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetILInstrumentedCodeMap( &self, functionid: usize, fstartjit: bool, rgilmapentries: &[COR_IL_MAP], ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetInprocInspectionInterface(&self) -> Result<IUnknown>
pub unsafe fn GetInprocInspectionIThisThread(&self) -> Result<IUnknown>
pub unsafe fn GetThreadContext(&self, threadid: usize) -> Result<usize>
pub unsafe fn BeginInprocDebugging(&self, fthisthreadonly: bool) -> Result<u32>
pub unsafe fn EndInprocDebugging(&self, dwprofilercontext: u32) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn GetILToNativeMapping( &self, functionid: usize, pcmap: *mut u32, map: &mut [COR_DEBUG_IL_TO_NATIVE_MAP], ) -> Result<()>
Trait Implementations§
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo2> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo2> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo3> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo3> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo4> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo4> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo5> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo5> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo6> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo6> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo10
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo10
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo11
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo11
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo12
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo12
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo13
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo13
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo14
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo14
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo8
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo8
§impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo9
impl CanInto<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo9
§impl CanInto<IUnknown> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl CanInto<IUnknown> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl Clone for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl Clone for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn clone(&self) -> ICorProfilerInfo7
fn clone(&self) -> ICorProfilerInfo7
Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
Performs copy-assignment from
. Read more§impl Debug for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl Debug for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl Deref for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl Deref for ICorProfilerInfo7
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo10> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo10> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo10) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo10) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo11> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo11> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo11) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo11) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo12> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo12> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo12) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo12) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo13> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo13> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo13) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo13) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo14> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo14> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo14) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo14) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo2
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo2
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo3
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo3
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo4
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo4
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo5
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo5
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo6
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &ICorProfilerInfo6
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &IUnknown
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo7> for &IUnknown
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo8> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo8> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo8) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo8) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo9> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<&ICorProfilerInfo9> for &ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ICorProfilerInfo9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo10> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo10> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo10) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo10) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo11> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo11> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo11) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo11) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo12> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo12> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo12) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo12) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo13> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo13> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo13) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo13) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo14> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo14> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo14) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo14) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo2
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo2
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo3
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo3
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo4
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo4
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo5
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo5
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo6
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for ICorProfilerInfo6
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for IUnknown
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo7> for IUnknown
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo7) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo8> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo8> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo8) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo8) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ICorProfilerInfo9> for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl From<ICorProfilerInfo9> for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo9) -> Self
fn from(value: ICorProfilerInfo9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl Interface for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl Interface for ICorProfilerInfo7
§fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer. The resulting pointer continues to be owned by the
implementation.§fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer and releases ownership. It the caller’s responsibility to release the COM interface pointer.
§unsafe fn from_raw_borrowed(raw: &*mut c_void) -> Option<&Self>
unsafe fn from_raw_borrowed(raw: &*mut c_void) -> Option<&Self>
§fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
Attempts to cast the current interface to another interface using
. Read more§fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. Read more§fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
§fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. &MyApp_Impl
, not the inner &MyApp
object. Read more§fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. MyApp_Impl
, not the inner MyApp
object. Read more§fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
Attempts to create a [
] reference to this object.§impl PartialEq for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl PartialEq for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl Eq for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl StructuralPartialEq for ICorProfilerInfo7
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl RefUnwindSafe for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl !Send for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl !Sync for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl Unpin for ICorProfilerInfo7
impl UnwindSafe for ICorProfilerInfo7
Blanket Implementations§
Source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
Source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more