pub struct IDebugControl3(/* private fields */);



impl IDebugControl3

pub unsafe fn GetInterrupt(&self) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetInterrupt(&self, flags: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetInterruptTimeout(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetInterruptTimeout(&self, seconds: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetLogFile( &self, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, filesize: Option<*mut u32>, append: *mut BOOL, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn OpenLogFile<P0, P1>(&self, file: P0, append: P1) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>, P1: Param<BOOL>,

pub unsafe fn CloseLogFile(&self) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetLogMask(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetLogMask(&self, mask: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn Input( &self, buffer: &mut [u8], inputsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn ReturnInput<P0>(&self, buffer: P0) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn Output<P0>(&self, mask: u32, format: P0) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn OutputVaList<P0>( &self, mask: u32, format: P0, args: *const i8, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn ControlledOutput<P0>( &self, outputcontrol: u32, mask: u32, format: P0, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn ControlledOutputVaList<P0>( &self, outputcontrol: u32, mask: u32, format: P0, args: *const i8, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn OutputPrompt<P0>( &self, outputcontrol: u32, format: P0, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn OutputPromptVaList<P0>( &self, outputcontrol: u32, format: P0, args: *const i8, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetPromptText( &self, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, textsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn OutputCurrentState( &self, outputcontrol: u32, flags: u32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn OutputVersionInformation(&self, outputcontrol: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetNotifyEventHandle(&self) -> Result<u64>

pub unsafe fn SetNotifyEventHandle(&self, handle: u64) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn Assemble<P0>(&self, offset: u64, instr: P0) -> Result<u64>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn Disassemble( &self, offset: u64, flags: u32, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, disassemblysize: Option<*mut u32>, endoffset: *mut u64, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset(&self) -> Result<u64>

pub unsafe fn OutputDisassembly( &self, outputcontrol: u32, offset: u64, flags: u32, ) -> Result<u64>

pub unsafe fn OutputDisassemblyLines( &self, outputcontrol: u32, previouslines: u32, offset: u64, flags: u32, offsetline: Option<*mut u32>, startoffset: Option<*mut u64>, endoffset: Option<*mut u64>, lineoffsets: Option<&mut [u64]>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetNearInstruction(&self, offset: u64, delta: i32) -> Result<u64>

pub unsafe fn GetStackTrace( &self, frameoffset: u64, stackoffset: u64, instructionoffset: u64, frames: &mut [DEBUG_STACK_FRAME], framesfilled: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetReturnOffset(&self) -> Result<u64>

pub unsafe fn OutputStackTrace( &self, outputcontrol: u32, frames: Option<&[DEBUG_STACK_FRAME]>, flags: u32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetDebuggeeType( &self, class: *mut u32, qualifier: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetActualProcessorType(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetExecutingProcessorType(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes( &self, start: u32, types: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetNumberProcessors(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetSystemVersion( &self, platformid: *mut u32, major: *mut u32, minor: *mut u32, servicepackstring: Option<&mut [u8]>, servicepackstringused: Option<*mut u32>, servicepacknumber: *mut u32, buildstring: Option<&mut [u8]>, buildstringused: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetPageSize(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn IsPointer64Bit(&self) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn ReadBugCheckData( &self, code: *mut u32, arg1: *mut u64, arg2: *mut u64, arg3: *mut u64, arg4: *mut u64, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetSupportedProcessorTypes( &self, start: u32, types: &mut [u32], ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetProcessorTypeNames( &self, type: u32, fullnamebuffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, fullnamesize: Option<*mut u32>, abbrevnamebuffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, abbrevnamesize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetEffectiveProcessorType(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetEffectiveProcessorType(&self, type: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetExecutionStatus(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetExecutionStatus(&self, status: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetCodeLevel(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetCodeLevel(&self, level: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetEngineOptions(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn AddEngineOptions(&self, options: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn RemoveEngineOptions(&self, options: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetEngineOptions(&self, options: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetSystemErrorControl( &self, outputlevel: *mut u32, breaklevel: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetSystemErrorControl( &self, outputlevel: u32, breaklevel: u32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetTextMacro( &self, slot: u32, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, macrosize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetTextMacro<P0>(&self, slot: u32, macro: P0) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetRadix(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetRadix(&self, radix: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn Evaluate<P0>( &self, expression: P0, desiredtype: u32, value: *mut DEBUG_VALUE, remainderindex: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn CoerceValue( &self, in: *const DEBUG_VALUE, outtype: u32, out: *mut DEBUG_VALUE, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn CoerceValues( &self, count: u32, in: *const DEBUG_VALUE, outtypes: *const u32, out: *mut DEBUG_VALUE, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn Execute<P0>( &self, outputcontrol: u32, command: P0, flags: u32, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn ExecuteCommandFile<P0>( &self, outputcontrol: u32, commandfile: P0, flags: u32, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetNumberBreakpoints(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetBreakpointByIndex( &self, index: u32, ) -> Result<IDebugBreakpoint>

pub unsafe fn GetBreakpointById(&self, id: u32) -> Result<IDebugBreakpoint>

pub unsafe fn GetBreakpointParameters( &self, count: u32, ids: Option<*const u32>, start: u32, params: *mut DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_PARAMETERS, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn AddBreakpoint( &self, type: u32, desiredid: u32, ) -> Result<IDebugBreakpoint>

pub unsafe fn RemoveBreakpoint<P0>(&self, bp: P0) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<IDebugBreakpoint>,

pub unsafe fn AddExtension<P0>(&self, path: P0, flags: u32) -> Result<u64>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn RemoveExtension(&self, handle: u64) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetExtensionByPath<P0>(&self, path: P0) -> Result<u64>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn CallExtension<P0, P1>( &self, handle: u64, function: P0, arguments: P1, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>, P1: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetExtensionFunction<P0>( &self, handle: u64, funcname: P0, function: *mut FARPROC, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetWindbgExtensionApis32( &self, api: *mut WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetWindbgExtensionApis64( &self, api: *mut WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS64, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetNumberEventFilters( &self, specificevents: *mut u32, specificexceptions: *mut u32, arbitraryexceptions: *mut u32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetEventFilterText( &self, index: u32, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, textsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetEventFilterCommand( &self, index: u32, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, commandsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetEventFilterCommand<P0>( &self, index: u32, command: P0, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetSpecificFilterParameters( &self, start: u32, params: &mut [DEBUG_SPECIFIC_FILTER_PARAMETERS], ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetSpecificFilterParameters( &self, start: u32, params: &[DEBUG_SPECIFIC_FILTER_PARAMETERS], ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetSpecificFilterArgument( &self, index: u32, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, argumentsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetSpecificFilterArgument<P0>( &self, index: u32, argument: P0, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetExceptionFilterParameters( &self, count: u32, codes: Option<*const u32>, start: u32, params: *mut DEBUG_EXCEPTION_FILTER_PARAMETERS, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetExceptionFilterParameters( &self, params: &[DEBUG_EXCEPTION_FILTER_PARAMETERS], ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand( &self, index: u32, buffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, commandsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand<P0>( &self, index: u32, command: P0, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn WaitForEvent(&self, flags: u32, timeout: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetLastEventInformation( &self, type: *mut u32, processid: *mut u32, threadid: *mut u32, extrainformation: Option<*mut c_void>, extrainformationsize: u32, extrainformationused: Option<*mut u32>, description: Option<&mut [u8]>, descriptionused: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetCurrentTimeDate(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetCurrentSystemUpTime(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetDumpFormatFlags(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetNumberTextReplacements(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetTextReplacement<P0>( &self, srctext: P0, index: u32, srcbuffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, srcsize: Option<*mut u32>, dstbuffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, dstsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn SetTextReplacement<P0, P1>( &self, srctext: P0, dsttext: P1, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>, P1: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn RemoveTextReplacements(&self) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn OutputTextReplacements( &self, outputcontrol: u32, flags: u32, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetAssemblyOptions(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn AddAssemblyOptions(&self, options: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn RemoveAssemblyOptions(&self, options: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetAssemblyOptions(&self, options: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetExpressionSyntax(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetExpressionSyntax(&self, flags: u32) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn SetExpressionSyntaxByName<P0>(&self, abbrevname: P0) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetNumberExpressionSyntaxes(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetExpressionSyntaxNames( &self, index: u32, fullnamebuffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, fullnamesize: Option<*mut u32>, abbrevnamebuffer: Option<&mut [u8]>, abbrevnamesize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>

pub unsafe fn GetNumberEvents(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn GetEventIndexDescription<P0>( &self, index: u32, which: u32, buffer: P0, buffersize: u32, descsize: Option<*mut u32>, ) -> Result<()>
where P0: Param<PCSTR>,

pub unsafe fn GetCurrentEventIndex(&self) -> Result<u32>

pub unsafe fn SetNextEventIndex(&self, relation: u32, value: u32) -> Result<u32>

Trait Implementations§


impl CanInto<IUnknown> for IDebugControl3


const QUERY: bool = false


impl Clone for IDebugControl3


fn clone(&self) -> IDebugControl3

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for IDebugControl3


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Deref for IDebugControl3


type Target = IUnknown

The resulting type after dereferencing.

fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target

Dereferences the value.

impl From<&IDebugControl3> for &IUnknown


fn from(value: &IDebugControl3) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl From<IDebugControl3> for IUnknown


fn from(value: IDebugControl3) -> Self

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl Interface for IDebugControl3


const IID: GUID = _

The GUID associated with the interface.

fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void

Returns the raw COM interface pointer. The resulting pointer continues to be owned by the Interface implementation.

fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void

Returns the raw COM interface pointer and releases ownership. It the caller’s responsibility to release the COM interface pointer.

unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut c_void) -> Self

Creates an Interface by taking ownership of the raw COM interface pointer. Read more

unsafe fn from_raw_borrowed(raw: &*mut c_void) -> Option<&Self>

Creates an Interface that is valid so long as the raw COM interface pointer is valid. Read more

fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>
where T: Interface,

Attempts to cast the current interface to another interface using QueryInterface. Read more

fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>
where T: ComObjectInner, <T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,

This casts the given COM interface to [&dyn Any]. Read more

fn is_object<T>(&self) -> bool
where T: ComObjectInner, <T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,

Returns true if the given COM interface refers to an implementation of T. Read more

fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>
where T: ComObjectInner, <T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,

This casts the given COM interface to [&dyn Any]. It returns a reference to the “outer” object, e.g. &MyApp_Impl, not the inner &MyApp object. Read more

fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>
where T: ComObjectInner, <T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,

This casts the given COM interface to [&dyn Any]. It returns a reference to the “outer” object, e.g. MyApp_Impl, not the inner MyApp object. Read more

fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>

Attempts to create a [Weak] reference to this object.

unsafe fn query(&self, iid: *const GUID, interface: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT

Call QueryInterface on this interface Read more

fn to_ref(&self) -> InterfaceRef<'_, Self>

Creates an InterfaceRef for this reference. The InterfaceRef tracks lifetimes statically, and eliminates the need for dynamic reference count adjustments (AddRef/Release).

impl PartialEq for IDebugControl3


fn eq(&self, other: &IDebugControl3) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Eq for IDebugControl3


impl StructuralPartialEq for IDebugControl3

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


default unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.