
Struct IDebugClient8_Vtbl

pub struct IDebugClient8_Vtbl {
Show 96 fields pub base__: IUnknown_Vtbl, pub AttachKernel: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub GetKernelConnectionOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetKernelConnectionOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub StartProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: *const c_void) -> HRESULT, pub ConnectProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT, pub DisconnectProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64) -> HRESULT, pub GetRunningProcessSystemIds: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: *mut u32, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetRunningProcessDescription: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub AttachProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcessA: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcessAndAttach: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub AddProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub RemoveProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub OpenDumpFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub WriteDumpFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub ConnectSession: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub StartServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub OutputServers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub TerminateProcesses: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub DetachProcesses: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub EndSession: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetExitCode: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub DispatchCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub ExitDispatch: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub CreateClient: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub GetInputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub SetInputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub GetOutputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub SetOutputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub GetOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetOtherOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetOtherOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetOutputWidth: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetOutputWidth: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub GetIdentity: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub OutputIdentity: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub GetEventCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub SetEventCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub FlushCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub WriteDumpFile2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub AddDumpInformationFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub EndProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64) -> HRESULT, pub WaitForProcessServerEnd: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub IsKernelDebuggerEnabled: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub TerminateCurrentProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub DetachCurrentProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub AbandonCurrentProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcessWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcessAndAttachWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub OpenDumpFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64) -> HRESULT, pub WriteDumpFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub AddDumpInformationFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetNumberDumpFiles: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetDumpFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: *mut u64, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetDumpFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: *mut u64, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub AttachKernelWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub GetKernelConnectionOptionsWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetKernelConnectionOptionsWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub StartProcessServerWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: *const c_void) -> HRESULT, pub ConnectProcessServerWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT, pub StartServerWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub OutputServersWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetOutputCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub SetOutputCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub GetOutputLinePrefixWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetOutputLinePrefixWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub GetIdentityWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub OutputIdentityWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub GetEventCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub SetEventCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcess2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcess2Wide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcessAndAttach2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub CreateProcessAndAttach2Wide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: PCWSTR, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub PushOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT, pub PushOutputLinePrefixWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT, pub PopOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64) -> HRESULT, pub GetNumberInputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetNumberOutputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetNumberEventCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub GetQuitLockString: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetQuitLockString: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT, pub GetQuitLockStringWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT, pub SetQuitLockStringWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT, pub SetEventContextCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT, pub SetClientContext: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT, pub OpenDumpFileWide2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64, _: u32) -> HRESULT,


§base__: IUnknown_Vtbl§AttachKernel: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§GetKernelConnectionOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetKernelConnectionOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§StartProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: *const c_void) -> HRESULT§ConnectProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT§DisconnectProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64) -> HRESULT§GetRunningProcessSystemIds: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: *mut u32, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableName: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetRunningProcessDescription: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§AttachProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT§CreateProcessA: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT§CreateProcessAndAttach: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT§GetProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§AddProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§RemoveProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§SetProcessOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§OpenDumpFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§WriteDumpFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT§ConnectSession: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT§StartServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§OutputServers: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT§TerminateProcesses: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§DetachProcesses: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§EndSession: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§GetExitCode: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§DispatchCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§ExitDispatch: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§CreateClient: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§GetInputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§SetInputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§GetOutputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§SetOutputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§GetOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§GetOtherOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetOtherOutputMask: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§GetOutputWidth: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetOutputWidth: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§GetOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§GetIdentity: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§OutputIdentity: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§GetEventCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§SetEventCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§FlushCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§WriteDumpFile2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§AddDumpInformationFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT§EndProcessServer: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64) -> HRESULT§WaitForProcessServerEnd: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§IsKernelDebuggerEnabled: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§TerminateCurrentProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§DetachCurrentProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§AbandonCurrentProcess: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§CreateProcessWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT§CreateProcessAndAttachWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: u32, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT§OpenDumpFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64) -> HRESULT§WriteDumpFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§AddDumpInformationFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64, _: u32) -> HRESULT§GetNumberDumpFiles: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetDumpFile: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: *mut u64, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetDumpFileWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32, _: *mut u64, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§AttachKernelWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§GetKernelConnectionOptionsWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetKernelConnectionOptionsWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§StartProcessServerWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: *const c_void) -> HRESULT§ConnectProcessServerWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT§StartServerWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§OutputServersWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: u32) -> HRESULT§GetOutputCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§SetOutputCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§GetOutputLinePrefixWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetOutputLinePrefixWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§GetIdentityWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§OutputIdentityWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: u32, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§GetEventCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§SetEventCallbacksWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§CreateProcess2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§CreateProcess2Wide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§CreateProcessAndAttach2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCSTR, _: PCSTR, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT§CreateProcessAndAttach2Wide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64, _: PCWSTR, _: *const c_void, _: u32, _: PCWSTR, _: PCWSTR, _: u32, _: u32) -> HRESULT§PushOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT§PushOutputLinePrefixWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: *mut u64) -> HRESULT§PopOutputLinePrefix: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u64) -> HRESULT§GetNumberInputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetNumberOutputCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetNumberEventCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§GetQuitLockString: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetQuitLockString: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCSTR) -> HRESULT§GetQuitLockStringWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PWSTR, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> HRESULT§SetQuitLockStringWide: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT§SetEventContextCallbacks: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> HRESULT§SetClientContext: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const c_void, _: u32) -> HRESULT§OpenDumpFileWide2: unsafe extern "system" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: PCWSTR, _: u64, _: u32) -> HRESULT



impl IDebugClient8_Vtbl

pub const fn new<Identity: IDebugClient8_Impl, const OFFSET: isize>() -> Self

pub fn matches(iid: &GUID) -> bool

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.